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Good article

Posted: 2002-10-22 04:01am
by Vympel
Day of the armchair warriors

Iraq Invasion: The Road to Folly
Ignorant of Iraq, void of strategic vision, and viewing the Mideast through the neoconservative prism, Bush steers America toward a quagmire.
by Eric S. Margolis

Maj. Gen. J.F.C. Fuller, Britain’s leading military thinker of the 20th century, wrote that the object of war is not victory, but peace. A war that fails to achieve clear political objectives is merely an exercise in violence and futility.

In its headlong rush to invade Iraq, the Bush administration is violating Fuller’s simple yet immensely important strategic dictum. Britain’s Prime Minister Anthony Eden committed the same grave error in 1956 when he launched an ill-conceived invasion of Egypt which, like modern Iraq, had the audacity to defy a great power. The Suez operation was a military success that turned into a political fiasco.

The Bush administration is clearly obsessed with Iraq, but it has no clear plan on what to do with this Mideast version of ex-Yugoslavia once America’s military might overthrows Saddam Hussein’s regime. Nor is there understanding of how invasion and occupation will affect the Fertile Crescent, America’s client Arab regimes, Turkey, indeed, the entire Mideast.

There is also the dearth of reliable political information on Iraq from human sources that has long plagued U.S. Mideast policy. Much of the Bush administration’s current view of the region has been fashioned by neoconservatives, who hold key policymaking positions in White House, Pentagon, and vice president’s office. Equally significant, the administration’s non-electronic human intelligence on the Mideast and terrorism relies heavily on self-serving data supplied by foreign intelligence services and Iraqi exile groups.

The ideologues and Pentagon hawks driving administration policy recall the Roman senator Cato, who ended every oration with, “Carthage must be destroyed!” Few of these armchair warriors have even been to Iraq; less have ever served in U.S. armed forces, yet all are eager to send American soldiers to fight a potentially bloody war whose benefits to the United States are doubtful.

Lust for destruction is not policy, no matter how much Pentagon hawks and neoconservative media trumpets may yearn to plow salt into the fields of Iraq. Nor is the piratical proposal that the U.S. “liberate” Iraq and plunder its great oil reserves to bring “civilization and democracy” to that benighted nation.

If Washington were truly concerned about democracy and human rights in the Arab World, it could long ago have promoted democracy in the military dictatorships and feudal sheikdoms over which the U.S. exercises paramount influence: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf emirates. Instead, under the banner of a war on terrorism, the U.S. has been buttressing autocracy and despotism, most recently in Central Asia and Pakistan.

The first question, of course, is why should the U.S. attack and invade Iraq, a nation that has not committed any act of war against America? The rest of the world will rightly see such an act as naked aggression, a return to British and Soviet-style imperialism, and a personal vendetta by George Bush against Saddam Hussein.

According to President Bush, Iraq must be destroyed because Saddam Hussein might possess some hidden chemical or biological weapons (WMDs), or because Iraq might one day develop nuclear weapons, or might slip WMDs to anti-American terrorists, or simply because he is “evil.” The Bush administration’s insistence on the right to preemptively intervene anywhere on earth recalls the old Brezhnev Doctrine of Soviet days.

Why Iraq alone is a danger among the 18 nations that possess weapons of mass destruction – including India whose new ICBMs will be able to deliver nuclear weapons to the U.S. – remains a mystery. Why Saddam’s ravaged, hermetically bottled up Iraq would be more of a danger to the US than 1.5 billion Muslims enraged by America’s perceived persecution of Iraqis, Afghans, and Palestinians also remains unclear. Terrorists don’t need Iraq to concoct germ weapons, as Japan’s Aum Shinrikyo showed, and Saddam Hussein is too intelligent to invite nuclear attack by the United States or Israel by slipping germ weapons to terrorists. If Saddam had wanted to do so, he had ample opportunity from 1991-2001.

Equally unclear is why the U.S. refuses to seek diplomatic accommodation with Iraq rather than war. Saddam Hussein has repeatedly shown himself a wily survivor willing to deal with the devil, when necessary. The United States was a close ally, financial backer, and provider of arms and intelligence to Saddam in the 1980s. He is certainly not eager to face an American invasion that would bring his own demise, and would therefore welcome a diplomatic escape from the dire fate he faces.

Just before the 1991 Gulf War, this writer discovered a group of British scientific technicians in Baghdad who had been “seconded” to Iraq by the British Ministry of Defense and the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, to help Baghdad develop biological weapons. The British technicians were based at the secret biowarfare complex at Salman Pak where they were developing anthrax, botulism and possibly Q-fever for Saddam’s military – with the full knowledge and support of the British and American governments. Other British scientists were developing poison gas for Iraq. They showed me documents confirming that the feeder stocks for Iraq’s germ weapons had been supplied by the United States.

In other words, it was fine for Iraq to shower poison gas – and potentially germs – on Muslim Iranians and Kurdish rebels during the Iran-Iraq War. But once Iraq invaded Kuwait, a protectorate inherited by the U.S. from the British Empire, and once Israel felt threatened by Saddam WMDs, then it was time to destroy Iraq. But Iraq did not use its WMD arsenal during Gulf War I, though U.S. troop concentrations at crowded Saudi ports would have made ideal targets.

No matter, answer administration critics, Saddam might have some gas or germ weapons hidden away. Yes, he might. But as former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter has observed, all leftover WMDs from the 1980s have a shelf-life of only 3-5 years and are no longer lethal. Iraq may have developed a few toxins since then, but it has no delivery systems for these complex, unstable, clumsy weapons. Britain, France, Israel, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, India and Pakistan, Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, China, Taiwan – and Cuba – also have chemical weapons; some have biological weapons. Castro’s are only 90 miles from Miami.

Then, there is North Korea. Amidst cries for war against Iraq, it’s fascinating to consider Stalinist North Korea, a nation that, unlike Iraq, well and truly threatens Americans. The 37,000 U.S. troops in South Korea are within range of North Korea’s huge numbers of heavy guns, rocket batteries, and Scud missiles that can deliver tons of poison gas and biowarfare toxins. U.S. bases in South Korea, Japan, and Okinawa are prime targets for North Korean WMDs and attacks by its 100,000-man commando force, the world’s largest. North Korea has at least two nuclear devices and has repeatedly threatened to “burn” Seoul and “slaughter” American troops in South Korea. The North continues to work on an ICBM capable of reaching Japan and the U.S. mainland.

Surely on the scale of threats to Americans, aggressive, sinister and wholly unpredictable North Korea should demand more urgent attention than demolished Iraq? On the contrary, both the Clinton and Bush Administrations chose to negotiate with Pyongyang and bribe it to be good with $ 4.6 billion worth of light water nuclear reactors, oil, food, and cash. American aid feeds starving North Koreans while the US denies Iraq chlorine to purify its contaminated drinking water, the main cause of death for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children.

Why indulge North Korea while scourging Iraq? First, oil. Iraq’s oil reserves are second only to those of Saudi Arabia. Considering that the Bush administration has embarked on a long-term campaign militarily to dominate and exploit the oil of Central Asia’s Caspian Basin, it is not a stretch of imagination to believe that control of the more proximate oil of Iraq is also high on the administration’s petro-agenda.

Second, Iraq, unlike North Korea, poses a potential threat to Israel’s regional hegemony and Mideast nuclear monopoly because of its oil wealth and – at least until 1991 – industrial base. For Administration hawks who view the Mideast mainly through the lens of Israel’s strategic needs, crushing Iraq is a high priority. A shattered Iraq, divided into Kurdish, Sunni, and Shia regions, would permanently terminate any future challenge to Israel.

Iraq’s northern oil fields could then be annexed by Israel’s new strategic ally, Turkey, which has no oil. Turkey’s generals have long eyed Iraq’s oil-rich Mosul and Kirkuk regions, once part of the Ottoman Empire. Oil would transform Turkey from a financial cripple into a major political and military power, and assure its role as America’s regional gendarme.

