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Latest bad experience?
Posted: 2002-10-22 03:36am
by haas mark
Well, for me, I just saw the happy little ghost in my dorm room....
Not cool.
I'm still freaked out about it....
Posted: 2002-10-22 03:57am
by weemadando
Ha. Sucks to be you. I hate it when you cop a haunted part of a residence.
Prime example: Nixon block in Christ College at UTas. Haunted. No, really. Just nicely haunted, not blood on the walls haunted, just footsteps going up and down corridors, doors opening and closing (well, the sound of them at least) all while you are standing in the corridor going: I know that I am the only person in this block at the moment.
Posted: 2002-10-22 04:41am
by haas mark
Problem is, there's a rumor that it was once a children's asylum...I saw the ghost of what looked like a 12-yo kid.
Posted: 2002-10-22 06:54am
by weemadando
Ah, the good old asylums...
Posted: 2002-10-22 09:13am
by Mr Bean
I caught a riccshade of a .177 Pellet gun I was sending to relatives for Xmas(Got a kid who needs to learn how to shoot, going to be his first weapon)
I learn two things, One, Hard wood trees are the equivlant of tiny Trampolines for those damn pellets, two make sure you target is thick enough because while it may stop a half used CO2, A Fresh one goes right through Five magzines and a triple layer of Card-board
Posted: 2002-10-22 09:24am
by weemadando
My latest bad experience. Having my hours at work butchered horribly. I need to pay rent dammit!
Posted: 2002-10-22 09:32am
by haas mark
weemadando wrote:My latest bad experience. Having my hours at work butchered horribly. I need to pay rent dammit!
I know EXACTLY how that is....that was just before they fired me...and they're still hiring, and still cutting hours over there...

Posted: 2002-10-22 09:37am
by Kelly Antilles
Isn't that just so fucking stupid. "sorry, we have to let you go. We don't have the money to keep you on, but we're hiring more people because we're FUCKING MORONS!"
Posted: 2002-10-22 09:41am
by Darth Wong
I once got a manager to confess to me that certain people were being fired and then replaced not because they were doing a bad job, but because management thought the arbitrary firings would intimidate the other employees and make them work harder.
Posted: 2002-10-22 09:45am
by Kelly Antilles
I bet they weren't EOE.
Posted: 2002-10-22 11:46am
by Tsyroc
Darth Wong wrote:I once got a manager to confess to me that certain people were being fired and then replaced not because they were doing a bad job, but because management thought the arbitrary firings would intimidate the other employees and make them work harder.
That's great. I happen to work at a place that is touchy-feely enough that it is very difficult for them to fire anyone. About the only garunteed way is if you walk out of work.
The company policy even allows upto 3 no show/ no calls before they can fire you. Steal drugs, go into rehab and they can't fire you. I think that all of the women and some of the men I work with all get migraines, backed up by a doctor of course so they can constantly use headaches as an excuse for sickcall or special treatment. We've got at least 2 people milking the Family & Medical Leave Act.
We had a guy who worked for us for a year that did almost nothing whenever he worked. He later got caught making out with a fellow employee at work, working on his car instead of doing his job and none of this got him fired. What finally got him fired was that he didn't do his job one time too many. This time when he didn't do anything the Operations Manager and the Director ended up doing it for him. He was gone the next day. It took a year even though everyone had been complaining about him and providing proof that he didn't do his job. People that provided proof were reprimanded for checking on other employees (basically management didn't like it being pointed out that they weren't doing their jobs).
With that guy as an example of what my job puts up with you can see how we ended up keeping lots and lots of other lazy and/or incompetant people
starting with my supervisor. Basically all she does is make the schedule because she doesn't train anyone and she doesn't know enough to really work a shift anymore (she was pretty crappy when she did in the past anyway)
Posted: 2002-10-22 11:50am
by haas mark
Kelly Antilles wrote:Isn't that just so fucking stupid. "sorry, we have to let you go. We don't have the money to keep you on, but we're hiring more people because we're FUCKING MORONS!"
Wasn't really why they fired me (look at the "I just got fired" topic somewhere...). But they lose two old people and hire twenty more. AFter they've reduced full time to 27 hrs a week.
Posted: 2002-10-22 11:50am
by Solid Snake
Yeah! I was supposed to lose my virginity this friday, but both me and my gf have to work on our one day off. FUCK
Posted: 2002-10-22 11:56am
by Sylvar Fyre
SolidSnake wrote:Yeah! I was supposed to lose my virginity this friday, but both me and my gf have to work on our one day off. FUCK
how awful...
No I mean it. That really sucks.

