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Japanese Festival

Posted: 2004-04-03 11:11pm
by Cornelius
Did anyone go to the Japanese music/dance/stuv festival today in Washington D.C.? It was really nice. GOod food, music, and fake karate.

THere was horrible Karaoke too! The only problem I can really think of was the lack of some true Japanese stuff. Many of the items were made in the USA. For example, one table was selling Yamate Candy bars, and he said they were japanese products. They, however, were really manufactured and packaged in the US!

Posted: 2004-04-03 11:17pm
by The Aliens
They make licorice allsorts here in Canada, I don't bitch they aren't actually made in Britain. In general, things on export cost more than things made domestically, so unless you're willing to pay about 25-50% more for a foriegn made candy, buy the domestic one (assuming there isn't a huge difference in taste).

Posted: 2004-04-03 11:19pm
by Ghost Rider
The cheery blossom festival is nice...but today I had other obligations and what missed out.

Still would've wished less rain in the past couple days here.

Posted: 2004-04-03 11:39pm
by Cornelius
Yea, the festival was nice, but the rain kinda sucked. The buildings helped to make a nice freezing wind tunnel :D

Posted: 2004-04-04 01:46am
by DPDarkPrimus
Tell me, did they call it "careiohkey" or "kareoke"?

Posted: 2004-04-04 04:38pm
by Cornelius
They were usually just foreign singers up there. Very few japanese :(