Overthrowing Saddam Hussein and splintering Iraq would certainly be beneficial for Israel, but there are a host of arguments to be made why such aggression would be inimical to America’s interests. First and foremost, the substantial loss of American lives, unless there is a surprise coup against Saddam, in what inevitably would be a conflict fought out in urban areas where U.S. firepower and technology would be attenuated.

During the 1973 war, the crack Israeli army was forced to withdraw from Suez City in the face of stubborn resistance from dug-in Egyptian troops and irregulars. Though U.S. forces could quickly defeat Iraq’s regular army in the field, there is a high risk of prolonged urban guerilla warfare and great numbers of civilian casualties.

If Saddam does have any active chemical or biological weapons hidden away, he might well use them against American troops concentrations in the Gulf, unlike 1991. A cornered Saddam facing death might fire a few Scud missiles with chemical warheads at Israel in a Mideast Gotterdammerung. Israel warns it will retaliate with nuclear weapons if Iraq attacks with WMDs.

Virtually the entire world is against an invasion of Iraq, save Israel and Britain, and Tony Blair’s Labour Party is deeply split over the issue. Waves of anti-Americanism would intensify across the Muslim world, jeopardizing American diplomats, businessmen, and tourists. The costs of an invasion of Iraq using at least 100,000 troops would begin at $75 billion and soar from there. Reserves will have to be mobilized.

This huge cost, born entirely by American taxpayers, would come just as the Bush administration has created a yawning deficit that will inevitably trigger rising inflation. The faux war in Afghanistan, where some 12,000 US troops are chasing shadows, is costing $5 billion each month. The U.S.-installed Karzai regime rules only Kabul, and that only with the bayonets of western troops.

But the most important practical reason not to attack Iraq comes from General Fuller. What will the US do with this Mideast Yugoslavia once it conquers Iraq?

Consider Iraq’s bloody history: Britain created Iraq after World War I to acquire its oil, and put a puppet king, Faisal I, on the throne. Iraqis and Kurds rebelled in 1920 and were crushed by British troops and bombers. Iraq’s second king, Gazi, vowed to “liberate” Kuwait and died mysteriously soon after, murdered, Iraqis say, by British intelligence.

Faisal II, another British puppet, was overthrown in a 1958 military coup by Col. Kassem. The Kurds rebelled again. Kassem massed troops in invade Kuwait but was stopped by British forces, then murdered in a military coup led by Col. Aref. Two years later, Saddam Hussein seized power. The Kurds rebelled once more, aided by the U.S., Israel, and Iran. In 1979, the U.S. and Britain armed and financed Saddam to invade Iran and overthrow its Islamic regime. In 1990, Washington gave Saddam what he took as a green light to invade Kuwait.

This chronically unstable “Pandora’s Box,” as Jordan’s King Abdullah calls it, is the nation the U.S. plans to rule. When Saddam falls, Iraq will almost certainly splinter. This is the very reason why Bush père wisely decided against marching on Baghdad in 1991. President Bush Sr. and his Arab allies concluded Iran would annex southern Iraq. The only leader who could hold the nation together was the iron-fisted Saddam. Interestingly, one night in 1942, Hitler observed, “The only person who knows how to deal with Russians is Stalin. When I take over Russia, I will put him back in power.”

A gelded, isolated Saddam is far less of a danger than a geopolitical maelstrom in Iraq that might force US troops to put down Kurdish rebels seeking their own state, or battle Shias, Iraq’s religious majority. War in Iraq may spark an anti-western revolution in Turkey or reignite the Kurdish uprising there. Will the Arab world explode, as Egypt warns?

What about Iran? The same rationale advanced by neoconservatives to invade Iraq also applies to Iran, a nation of 68 million, and a greater challenge to Israel than Iraq. Will the U.S. face a lengthy guerilla war in the cities of Iraq or the lush valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, where the British were defeated by the Turks in 1916. The cost of permanently garrisoning Iraq will strain America’s already overstretched armed forces and make them less effective in responding to a genuine threat elsewhere, notably the Korean Peninsula.

The squabbling Iraqi opposition groups cultivated by the United States are sneered at even by their American paymasters, discredited because of their links to Israel, and most unlikely to form a stable regime. Whatever Iraqi general the US puts in power in Baghdad will, like all his predecessors, battle the rebellious Kurds, yearn to annex Kuwait, and inevitably seek nuclear weapons to counter Israel’s nuclear arsenal and Iran’s advantage in manpower. Iraq will be Iraq, no matter who rules. The best way to end the Mideast’s WMD arms race is to impose regional disarmament. This includes Israel, which continues to refuse nuclear arms inspection

However brutal and aggressive, Saddam Hussein has also been Iraq’s most effective ruler since 1957. It was Saddam who transformed Iraq into a modern, industrialized nation with one of the Arab world’s highest standards of education and income. Washington could yet rue the day it failed to keep this Arab Stalin in power.

America may seize and exploit Iraq’s oil in the short term, as neo-imperialists in Washington are urging, but in the long run, the cost of protecting oil installations and a puppet regime in Baghdad will exceed profits gained from pumping stolen oil. Bush is wrong if he thinks Iraq can be turned into another docile American protectorate, like Kuwait or Bahrain.

The Muslim world increasingly views George Bush’s America as set on a crusade against Muslims everywhere, a view reinforced by U.S. attacks on Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, and Afghanistan over past two decades.

There is simply no political benefit for the United States in invading Iraq.

On the contrary, such an act of brazen aggression would summon up a host of unforeseen dangers and unimagined consequences that could destabilize the Mideast and Turkey, create a world economic crisis, and, perhaps, cause the aggressive Bush Administration to commit an act of imperial overreach that permanently injures America’s geopolitical interests and, let us not forget, its moral integrity.

Posted: 2002-10-22 04:27am
by weemadando
Wow. That is a well written article.

Posted: 2002-10-22 10:16am
by Mr Bean
Ahh time to dissect
Ignorant of Iraq, void of strategic vision, and viewing the Mideast through the neoconservative prism, Bush steers America toward a quagmire.
by Eric S. Margolis
By the title Alone one can see where this is headed
And my first point before I say anything else
When did it become a "Good Idea" to tell the Media our Strategic and Battle Plans?

Maj. Gen. J.F.C. Fuller, Britain’s leading military thinker of the 20th century, wrote that the object of war is not victory, but peace. A war that fails to achieve clear political objectives is merely an exercise in violence and futility.
A sound and simple Principle, Always have an objective when going into War, nothing to disagree with

In its headlong rush to invade Iraq, the Bush administration is violating Fuller’s simple yet immensely important strategic dictum. Britain’s Prime Minister Anthony Eden committed the same grave error in 1956 when he launched an ill-conceived invasion of Egypt which, like modern Iraq, had the audacity to defy a great power. The Suez operation was a military success that turned into a political fiasco.
Terrible Terrible Comparsion! Your talking about the command of a strategic assest VS the Ability to Destroy Citys via Nuclear holacost, Sure the Loss of the Suez would be bad to the world at large but I think London disappering in Nuclear Hell-Fire would be worse don't you?