See, I was s'pposed to spend last nite with a guy I'm dating...but it didn't exactly work I'm a lil pissed.
I guess that would be my bad thing. Not to mention I have a research paper due tomorrow. >.<
Re: Latest bad experience?
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:31pm
by Lagmonster
verilon wrote:Well, for me, I just saw the happy little ghost in my dorm room....
Not cool. I'm still freaked out about it....
What kind of experience was it? Do you have consistant experiences, or are they always different? I'm honestly interested in adding any folklore I can to my rather huge collection. Actually, verilon, even though we obviously disagree on the realities involved, I would be happy to see if my collection contains any references to your dorm that might give you some more background information, if you'd like.
Re: Latest bad experience?
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:34pm
by haas mark
Lagmonster wrote:verilon wrote:Well, for me, I just saw the happy little ghost in my dorm room....
Not cool. I'm still freaked out about it....
What kind of experience was it? Do you have consistant experiences, or are they always different? I'm honestly interested in adding any folklore I can to my rather huge collection. Actually, verilon, even though we obviously disagree on the realities involved, I would be happy to see if my collection contains any references to your dorm that might give you some more background information, if you'd like.
"folklore." Hah. Well, rumor was that the dorm used to be a children's mental ward. I am going to check up on this in the next few days. Anyways, the first time was as I had told you before...this time I actually SAW it. It was just standing there. I tried to go back to sleep, but felt it right next to me, so I had to get up and get out of my room. I was terrified. Of a ghost that looked like a 12yo boy.
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:34pm
by Darth Wong
If you want to see ghosts, you'll see ghosts. If you don't believe, you won't see ghosts. The funny thing is how believers think this means that non-believers are scaring the ghosts away, rather than adopting an objective, rational approach.
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:35pm
by Ted
So true.
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:35pm
by haas mark
Well, I didn't exactly WANT to see the damned thing, nor did I even EXPECT to see it!
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:38pm
by Lagmonster
Darth Wong wrote:I once got a manager to confess to me that certain people were being fired and then replaced not because they were doing a bad job, but because management thought the arbitrary firings would intimidate the other employees and make them work harder.
That's nothing. My wife was part of the admin branch of the Ottawa Reserach Ethics council until early this year. During a time of extraordinary cutbacks, the issue of stem cell research was front and centre. While I don't know the full story, the gist of what she told me was that they collectively figured that if they eliminated the individual researchers who were working in that field, they could avoid the controversy of the topic by legitimately claiming that they weren't involved in it.
Re: Latest bad experience?
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:47pm
by Lagmonster
verilon wrote:"folklore." Hah. Well, rumor was that the dorm used to be a children's mental ward. I am going to check up on this in the next few days.
You should plug the name of the dorm into a folklorist website. The place might have some history. At the very least, there might be a chilly campfire story to get out of it that you can use to frighten your friends with.
Also, although what Mike was saying about 'if you want to see ghosts, you will' is true, it's also true that there are specific locations which seem to generate more folklore than others, whether due to geography, local phenomena, ancient lore about the place (like occult or bloody histories), or unusual architecture.
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:48pm
by haas mark
Like I said, I didn't want to SEE the ghost...much less experience that one ever again.
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:56pm
by Larz
hmm, I tried to roll out of the wrong side of bed lately (AKA rolled into a wall)... gee, nothing reall bad has happened to me... my bad stuff karma must be adding up to drop something really bad on me... I think I'll go hide now...
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:58pm
by Lagmonster
verilon wrote:Like I said, I didn't want to SEE the ghost...much less experience that one ever again.
I can deal with that. I was in an old factory building in Cincinnati that was supposed to be haunted with a group of university kids on a 'walking tour' of the place. Now, even then I didn't believe in ghosts. But halfway through this human-blob-sized mist just fell from the ceiling right in front of me, and then must have gotten picked up by a breeze because it whooshed right through me. It was literally a fine water mist. But the size, shape, sudden appearance and floatiness of it scared the shit out of me. Here I was, a hardened skeptic, and for a nanosecond I almost laughed at the irony that I was about to get killed by something I didn't believe existed. Although, in retrospect, the only thing that scared me was the possibility that there were some kind of nasty chemicals in that mist when it blew over me.

Posted: 2002-10-22 12:59pm
by haas mark
*Larz goes to sit in a corner and swing back and forth while holding his knees and giggling uncontrollably*