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students and part-time jobs

Posted: 2004-04-05 06:33pm
by Dahak
Just out of a spike of curiosity, but who around here is a student, and has a part time job, too? And how much do you get?
Just trying to get an idea of what is considered normal in other places...

Apart from studying, I work two days a week as a "tech guy"/administrator, and get 12,50 €/hour (around 15$). (Though sometimes the money doesn't seem to be enough in the eye of user-induced pain... :D )

Posted: 2004-04-05 07:57pm
by The Aliens
I work full time in the summer for $8 Canadian at a Summer Camp. I'm trying to get a job and a cinnamon bun shop in the mall as well, but so far, no luck.

Posted: 2004-04-05 07:59pm
by Thag
This semester, my basic workload is 12 hrs a week, broken down into three four hour shifts. We are allowed to work a maximum of twenty hours of week (since we are employed by the university, they're a little more understanding about not being able to put in full-time hours). Our base pay is $5.25/hr, with $.25 increases for every nine months spent in, and I think we max out at $7/hr. We also cover special university events or games that require reserved parking, which gets $7/hr for the people babysitting the barricades, and $9/hr for the people who stand in the road and hand out passes.

Posted: 2004-04-05 09:17pm
by aerius
During the school year I work 1-2 days a week, this provides me with about twice my expenses for the week. During the summer I work full time and make my tuition in roughly 2.5 months.

Posted: 2004-04-05 09:20pm
by Thirdfain
I work full time summers at a camp, reeling in about 2 grand for a month and a half of work, but I've been working there for years and am in a minor leadership position.

Posted: 2004-04-05 09:40pm
by Crom
I'm not a student anymore but I work part-time as a custodian in a bookstore, the 8 PM-12 AM shift.

Posted: 2004-04-05 11:24pm
by Cornelius
I work part-time. I am a student. I tutor. I make major money :)

5 dollars an hour! and most people screw me and stay 12 minutes.

Posted: 2004-04-05 11:34pm
by CelesKnight
I've worked for several years as a 20-25hr a week programmer for a web development firm ($12/hr). However, I'm about ready to quit to join a company that respects their employees... like Wal-Mart. (That last part is only partly in jest, there are days that I would quickly take a blue vest and 50% pay cut).

I've heard some students brag about making something like $40 an hour doing road construction, even simple shit like holding up a "slow" sign. I want to get in on that racket. Plus you get 6 months of unemployment, because with a pay rate that high you don't lose your unemployment benefits if you turn down normal jobs.

In Minnesota, the going rates seem to be $5-8 an hour for most unskilled, non-sweat work (like fast food and retail), although I did hear of one night shift convenience store worker making $15 an hour. Retail supervisors would be $10+ an hour. Casino dealers are another exception, bringing something like $15-20 an hour when you count tips. Skilled work is about $18+ an hour for doing programming for big firms, $8-12 an hour for doing programming for small firms. Corrections, social work, and health care all seem to be in the $15 range. Of course, you need to have the right educational background.

Posted: 2004-04-06 01:23am
by Dalton
Back in college I worked for the school's computer lab and eventually ended up making about $8.50 an hour.

Posted: 2004-04-06 12:07pm
by Trytostaydead
During the year I did clinical research which I got paid whenever they felt like paying me. During the summer, I did lab research where I was paid $11/hour. Of course, I was EXTREMELY lucky. Most "premeds" do research for free to put in on their apps.. my bosses thought I should get a little something as well.

Posted: 2004-04-06 12:43pm
by Ghost Rider
I did a part-time then to a full time for a bit while in college.

Ah to be young and stupid again... :D

Posted: 2004-04-06 01:21pm
by RedImperator
At one point in college, I was going to class full time, working in the library about eight hours a week for minimum wage, and then pulling a full eight hour shift Saturday and Sunday at a lawn and garden supply store for $7.00/hr (plus whatever tips I made loading customers' cars). Strangely, I was feeling a little burnt out by the end of the year. Can't imagine why.

Posted: 2004-04-06 03:21pm
by Laird
I tutor computer illterates at my college for $10.25 and hour.

Re: students and part-time jobs

Posted: 2004-04-06 04:26pm
by Sam Or I
[quote="Dahak"]Just out of a spike of curiosity, but who around here is a student, and has a part time job, too? And how much do you get?
Just trying to get an idea of what is considered normal in other places...

Apart from studying, I work two days a week as a "tech guy"/administrator, and get 12,50 €/hour (around 15$). (Though sometimes the money doesn't seem to be enough in the eye of user-induced pain... :D )[/quote]

Pretty much the same. I am the "computer guy" at a local museum, make around 16 dollars (USD) an hour.

Posted: 2004-04-06 06:14pm
by StimNeuro
Student assistant at the Campus Police Department making 7.50/hr.

Posted: 2004-04-06 06:21pm
by Icehawk
Ive been working part time at a Chapters bookstore for 3 years. I make $8.15/hr (Canadian). I just finnished my schooling this past December and am keeping the Chapters work till I find a full time job in the profession I studied in.

Posted: 2004-04-06 06:30pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
In less than 3 months, I'll (heopfully) be working part time at Barnes and Noble. I just need to hit the minimum age, and then grab an application.

Posted: 2004-04-06 06:34pm
by Saurencaerthai
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:In less than 3 months, I'll (heopfully) be working part time at Barnes and Noble. I just need to hit the minimum age, and then grab an application.
Good luck. I know around here, (Massachusetts, anyhow) bookstore jobs are WICKED hard to get.

Posted: 2004-04-06 06:43pm
by Joe
I don't work while I'm at school, but I work pretty hard during the summer. I do spend around 5 hours a week doing volunteer work, though; I prepare state tax returns for international students at the University.

Posted: 2004-04-06 07:05pm
by Xenophobe3691
In school, don't work, and since I can't sign up for Summer Semester I'm probably gonna get a job over the summer or something; that is, if my dad doesn't hijack my summer again like he's done for the past few years...

Posted: 2004-04-06 07:28pm
by Admiral Valdemar
I work at my Dad's packaging factory doing general labour in the Easter (doing next week) and for July and August of the summer too at $11.51/hr.

Posted: 2004-04-06 07:35pm
by El Moose Monstero
Admiral Valdemar wrote:I work at my Dad's packaging factory doing general labour in the Easter (doing next week) and for July and August of the summer too at $11.51/hr.
Git... :mrgreen: I stuck labels on clothes for 10 weeks at about $7.50 per hour. I was aiming for hodd carrying, as that pulled in about 1000 dollars a week, but they had stopped recruiting when I contacted them. They probably wouldnt have taken me, but it was worth a shot.

Posted: 2004-04-06 08:40pm
by J
I worked in the university chem library for $8 an hour during the school year, and this is hardly enough to live on. Because of my scholarship I was restricted to jobs offered by my university, and taking a better paying outside job would put my sholarship at risk and likely cause me to default on it. And so I had to do some nude modeling for a photography class to make ends meet, and that paid a boatload of university approved money.

Posted: 2004-04-07 09:21am
by Oni Koneko Damien
Let's see, at the moment, I attend school full-time (with a thirty minute commute every day), I work six to eight hours a day, three days a week (Friday-Sunday), I get a day off of school and work about once a month. Burnout? Nah.


Posted: 2004-04-07 11:50am
by Dahak
Unfortunately, most of my time of holidays (or offically "lecture free time") is consumed by learning, as the exams usually are in those times.