The Bush administration is clearly obsessed with Iraq, but it has no clear plan on what to do with this Mideast version of ex-Yugoslavia once America’s military might overthrows Saddam Hussein’s regime.
Begin the Bullshit!
First I'll repeat agian, When did it become a good idea to tell the General Public and the Media what our Battle Plans are? Second that was Clinton its pretty damn obvious what Clinton was(Cough Cough, Over 2 Million in un-reproted Gifts, Hands out tons of 11th Hour Pardons, lets everyone off the hook who gives him money, Oh yeah and Brokered the Peace deal along with Carter(Which won him the Nobel BTW) to PREVENT NORTH KOREA FROM AQUIRING NUCLEAR WEAPONS! What? That deal and the Millions we sent it aid? Useless? Why yes!
There is also the dearth of reliable political information on Iraq from human sources that has long plagued U.S. Mideast policy. Much of the Bush administration’s current view of the region has been fashioned by neoconservatives, who hold key policymaking positions in White House, Pentagon, and vice president’s office. Equally significant, the administration’s non-electronic human intelligence on the Mideast and terrorism relies heavily on self-serving data supplied by foreign intelligence services and Iraqi exile groups.
How did we get our Intel in the Soviet Union? Via much the same methods, Everyone from Spies to Dectors are self surving and only an idiot thinks otherwise

The ideologues and Pentagon hawks driving administration policy recall the Roman senator Cato, who ended every oration with, “Carthage must be destroyed!” Few of these armchair warriors have even been to Iraq; less have ever served in U.S. armed forces, yet all are eager to send American soldiers to fight a potentially bloody war whose benefits to the United States are doubtful.
Doubtful? Well I guess Invading Germany was "Doubtful" as we could not be sure if we removed Hitler from Power and Ended his Nuclear Weapons Program(We did not know at the time but still) would have no positive effects?

This is the same man who openly deffied every single UN law and reslouting every applied to him and is fast devopling Nuclear Weapons that will make War with him Unwinable(As in Politcily unwinable not nessary militarly)

Lust for destruction is not policy, no matter how much Pentagon hawks and neoconservative media trumpets may yearn to plow salt into the fields of Iraq. Nor is the piratical proposal that the U.S. “liberate” Iraq and plunder its great oil reserves to bring “civilization and democracy” to that benighted nation.
Dum de Dum, Guess he forgot he was building Nukes, Nope Nukes Don't Matter Dum de Dum, Oh and the Chemical Weapon attacks, guess they don't matter either dum de dum, Must allll be about Oil, Yep, Just oone cause its all about the Oil, Not about the Fact that he has murdered tens of thousands and is trying to devople weapons with range to reach the US ALONG with Bio and Nuclear Payloads to go with it....
If Washington were truly concerned about democracy and human rights in the Arab World, it could long ago have promoted democracy in the military dictatorships and feudal sheikdoms over which the U.S. exercises paramount influence
Sure long ago it could have, But then long ago we where Worried about the Soviet Union wern't we? Oh notice the nice fact of how he blamins Bush for the Falling of his preccesors
The first question, of course, is why should the U.S. attack and invade Iraq, a nation that has not committed any act of war against America?
An Attack aginst an Ally and support an Enemy is an Attack on the US. Such BS its not even funny

According to President Bush, Iraq must be destroyed because Saddam Hussein might possess some hidden chemical or biological weapons (WMDs), or because Iraq might one day develop nuclear weapons
MIGHT? WE HAVE PHOTOS OF THOSE WEAPONS! We had the head of Iraq's Weapons Programs Defect! This reminds me of the Idea in the Middle East that 10,000 Jews stayed home on 9/11, Dennying evidance right in front of his face

Why Iraq alone is a danger among the 18 nations that possess weapons of mass destruction
Notice how he counts the US AND BRITIAN IN THERE
Lets see Countries with Nukes
Some Fomrer Soviet Republics(Think about Four)
North Korea
Thats 12 who else? If anyone seriously thinks that we are going to Nuke Ourselves or France or Britian will, I'd love to have some of what your smoking.

As for his question, Which of those Countries has tested Weapons of Mass-Destruction on his own people?
Why Saddam’s ravaged, hermetically bottled up Iraq would be more of a danger to the US than 1.5 billion Muslims enraged by America’s perceived persecution of Iraqis, Afghans, and Palestinians also remains unclear.
Because India is not controled by the Muslim Popluace is it?
Terrorists don’t need Iraq to concoct germ weapons, as Japan’s Aum Shinrikyo showed, and Saddam Hussein is too intelligent to invite nuclear attack by the United States or Israel by slipping germ weapons to terrorists. If Saddam had wanted to do so, he had ample opportunity from 1991-2001.
Ahh I see, He does not have the weapons but he does but he's to smart to give them to Terriorsts, Make up your mind
And second whos to say he did not? Simple timing could be all thats happening, Why inindate the Media when you can spoon feed them terrible acts

Equally unclear is why the U.S. refuses to seek diplomatic accommodation with Iraq rather than war. Saddam Hussein has repeatedly shown himself a wily survivor willing to deal with the devil, when necessary
Nice Implication the US is the Devil there, Oh and Why seek Diplomatic accomindations? We have, WTF do you think we are doing with the UN right now you twait! Third we tried that before remeber 91? Not only did he break them he tripled his stockplies!

Just before the 1991 Gulf War, this writer discovered a group of British scientific technicians in Baghdad who had been “seconded” to Iraq by the British Ministry of Defense and the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, to help Baghdad develop biological weapons. The British technicians were based at the secret biowarfare complex at Salman Pak where they were developing anthrax, botulism and possibly Q-fever for Saddam’s military – with the full knowledge and support of the British and American governments. Other British scientists were developing poison gas for Iraq. They showed me documents confirming that the feeder stocks for Iraq’s germ weapons had been supplied by the United States.
Ooooh Reallly? Any Reason for that? Any fucking evidance for it either? Why have I not heard this being yelled from the hights by CNN if this is acutaly true
But as former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter has observed
The same one who said in 96 Confindantly that Saddam would have no Biological or Chemcial Weapons left by 97 and his Nuclear Weapons program was "gone beyond repair"
Surely on the scale of threats to Americans, aggressive, sinister and wholly unpredictable North Korea should demand more urgent attention than demolished Iraq?
Iraq-Devopling Nukes, No Missles yet
North Korea-Has Nukes, Has an Army, Will have the Missles to hit the US in less than a Year but has enough Nukes now to SE South Korea and any US troops we send in

And the global wind Currets are such that the Fall-out lands on Japan, Bonus!

Geee, Shall we wait for Saddamn to Devople Nukes to achive his stated Goal of "Destroying Isreal" or shall we get him before then and worry about how the Fuck we can handle NK any way but diplomaticlty(With Nukes the Military War is nigh impossible to win TODAY, Thanks to Clinton and Carter(Who won that Shinny World Peace Prize for it!) we don't have a CHOICE in North Korea anymore

ok ok I can barley take this BS anymore... but just read this one
It was Saddam who transformed Iraq into a modern, industrialized nation with one of the Arab world’s highest standards of education and income.
Who had over 5 Thousand people die to Stravation last year, I shudder to think of what the rest of the Arab world is if Iraq is leading it....

I can't even go on the BS is overwhelleming. Finish the rest later

Posted: 2002-10-22 11:00am
by Vympel
London exploding in a nuclear hell-fire? Oh please quit the fantasies. You think the moment Iraq acquires nuclear capability it'll somehow strike an American or Western city? That's patently absurd, and I'd like to know how having WMD automatically translates into immediately using them, and having a viable DELIVERY SYSTEM.
Doubtful? Well I guess Invading Germany was "Doubtful" as we could not be sure if we removed Hitler from Power and Ended his Nuclear Weapons Program(We did not know at the time but still) would have no positive effects?

This is the same man who openly deffied every single UN law and reslouting every applied to him and is fast devopling Nuclear Weapons that will make War with him Unwinable(As in Politcily unwinable not nessary militarly)
Oh please enough with the pathetic comparisons to Nazi Germany. Germany was a regional great power, Iraq is a dinky little country starving from 11 years of sanctions and a stunning military defeat.

