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Posted: 2002-10-21 11:31am
by Mr Bean
Bad news on the Home Front and a possible warning
Uncle of Mine was driving through Memephis Tennesie on the way to his new house when his truck was broken into
Bad Right?
Here's the Thing the truck was broken into by the door being riped off, oddity number one, Two was the items stolen, everything from Laptop and Computer Accesorys, To Hand-me down clothes like dress and such... And Six Twenty Pound Bags of Dog Food
Just heard about this roughly an hour ago and I thought I ask
Seriously(BTW the Door was Missing its not been found yet they assume it was also stolen)
Posted: 2002-10-21 11:38am
by Kelly Antilles
That is just truly fucked up. Maybe it was a group of warewolves. They needed the clothes for when they are in human form and just like the taste of dog food?
Posted: 2002-10-21 11:46am
by Mr Bean
More news, Also Stolen, Yet opened bag of $2 Dog Squeaky Toys, 1 Bag of Cat Litter + New Cat Litter Box, Also the Windsheed was smashed in on the other side for some reason, and this would be the second car in one week robed at the Hotel he was staying at.
My own Car has been broken into twice while I spent some time in DC but my unqiue method of anti-car theft provention helps(Next to the Wires one uses to jumpstar a car is a small envolped labled "If you want to steal my Car please note" Containg a nicely wored message from me in English, Spanish and Portagues along a photo of my Unit explaing that if you want to steal my Car by all means go ahead but I know twenty armed and angrey Marines and I live(At the time) next to the Local Chief of Police, your call
It seemed to work and the excellent fingerprints they left on the paper was a bonus when they where run down later(One of the SOBs made the mistake of breaking my window to get in so I got that replcaed courtsy of him)
Posted: 2002-10-21 11:56am
by Stormbringer
They're Rednecks; what do you expect?
It's probably some really dumb criminals in desperate straights.
Posted: 2002-10-21 12:05pm
by MKSheppard
Mr Bean wrote:
My own Car has been broken into twice while I spent some time in DC but my unqiue method of anti-car theft provention helps(Next to the Wires one uses to jumpstar a car is a small envolped labled "If you want to steal my Car please note" Containg a nicely wored message from me in English, Spanish and Portagues along a photo of my Unit explaing that if you want to steal my Car by all means go ahead but I know twenty armed and angrey Marines and I live(At the time) next to the Local Chief of Police, your call
It seemed to work and the excellent fingerprints they left on the paper was a bonus when they where run down later(One of the SOBs made the mistake of breaking my window to get in so I got that replcaed courtsy of him)
Heh heh heh. I like your method of theft-deterrence...although I'm more
partial to a sawn off 12 gauage hidden under the dash...try to start the car
without unhooking it, you get buckshot in the happy nuts....
Too bad that's illegal in most states (trap guns)
Posted: 2002-10-21 12:07pm
by Ted
Nice avatar.
Posted: 2002-10-21 02:17pm
by Dirty Harry
Stormbringer wrote:They're Rednecks; what do you expect?
It's probably some really dumb criminals in desperate straights.
I agree with Stormbringer here, these people are morons who will steal your stuff first and THEN think about what they could do with it.Idiots.
Posted: 2002-10-21 03:14pm
by Mr Bean
Heh heh heh. I like your method of theft-deterrence...although I'm more
partial to a sawn off 12 gauage hidden under the dash...try to start the car
without unhooking it, you get buckshot in the happy nuts....
Well see the thing is if I had a 12 Gauge its much more likley to be on my Person(Never know when Zombies might come to life) than under the dash of my Car
Oh and its much to likley somthing bad would happen
You only have to stagger out half drunk once to the car and put that Key in without unhooking it before you never can drive agian
Posted: 2002-10-21 04:08pm
by Sea Skimmer
Mr Bean wrote:Heh heh heh. I like your method of theft-deterrence...although I'm more
partial to a sawn off 12 gauage hidden under the dash...try to start the car
without unhooking it, you get buckshot in the happy nuts....
Well see the thing is if I had a 12 Gauge its much more likley to be on my Person(Never know when Zombies might come to life) than under the dash of my Car
*Picks up Olin CAWS, checks magazine* Indeed, one must always be prepared for that and every eventuality.
One thing has become clear to me over the years. People will steal anything for any reason. I know one person whose house got robbed, among the things stolen was a glass sliding door which had clearly been broken given the remaining pile of glass, and several window screens.
Posted: 2002-10-21 05:59pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Hey, at least he didn't break into a mansion to steal a cheese sandwich.
Posted: 2002-10-22 02:32am
by Vertigo1
Bean: What part of Memphis? Downtown? As a general rule of thumb, never leave your vehicle more than a few minutes in downtown.