War will be unwinnable with Saddam in possesion with nuclear weapons? Don't go to war then. The USA and USSR faced off for 50 years, you're telling me deterrence won't work on a tin-pot dictator like Saddam Hussein? I'm sick and tired of hearing how 'insane' he is. He's not. He's a perfectly rational ruthless tinpot, nothing more.
Dum de Dum, Guess he forgot he was building Nukes, Nope Nukes Don't Matter Dum de Dum, Oh and the Chemical Weapon attacks, guess they don't matter either dum de dum, Must allll be about Oil, Yep, Just oone cause its all about the Oil, Not about the Fact that he has murdered tens of thousands and is trying to devople weapons with range to reach the US ALONG with Bio and Nuclear Payloads to go with it....
Provide evidence for

a: he has NBC capability (biological and chemical being wiped out by 7 years of inspections, the ones that were missed being now useless because they only have a shelf life of 3-5 years)
b: he would use this capability against the US or a US ally. For 11 years Iraq has been effectively contained, and has mended fences with its neighbours, even Kuwait. Where is the evidence that all of a sudden Iraq is going to go to war, pray tell? I'm sick of hearing this bullshit that all of a sudden now he's some sort of super-threat, when his ass was kicked 11 years ago quite easily. 11 years ago, he had more weapons than he had now, did he use them? No. Why? BECAUSE HE'S NOT SUICIDAL.
An Attack aginst an Ally and support an Enemy is an Attack on the US. Such BS its not even funny
Attack against what ally? 11 years ago? The war's over. Support of what enemy? Al-Quaeda? Get real. There is no evidence (admitted to by the fucking CIA!!!!) that Iraq has supported terror since the beginning of the 1990s, and the bullshit Mohammed Atta meeting an Iraqi agent in Prague was debunked months ago.
MIGHT? WE HAVE PHOTOS OF THOSE WEAPONS! We had the head of Iraq's Weapons Programs Defect! This reminds me of the Idea in the Middle East that 10,000 Jews stayed home on 9/11, Dennying evidance right in front of his face
What photos? What weapons? This evidence has never been presented, nor has its presence been alluded to. What's more, this alleged head of the Iraqi weapons program has been thoroughly discredited- why do you think noone uses him? He's an embarassment.

What's more, even if these weapons do exist, how does this translate into a desire to attack the US with him, when his destruction in retaliation is assured?
As for his question, Which of those Countries has tested Weapons of Mass-Destruction on his own people?
The US in the 1950s-60s for one. Also, that Saddam 'gassed his own people' is a myth, made true by being repeated often.
Because India is not controled by the Muslim Popluace is it?
Ahh I see, He does not have the weapons but he does but he's to smart to give them to Terriorsts, Make up your mind
And second whos to say he did not? Simple timing could be all thats happening, Why inindate the Media when you can spoon feed them terrible acts
Nothing but assumption. The point stands- he's had ample opportunity to use his alleged WMD for terrorist acts for a WHOLE 11 years, but hasn't. Also remember that many of his biological and chemical weapons have exceeded their service life.
Nice Implication the US is the Devil there, Oh and Why seek Diplomatic accomindations? We have, WTF do you think we are doing with the UN right now you twait! Third we tried that before remeber 91? Not only did he break them he tripled his stockplies!
Outright lie. Tripled his stockpile after 1991? What the fuck are you talking about?! Provide evidence for this (though I know you don't have any, and I'm sure Scott Ritter would love to hear how the Iraqi stockpile tripled while he was there busting his ass for 7 years).
Ooooh Reallly? Any Reason for that? Any fucking evidance for it either? Why have I not heard this being yelled from the hights by CNN if this is acutaly true
Actually that the US and Britain aided Iraq's WMD programs throughout the 1980s is oft-reported in the media, including CNN.
The same one who said in 96 Confindantly that Saddam would have no Biological or Chemcial Weapons left by 97 and his Nuclear Weapons program was "gone beyond repair"
And he has not been contradicted by any evidence whatsoever. But I guess he doesn't know what he's talking about when he discusses Iraqi capacity to produce WMD ... after all he was only over there for 7 years busting his ass.
Who had over 5 Thousand people die to Stravation last year, I shudder to think of what the rest of the Arab world is if Iraq is leading it....
Due to UN sanctions that other countries repeatedly call for to be dropped but which the US remains in place.

Posted: 2002-10-22 11:25am
by Vympel
The bullshit threat against Saudi Arabia back in 1990- another LIE, like the Babies in incubators story ...

The gassed his own people story:

Posted: 2002-10-22 11:28am
by Mr Bean
You think the moment Iraq acquires nuclear capability it'll somehow strike an American or Western city? That's patently absurd, and I'd like to know how having WMD automatically translates into immediately using them, and having a viable DELIVERY SYSTEM
Straw-man:Did I SAY they would use them the instant they got them? Hardly the base fact is one Nuclear Weapons are attented ATTACKING THEM becomes Politicly unviable and because they can not be attacked they are free to devople newer and larger weapons so one day London or some-where else might suffer a Nuclear Attack because of a weapon "stolen" from Saddam's Arsonal
War will be unwinnable with Saddam in possesion with nuclear weapons? Don't go to war then. The USA and USSR faced off for 50 years, you're telling me deterrence won't work on a tin-pot dictator like Saddam Hussein?
Deterrence worked only because the other side had somthing to loose, You critsie me for comparing WII to today then Compare the COLD WAR to Today?
Your Hypcrosay is astonding, Oh and do you seriously think that we would be allowed or even would cleans Iraq with Nuclear Fire if say a 50KT bomb went off in Chicago?
I'm sick and tired of hearing how 'insane' he is. He's not. He's a perfectly rational ruthless tinpot, nothing more.
Did I nessarly say he would use them? He does not have to, as its been pointed out he's know to Harbor Terriorsts ranging from Al-Quadi to the French group who's name slips my mind ATM , he can pretty safley toss weapons to them and have them use them elsewhere while he is realtivly secure as after all they where "stolen" oh and BTW in-case your not keeping up on the times, Saddam is getting on in years and seems to becoming more and more religious.... More Fundmentlist that is
he has NBC capability (biological and chemical being wiped out by 7 years of inspections, the ones that were missed being now useless because they only have a shelf life of 3-5 years)
Burden of Proof Fallicy tied up with impossible Request. You clamin 3-5 Years while citing one former Nuclear Weapons inspector never mind providing viablity reports or how exaclty Sarion Gas can "degrade in leathlity" to begin with then ask me to fucking break the law, The Evidance is out there in what Bush has handed out already, I Could provided you with Snap-shots and Survillence Photos but you know what?
Giving that stuff to somone not cleared for it would be.... hmmm ahh I know ESPIONAGE AND TREASON and they SHOT PEOPLE FOR THAT

I'm scating far to close to the edge as it is right now even acknoledging that we have the Photos and information
b: he would use this capability against the US or a US ally. For 11 years Iraq has been effectively contained, and has mended fences with its neighbours, even Kuwait. Where is the evidence that all of a sudden Iraq is going to go to war, pray tell? I'm sick of hearing this bullshit that all of a sudden now he's some sort of super-threat, when his ass was kicked 11 years ago quite easily. 11 years ago, he had more weapons than he had now, did he use them? No. Why? BECAUSE HE'S NOT SUICIDAL.
1. He's been quote in the past numerious times as wanting to destroy Isreal and his stated goal was its destruction(Along with most of the ME who wants Isreal dead too)
2. Effectly Contained? He managed to rebuild most of his Army and get to the same point he was BEFORE the War and is within a year of having viable Nuclear Weapons
3.Iraq does not have to go to War, It can do any number of things from handing weapons off Terroists to having them "stolen" and wind up exploding elsewhere, As for why he was beat so easily 11 years ago, Very simple, He did not expect the US to retalitate and he did not have Nukes yet to make attacking him quite costly so he turned turtle, Stashed his supplies and played the I'm so sorry game while rebuilding his capabilites

Attack against what ally? 11 years ago? The war's over. Support of what enemy? Al-Quaeda? Get real. There is no evidence (admitted to by the fucking CIA!!!!) that Iraq has supported terror since the beginning of the 1990s, and the bullshit Mohammed Atta meeting an Iraqi agent in Prague was debunked months ago.
Bullshit, who said the CIA never had any Evidance? We know of a minium of four High up Al-Quadi Memebers in Iraq, We know he provided Materla Support since the fucking 1980s and thats PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE!

What photos? What weapons? This evidence has never been presented, nor has its presence been alluded to. What's more, this alleged head of the Iraqi weapons program has been thoroughly discredited- why do you think noone uses him? He's an embarassment.
Agian see above about how I'm staking to close as it is, Second where was he Discreidited Who where what? Provided some Sources!

The US in the 1950s-60s for one. Also, that Saddam 'gassed his own people' is a myth, made true by being repeated often.
Guess all the pretty pictures on CNN are fake right? Or wait your saying the Kurds where not his people, what they where just staying for the Week-end?

Nothing but assumption. The point stands- he's had ample opportunity to use his alleged WMD for terrorist acts for a WHOLE 11 years, but hasn't. Also remember that many of his biological and chemical weapons have exceeded their service life.
Agian you have yet to provided any evidance for the Bio and Chem exceeding thier service life, second thats because he did not have Nukes, Bio and Chem attacks are great aginst the Populas of other Countries but not aginst the Soilders knocking on your Door

Nukes on the other hand are just wonderful aginst Enemy Troops
Outright lie. Tripled his stockpile after 1991? What the fuck are you talking about?! Provide evidence for this (though I know you don't have any, and I'm sure Scott Ritter would love to hear how the Iraqi stockpile tripled while he was there busting his ass for 7 years).
Scott Ritter is a fucking Joke! Stop the Worship of that idiot! The evidance was distrputed of the number of Chemical weapons currently aviable to Iraq, and you seem to take everything he says on face-value but question absoutly everything everyone else says

Geee why is that?

Actually that the US and Britain aided Iraq's WMD programs throughout the 1980s is oft-reported in the media, including CNN.
You simply repeated what he said without fucking backing it up, And frankly CNN is on 18 hours a-day around here and I've never seen it reported

And he has not been contradicted by any evidence whatsoever. But I guess he doesn't know what he's talking about when he discusses Iraqi capacity to produce WMD ... after all he was only over there for 7 years busting his ass.
More Scott Ritter Worship without even knowing anything about the guy

Due to UN sanctions that other countries repeatedly call for to be dropped but which the US remains in place.
France since 95 has been trading Oil with Iraq under the Table, They do it openly now
Every fucking Heard of Oil for Food?
How much of that Money acutal goes to the Citizins?
What next Vympril? Are your going to be Screaming DEATH TO AMERICAN sometimes later on

Posted: 2002-10-22 11:29am
by Vympel
What is your problem Bean? Just because you're a mod doesn't mean it's alright for you to alter the topic name of my post because you and I disagree on war with Iraq.

Posted: 2002-10-22 11:31am
by Mr Bean
Oh and BTW your first source there is a memeber of the "Christian Science Org" so exuse me while I laugh my ass off

Posted: 2002-10-22 11:47am
by Vympel
Ad Hominem. Please deal with the arguments, if you can :roll:

Posted: 2002-10-22 11:55am
by Vympel
Mr Bean wrote: Straw-man:Did I SAY they would use them the instant they got them? Hardly the base fact is one Nuclear Weapons are attented ATTACKING THEM becomes Politicly unviable and because they can not be attacked they are free to devople newer and larger weapons so one day London or some-where else might suffer a Nuclear Attack because of a weapon "stolen" from Saddam's Arsonal
That Iraq will use such weapons against the West and the US is implicit in the case for the war on Iraq

Deterrence worked only because the other side had somthing to loose, You critsie me for comparing WII to today then Compare the COLD WAR to Today?
Your Hypcrosay is astonding, Oh and do you seriously think that we would be allowed or even would cleans Iraq with Nuclear Fire if say a 50KT bomb went off in Chicago?
Explain your reasoning for why Saddam has nothing to lose by using WMD on the US, and also, since Iraq is not the USSR, why he would be less deterred than the USSR, rather than more, considering that the USSR actually had the ability to destroy the US and NATO?

Also, explain why he would use WMD on the US.

Did I nessarly say he would use them? He does not have to, as its been pointed out he's know to Harbor Terriorsts ranging from Al-Quadi to the French group who's name slips my mind ATM , he can pretty safley toss weapons to them and have them use them elsewhere while he is realtivly secure as after all they where "stolen" oh and BTW in-case your not keeping up on the times, Saddam is getting on in years and seems to becoming more and more religious.... More Fundmentlist that is
Where's the evidence that Saddam is a religious fundamentalist? His Baa'th party is secular, and Osama Bin Laden for one hates his guts. As for Al-Quaeda in Iraq- it has been repeatedly asserted by the Bush administration but nothing has been proven- this much was admitted by the CIA more than a month ago. The only Al-Quada in Iraq reside in the North- where our Kurd 'allies' are.

Burden of Proof Fallicy tied up with impossible Request. You clamin 3-5 Years while citing one former Nuclear Weapons inspector never mind providing viablity reports or how exaclty Sarion Gas can "degrade in leathlity" to begin with then ask me to fucking break the law, The Evidance is out there in what Bush has handed out already, I Could provided you with Snap-shots and Survillence Photos but you know what?
Giving that stuff to somone not cleared for it would be.... hmmm ahh I know ESPIONAGE AND TREASON and they SHOT PEOPLE FOR THAT

I'm scating far to close to the edge as it is right now even acknoledging that we have the Photos and information

What has Bush handed out already? I'll tell you: nothing. And also, what the hell are you talking about since when do you know anything about photos and information? Are you some sort of intelligence officer :roll:

1. He's been quote in the past numerious times as wanting to destroy Isreal and his stated goal was its destruction(Along with most of the ME who wants Isreal dead too)
2. Effectly Contained? He managed to rebuild most of his Army and get to the same point he was BEFORE the War and is within a year of having viable Nuclear Weapons
3.Iraq does not have to go to War, It can do any number of things from handing weapons off Terroists to having them "stolen" and wind up exploding elsewhere, As for why he was beat so easily 11 years ago, Very simple, He did not expect the US to retalitate and he did not have Nukes yet to make attacking him quite costly so he turned turtle, Stashed his supplies and played the I'm so sorry game while rebuilding his capabilites
1: religious rhetoric
2: rebuild his army? Assertion without evidence. He hasn't taken a weapons delivery in 11 years. Sanctions, remember. No major weapons purchases have been made, because no one will sell to him.
3: And why would it do any of these things? What does Saddam stand to gain?

Bullshit, who said the CIA never had any Evidance? We know of a minium of four High up Al-Quadi Memebers in Iraq, We know he provided Materla Support since the fucking 1980s and thats PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE!
Interesting, Al-Quada didn't exist in the 1980s, because Osama was off in Afghanistan fighting the Soviets with the support of many Middle Eastern countries, not just Iraq, not to mention the US.

As for the CIA on Iraq: here's your evidence ... 76,00.html ... 186933.DTL

Agian see above about how I'm staking to close as it is, Second where was he Discreidited Who where what? Provided some Sources
Don't have it bookmarked. Will get back to you.
Guess all the pretty pictures on CNN are fake right? Or wait your saying the Kurds where not his people, what they where just staying for the Week-end?
Read the URL I posted please.

Agian you have yet to provided any evidance for the Bio and Chem exceeding thier service life, second thats because he did not have Nukes, Bio and Chem attacks are great aginst the Populas of other Countries but not aginst the Soilders knocking on your Door
Jeez how ridiculous. I'm supposed to provide evidence for something a UN weapons inspector should know about?!

Scott Ritter is a fucking Joke! Stop the Worship of that idiot! The evidance was distrputed of the number of Chemical weapons currently aviable to Iraq, and you seem to take everything he says on face-value but question absoutly everything everyone else says
What a surprise, you outright lied that he had 'tripled' his stockpile and didn't back it up with any evidence.

As for Scott Ritter: he fought in 1991 in Desert Storm (USMC), he was in Iraq looking for WMD for seven years, and left the country in 1998 when Richard Butler ordered everyone to leave, without UN Security Council approval. He has now been disgustingly smeared as a Hanoi Jane for speaking out against US govt policy. Now, why dont YOU provide some sources.
You simply repeated what he said without fucking backing it up, And frankly CNN is on 18 hours a-day around here and I've never seen it reported
Fine then, live in your fantasy world where the US and Britain didn't support Iraqi WMD development in the 1980s. How much evidence should I provide?
More Scott Ritter Worship without even knowing anything about the guy
Why should I doubt his credibility? Is he a liar? Why don't you provide reasons as to why he's not credible?