Alot of times, its usually either broken into, or gone after that.
btw, I'm one county up.

If you're ever in the area, look me up.
Posted: 2002-10-22 02:41am
by The Yosemite Bear
Sounds like my friends in Yosemite. (The Bears actually think just about everything is food, or potential food, I am waiting for the bears to have a booth at one of the Lion's Club Swap meets.
Posted: 2002-10-22 03:26am
by Hyperion
damn, that's freaky...
my idea of theft deterrant: keypad to enter a password to disable the tazer integrated into the steeringwheel and steeringwheel housing... enter the password, then touch the steering wheel, if you don't enter it, well, you're on your ass for a bit.
Posted: 2002-10-22 03:39am
by Enlightenment
Effective vehicle antitheft device: a pet alligator or large snake. Let's see the fucking crackhead teenagers get past that.
Posted: 2002-10-22 07:51pm
by Vertigo1
Actually, an effective anti-theft device is putting chickenwire on the windows (not the windshield since it would slightly impair your vision) and electify that and the doorhandle. Have a keypad mounted on the door, and entering the correct pin cuts the juice. Only bad side to this is it would short out when it rains and kill your battery pretty damn quick.
Posted: 2002-10-22 07:53pm
by Darth Wong
The ultimate anti-vehicular theft device: Drive a station-wagon.
Nobody steals station wagons. They're simply too uncool.
Posted: 2002-10-22 07:56pm
by Colonel Olrik
Darth Wong wrote:The ultimate anti-vehicular theft device: Drive a station-wagon.
Nobody steals station wagons. They're simply too uncool.
I agree. The same with jeeps. Easy to identify, hard to transport, harder to sell.
Posted: 2002-10-22 08:06pm
by salm
jeeps are cool!
Posted: 2002-10-22 08:08pm
by Stormbringer
Darth Wong wrote:The ultimate anti-vehicular theft device: Drive a station-wagon.
Nobody steals station wagons. They're simply too uncool.
Not so. A friend of mine had her station wagon stolen. Dumbs theives but it was tolen none the less.
Posted: 2002-10-22 09:04pm
by Sienthal
To quote the entertaining
True Lies, "And you know the best part? She took the ice cube trays out of the freezer. What kind of a sick bitch takes the ICE CUBE TRAYS out of the freezer?!"

Posted: 2002-10-22 10:56pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Colonel Olrik wrote:Darth Wong wrote:The ultimate anti-vehicular theft device: Drive a station-wagon.
Nobody steals station wagons. They're simply too uncool.
I agree. The same with jeeps. Easy to identify, hard to transport, harder to sell.
Actually weren't Jeeps one of the hottest vehicles for car theives? Well, at least newer vehicles bearing the Jeep nameplate.
Posted: 2002-10-23 12:25am
by weemadando
Actually some station wagons are really hot targets. At least here in Aus. Suburu station wagons just scream "steal me! I'm fast and have room in the back for all the stuff from your upcoming ram-raid!"... But of course, I wouldn't know anything about that.
Posted: 2002-10-23 12:39am
by Sienthal
Ye aussies bring a fear out in me...A fear I have not known for many centuries...Death is upon us...THE SUBARU ONES SHALL PAY!
Posted: 2002-10-23 03:53am
by The Yosemite Bear
My tiny Chevy is it's own Anti-Theft device, wires hang loose with electrical tape and terminators where I stopped in the middle of installing a new radio, handles and other parts are missing, the primer scheme doesn't match, and it's been fixed by my Rednecked self and modified by the same, until it's up to the point were you practically have to be a Jedi or Sith to drive it. Oh, and somewhere is the homemade kill switch that keeps them from activating the ignition, if they don't know where it is....