France since 95 has been trading Oil with Iraq under the Table, They do it openly now
Every fucking Heard of Oil for Food?
How much of that Money acutal goes to the Citizins?
What next Vympril? Are your going to be Screaming DEATH TO AMERICAN sometimes later on
"Nearly all oil sales money has been controlled through United Nations officials, subject to over 35% reduction for reparations (Iraq is forbidden to contest any claim) and UN expenses, and subject to Washington's veto and foot dragging--usually some $5 billion of reconstruction supples are held up usually months for even the simplest decision). Washington allowed food and medicine imports, but almost nothing else. For nearly ten years it blockaded chlorine to sanitize the water and any equipment to rebuild the electricity grid, sanitation and irrigation facilities. Even pencils for school children were prohibited. (A NY TIMES editorial 2/11/01 reports, "currently American diplomats are holding up billions of dollars of imports needed for civilian transportation, electric power generation...and even medical treatment"). Finally the Europeans rebelled at the cruelty and shamed Washington into allowing such imports, (NY Times 12/6/00). However, as of 12/2/01 about $1 billion of electric and other machinery has been held up for a year by Washington. Until oil prices increased in 2000, sales ran about $4 billion yearly minus about 35% withheld by UN left 2.6 billion divided by 20 million population = $130 per year per person = 36 cents per day per person for food, medicine. Iraq needed to rebuild its agriculture and transport infrastructure to feed itself, but this was prevented by Washington.

Washington blockaded supplies to rebuild Iraq's bombed oil production and refining facilities since 10 years, although it went to war supposedly to assure oil supplies for the world. Iraq is now also getting substantial monies through sales of smuggled oil, especially since the price of oil went up and the rest of the world tires of the American blockade. No doubt some of this goes for weapons purchases."

Also, FUCK YOU, what fucking right do you have to say that I'll be screaming "death to america" simply because I disagree on Iraq?

Posted: 2002-10-22 11:57am
by Ted
Bean, you're really getting egotistical, maybe if you lost your mod powers you'd become fairly normal again.

Posted: 2002-10-22 12:21pm
by Darth Wong
I agree that Mr Bean is overreacting. He may disagree, but the post was not trollish, nor was it rehashing old arguments. Vympel simply brought our attention to an interesting article.

{EDIT: Vympel, I believe you can simply edit it back if you want}

Posted: 2002-10-22 12:29pm
by Vympel
Ah yes; forgot about that heh.

After seeing that Mr Bean had altered the subject title, I got quite mad. Yes, I'm anti-war against Iraq (and I think there are good reasons as to why the US shouldn't attack)- but that doesn't mean I'm some psycho Islamic fundamentalist who screams "death to america" ...

Posted: 2002-10-22 05:21pm
by Mr Bean
Ok back sorry for the delay(Well at least by my 24/7 standereds) but if you remeber eariler mention the relative whos car was broken into in Memphis, well I was off giving them a ride back from the Dealership(1 Door+Window and fittings understanbly is not a typical or easy to instal part)

Anyway back to the subject at hand

That Iraq will use such weapons against the West and the US is implicit in the case for the war on Iraq
Its never been though for a moment Saddam was going to have a Missle anytime soon with enough power to hit the US and admitly he is to high profile to do somthing as Mail it

White House
Only to be opened by Geroge W on the Senate floor, be sure to have all your friends there Signed

Use it in some other way was the implicit part
Explain your reasoning for why Saddam has nothing to lose by using WMD on the US, and also, since Iraq is not the USSR, why he would be less deterred than the USSR, rather than more, considering that the USSR actually had the ability to destroy the US and NATO?
Saddam is getting on in the years and he's getting more Religious if five ten years from now he's facing death from Cancer in a few months and the Clerics are telling him that he's going to be burning for all his crimes unless he does somthing to make it up... What do you think will happen?

The USSR was more indimated for two reason, 1. Thier Mostly Atheists, You die you Die to bad, 2. That had so much more to loose, 3. The very nature of the USSR, they did not have a Single man who could say Nuke the USA one hour from now and no one could tell him no, Now the US Presidant can do that but then he is elected and still has to be authorised when in peace-time. Now if Saddam in a fit of rage decides to blow somthing up, no-body can tell him no, remeber that, he picks people who will follow him 100% and is know to kill those that tell him no.
Now can you see Saddam fearing death and damination might want to strike one last blow to kill a bunch of infidels in his last moments of life, Are we going to Nuke Iraq? What he hops a transport and goes to Mecca while the Bombs are going off, Will Nuke SA just to get him?
Where's the evidence that Saddam is a religious fundamentalist? His Baa'th party is secular, and Osama Bin Laden for one hates his guts.
I never said that he was, I'm simply saying that he is starting to hang around with these people in his advancing age, as he gets older he's going to be thinking more and more about death and whos there preeching 24/7 about what happens to Evil Despot rulers after Death?
Time ran a great pieace on this August 7th if I remeber correctly
As for Al-Quaeda in Iraq- it has been repeatedly asserted by the Bush administration but nothing has been proven- this much was admitted by the CIA more than a month ago.
Here is where the diffrence lies, Its one thing to know its another thing to be able to SAFLEY prove

If we had say Saddam's Grand-Son on our pay role and he sees evidance of a Secret Plan to attack saay Mexcio via giant ballons(I'm being rediculius for a reason) we can safly say Gee I hope Saddam's not going to invade anyone, However if we say, Gee I hope they are not going to attack Mexico would be iffy and certinaly mentioning the Giant Ballons would get Saddam to look and see who saw that plan and endanger our source

There is what is know and what can be proven, Would you like Confiormation of his Nuclear Weapons Program which results in the Deaths of half a dozen of American agents in Iraq?

What has Bush handed out already? I'll tell you: nothing. And also, what the hell are you talking about since when do you know anything about photos and information? Are you some sort of intelligence officer
As I've mentined before my traing and Job are as a Navy Cyrpotolgist though I work the hardware end as a Secure Network Admin

1: religious rhetoric
Earily you demand evidance of Religious Fundism and claimed he was backed by Secluar people, which exact point would you trying to refute there? Is he a religious Nut-job so don't take anything he says serious? Or is he not religious but still lieing, Or as you said eariler is he a cold rational invidual who happen to be lieing in this case? What exactly DO you think Saddam is?
2: rebuild his army? Assertion without evidence. He hasn't taken a weapons delivery in 11 years.
Guess all those Tanks we blew up during the Gulf War put themsleves back togther and ammo magicly appears every night in the magic ammo bin and flys into the Tank loaders while they run excerises, The the magic tools that never break down fix the tanks till thier better than new for over 11 years

Are you seriously telling me that Saddam has the same or more Military Hardware today then he did in 91 in some Catogrys and he never taken a weapons delivery in 11 years?
What did his cousin sign for all of it?

3: And why would it do any of these things? What does Saddam stand to gain?
Domince in the Middle East, with Nuclear Weapons to back him up he can extent an extreme amount of pressure on any of the other OPEC Countries(What? No rasing the Price? How about if I NUKE YA, HA!)
His ultimate goal will has and always will be control of the Middle East and going to ground and playing the I'm so sorry game for a few years is a set-back sure but at least he's still in power and it just pushs things back a few years

Not at all I asked for Evidance that your asseration that the CIA had said that Al-Quadi and Other Terrirost Groups had no ties to Iraq, instead you give me three stroies about the Director of the CIA saying that Saddam's not likley to use WMD unless attack, While a nice evidance if present as such for NOT attacking Iraq it does not answear my orgional request unless you can provided

You said
There is no evidence (admitted to by the fucking CIA!!!!) that Iraq has supported terror since the beginning of the 1990s
I'm still wating on evidance for that
Read the URL I posted please.
I did, I found your first site, sited no sources besies "The Christian Science Monitor" and you second Link was written by Jude Wanniski A ECNOMICS ADVISOR

How either of those two sites without citing any sources(Aside from "Russia Photo graphs never publicly realsed")

Jeez how ridiculous. I'm supposed to provide evidence for something a UN weapons inspector should know about?!
Its called not taking things at Face Value, Lets dig back ok?

Lets see what Ritter said in 1998
When Ritter resigned in 1998, calling the inspection program a sham, he testified in Congress:

"Iraq is not disarmed. Iraq still poses a real and meaningful threat to its neighbors."
From the ... 339147.htm

Heres a nice story on Ritters Crebility on

Some choice ones
Iraq could completely resurrect its weapons of mass destruction programs "within a period of six months," he told a Senate committee that year. As for Saddam, Ritter said he "remains an ugly threat to his neighbors and to world peace."
That leaves us to consider ulterior motives. One popular theory, recently advanced by Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard, holds that Ritter has essentially been bought off. By his own admission, Ritter accepted $400,000 in funding two years ago from an Iraqi-American businessman named Shakir al-Khafaji. Ritter used the money to visit Baghdad and film a documentary purporting to tell the true story of the weapons inspections (which in his telling were corrupted by sinister American manipulation). As Hayes has reported, al-Khafaji is openly sympathetic to Saddam and regularly sponsors anti-American conferences in Baghdad. Al-Khafaji seems to have gotten his money's worth: The documentary was so anti-U.S., says one of Ritter's former U.N. colleagues, that Iraqi officials were passing out copies of it on CD-ROM at a recent international conference.
So we have a few news storys(I left some out if your not conviced I have more)
That Ritter not only took money from a Pro-Saddam person but is contradicting himself in 98 when he said the Inspectros where a joke and Saddam could have everything up and running agian in 6 months
And when did he kick inspectors out? What 2? 3 Years now?

Fine then, live in your fantasy world where the US and Britain didn't support Iraqi WMD development in the 1980s. How much evidence should I provide?
How about any? No quotes no Comments just "It was on CNN alot"

Never when never how? How about some acutal sources like I've been doing

Why should I doubt his credibility? Is he a liar? Why don't you provide reasons as to why he's not credible?
See above :roll:

Also, FUCK YOU, what fucking right do you have to say that I'll be screaming "death to america" simply because I disagree on Iraq?
Not because you disagreing but because what your saying is the Ralling Cry OF this idiots screaming Death to American that despite the fact that Saddam's Military has been rebuild along with many other Military things his people still starve

Do you have any numbers on how much it takes to feed a country? Do you know how little it takes to keep people from Starving to death?

While the Oil for Food Program was running all the new things that Saddam built inculding enlarging most of those Palacies(If I remeber corretly don't quote me on this but during that time he went from 5 SM of those Palaces to todays 12 SM)

I'll admit some of the things blocked where dumb some because they can be used as weapons(Clothrine for one) but to lay responsiblity entirly on the UN and the USA when if he acutal care about the people all those Billions over the year he aquire in under the table deals with France(And China apprently according to yesterday Power-Lunch on CNBC) if he wanted to keep his people feed he could have, I ask you how where the people before 91? Before the Sanctions where put in place? Where they are better off?

Your whole aurgment rests on a few things, One is Scott Ritters Crebility which as I've provided is in question, two is bone-head moves by the US when it comes to Sanctions(Which I'll Conceeded) and third is Ritters assert that Saddam does not have any WMD though he could have also according to him Rebuilt it in under six months and Saddam's had over 2 years

So where exaclty do Ritters Loyalties lay?

Posted: 2002-10-23 12:04am
by Vympel
Mr Bean wrote:Ok back sorry for the delay(Well at least by my 24/7 standereds) but if you remeber eariler mention the relative whos car was broken into in Memphis, well I was off giving them a ride back from the Dealership(1 Door+Window and fittings understanbly is not a typical or easy to instal part)

Anyway back to the subject at hand
Its never been though for a moment Saddam was going to have a Missle anytime soon with enough power to hit the US and admitly he is to high profile to do somthing as Mail it
And I have provided sources saying that it is the CIA's opinion that Saddam will not use his alleged WMD unless backed into a corner.

Saddam is getting on in the years and he's getting more Religious if five ten years from now he's facing death from Cancer in a few months and the Clerics are telling him that he's going to be burning for all his crimes unless he does somthing to make it up... What do you think will happen?

The USSR was more indimated for two reason, 1. Thier Mostly Atheists, You die you Die to bad, 2. That had so much more to loose, 3. The very nature of the USSR, they did not have a Single man who could say Nuke the USA one hour from now and no one could tell him no, Now the US Presidant can do that but then he is elected and still has to be authorised when in peace-time. Now if Saddam in a fit of rage decides to blow somthing up, no-body can tell him no, remeber that, he picks people who will follow him 100% and is know to kill those that tell him no.
Now can you see Saddam fearing death and damination might want to strike one last blow to kill a bunch of infidels in his last moments of life, Are we going to Nuke Iraq? What he hops a transport and goes to Mecca while the Bombs are going off, Will Nuke SA just to get him?
Evidence for saying that Saddam is getting increasingly religious? And also is it not a leap of logic to say that he is getting increasingly religious and then to say he'll atone for his 'crimes' by blowing up Israel?
Here is where the diffrence lies, Its one thing to know its another thing to be able to SAFLEY prove

If we had say Saddam's Grand-Son on our pay role and he sees evidance of a Secret Plan to attack saay Mexcio via giant ballons(I'm being rediculius for a reason) we can safly say Gee I hope Saddam's not going to invade anyone, However if we say, Gee I hope they are not going to attack Mexico would be iffy and certinaly mentioning the Giant Ballons would get Saddam to look and see who saw that plan and endanger our source

There is what is know and what can be proven, Would you like Confiormation of his Nuclear Weapons Program which results in the Deaths of half a dozen of American agents in Iraq?
I don't trust the US government. E.g: Gulf of Tonkin, or the babies in incubators, or the Patriots shooting down Scuds, or the 100,000 dead in Kosovo, etc. As for the death of American agents in Iraq, how exactly would concrete confirmation of the current claims without evidence guarantee their deaths? "We have evidence, but we won't present it" is bullshit. In fact, the British dossier that was released about Iraq is high on accusations and short on details- and states that they cannot know the exact nature of Saddam's weapons programs, if any, because they simply don't have access.

"But a comprehensive British government report, based on its own intelligence agency findings, noted that most estimates were based on guesswork" from one of the links.

Earily you demand evidance of Religious Fundism and claimed he was backed by Secluar people, which exact point would you trying to refute there? Is he a religious Nut-job so don't take anything he says serious? Or is he not religious but still lieing, Or as you said eariler is he a cold rational invidual who happen to be lieing in this case? What exactly DO you think Saddam is?
I think he's a rational, ruthless dictator who knows how to manipulate popular opinion. Denouncing Israel and supporting the Palestinians is par for the course throughout the Middle East.
2: rebuild his army? Assertion without evidence. He hasn't taken a weapons delivery in 11 years.

Are you seriously telling me that Saddam has the same or more Military Hardware today then he did in 91 in some Catogrys and he never taken a weapons delivery in 11 years?
What did his cousin sign for all of it?
Provide evidence for major arms deliveries: new tanks, new planes, new artillery, new anything? Nope. No major arms deliveries. Spare parts and ammunition are entirely different- for one thing Iraq manufactures its own ammunition for tanks at least (and I presume small arms and artillery), and spare parts can be easily gotten from under the table means. Rebuild his army? Only with new equipment. Saddam got his arse kicked in 1991 but that doesn't mean every piece of equipment in the inventory was destroyed. Regardless- his forces are still hopelessly outclassed and poorly trained, not to mention smaller, than in 1991.

The centerpiece of their tank force is the almost 50 year old T-55, with a smaller amount of T-62s (only slightly better) and hardly any T-72s left (annihilated in 1991 mostly). Most of the Iraqi air force fled to Iran, or was destroyed on the ground. Many Iraqi aircraft are in Serbia, where they were sent for refit but never returned because of sanctions. Hardly a REBUILT force.
Domince in the Middle East, with Nuclear Weapons to back him up he can extent an extreme amount of pressure on any of the other OPEC Countries(What? No rasing the Price? How about if I NUKE YA, HA!)
His ultimate goal will has and always will be control of the Middle East and going to ground and playing the I'm so sorry game for a few years is a set-back sure but at least he's still in power and it just pushs things back a few years
I thought you said he wanted to use WMD to atone for sins because he's getting religious? Saying that he'll threaten nuclear war over oil prices is just silly. The US holds the Middle East in utmost importance, remember? Imagine the response that threatening Saudi Arabia with a nuclear attack would bring- 'regime change' would be assured, perfect pretext. Saddam is a rational leader; you think he'll bring down war on his head?

Not at all I asked for Evidance that your asseration that the CIA had said that Al-Quadi and Other Terrirost Groups had no ties to Iraq, instead you give me three stroies about the Director of the CIA saying that Saddam's not likley to use WMD unless attack, While a nice evidance if present as such for NOT attacking Iraq it does not answear my orgional request unless you can provided
"Most terrorism experts agree, however, that links between Hussein's government and al Qaeda are murky at best. Until late summer, most administration officials -- and CIA and FBI investigators -- said that despite allegations of links between Mohamed Atta, the main planner of the terrorist attacks, and an Iraqi intelligence agent, there was no evidence of ties. They also noted that Osama bin Laden has long been hostile to the decidely secular Hussein."
How either of those two sites without citing any sources(Aside from "Russia Photo graphs never publicly realsed")
Oh I see, we have the analysis of Soviet satellite photos that you haven't personally seen on one hand, and on the other hand we have the contention without ANY proof of a massive Iraqi troop buildup. I guess I'll go with the US no proof at all side (and refusal to release it)- and since that article has something to do with Christian Science Monitor, I'll just dismiss it out of hand like you.
Its called not taking things at Face Value, Lets dig back ok?


So we have a few news storys(I left some out if your not conviced I have more)
That Ritter not only took money from a Pro-Saddam person but is contradicting himself in 98 when he said the Inspectros where a joke and Saddam could have everything up and running agian in 6 months
And when did he kick inspectors out? What 2? 3 Years now?
First source: you'll have to do better than small snippets of "within a period of six months" and "remains an ugly threat to his neighbours and world peace". What was the context? Funny how it's not provided.

Second source: ah the Weekly Standard ... $400,000 to make a documentary- he's been bought off! His documentary was critical of American policy: it's anti-american and must be lies!!!

They've been smearing Ritter for months; calling him crazy, saying he's been bought off, calling him a quisling, someone said he had drunk "Saddam's Kool-Aid" (even though Ritter hates Saddams guts) while others have called him a coward. They've never actually explained while he's wrong, they've just gone off to ad hominem city.
And when did he kick inspectors out? What 2? 3 Years now?
Incorrect. Richard Butler ORDERED inspectors out of Iraq WITHOUT UN security council approval back in 1998. Scott Ritter calls for the return of weapons inspectors- but also contends that Iraq does not pose a threat because they uncovered no evidence of nuclear weapons, no viable delivery system, and his biological and chemical weapons have exceeded their service life (which probably has something to do with the shells they're kept in I don't know. If you can contradict this, please do).
Not because you disagreing but because what your saying is the Ralling Cry OF this idiots screaming Death to American that despite the fact that Saddam's Military has been rebuild along with many other Military things his people still starve

Do you have any numbers on how much it takes to feed a country? Do you know how little it takes to keep people from Starving to death?

While the Oil for Food Program was running all the new things that Saddam built inculding enlarging most of those Palacies(If I remeber corretly don't quote me on this but during that time he went from 5 SM of those Palaces to todays 12 SM)

I'll admit some of the things blocked where dumb some because they can be used as weapons(Clothrine for one) but to lay responsiblity entirly on the UN and the USA when if he acutal care about the people all those Billions over the year he aquire in under the table deals with France(And China apprently according to yesterday Power-Lunch on CNBC) if he wanted to keep his people feed he could have, I ask you how where the people before 91? Before the Sanctions where put in place? Where they are better off?

Your whole aurgment rests on a few things, One is Scott Ritters Crebility which as I've provided is in question, two is bone-head moves by the US when it comes to Sanctions(Which I'll Conceeded) and third is Ritters assert that Saddam does not have any WMD though he could have also according to him Rebuilt it in under six months and Saddam's had over 2 years

So where exaclty do Ritters Loyalties lay?
- It is not a fact that the military has been rebuilt. You'll never see anything that says his military is as formidable in 1991 as it is now, and it STILL got its ass kicked in 1991.
- He doesn't care about his people. He's a ruthless dictator who's only concerned about remaining in power. However, Iraq was in a much better condition before 1991 than now, due to sanctions, not Saddam. Iraq has been bled white by sanctions, Saddam hasn't helped, but Iraq was in much better shape before 199, before sanctions.

My argument is this:

1: No evidence has been provided of Iraq's WMD capability.
2: The reasoning that this WMD capability poses a threat to the United States is faulty- particularly important is the fact that he had many chemical and biological weapons in 1991, with a massive Coalition force at his doorstep, and did not use them.
3: A pre-emptive strike against a country that has committed no aggression against the United States is a violation of international law
4: A war in Iraq will result in many civilian deaths, not to mention US and Iraqi soldiers (who, unlike in 1991, will fight to defend their country for a foreign invader)
5: Once Saddam is removed, there is no clear plan for what to do next: the most recent proposal is occupation with a US military governor
6: An attack on Iraq will inflame fundamentalist Islamic terrorists and the populations of surrounding Middle Eastern countries and provide fresh recruits for terror attacks on the US

Posted: 2002-10-23 02:30am
by weemadando
*laughs at Beans paranoia and rampant nationalism*

please don't ban me...

Posted: 2002-10-23 05:02am
by Vympel
Evidence that you asked for, Mr Bean.

Gulf War veterans call for Rumsfeld's resignation on the topic of the agents supplied to Iraq in the 1980s- with a full link to the things that were exported.

Funny thing is, Rumsfeld gets up in front of a committee, says he has no knowledge, and doubts it ever happened.

That's integrity for you. Forgive me if I don't believe everything he says, ok? :oops:


Scott Ritter on his position- on a CNN interview with Paula Zahn attempting to smear him at the start ...

"RITTER: Absolutely not. Read it. The report says Iraq could have biological weapons, could have chemical weapons, could have ballistic missiles, could have a nuclear capability.

The fact is, there is no hard evidence, no hard evidence whatsoever, and this is my point. I'm not saying Iraq doesn't pose a threat. I am saying that it has not been demonstrated to pose a threat worthy of war at this time. Bush needs to make the case. The IISS report does not make the case. It's pure speculation. "

RITTER: "My point exactly. I have never said I have known. I have never once said that I know what's happening in Iraq today. But what I'm saying is, no one knows what's happening in Iraq today, and we can't go to war based upon ignorance.
Get the inspectors back in. I've been arguing for the return of inspectors for four years. People say I have flip-flopped. No way. I have been consistent from Day 1. Get them in, let them do their job in accordance with the Security Council mandate. But they are not to be used as spies against Saddam Hussein. They are not to be used to provoke a unilateral military action."

Rest of interview; where he states his view quite clearly:

a Time interview: ... 65,00.html

Ritter responding to the smears:

"Some on the right call you the new Jane Fonda, and joke about what you'll call your exercise video.

(Long pause?) Those on the right who say that disgrace the 12 years of service I gave to my country as a Marine. I love my country. I'll put my record of service up against anyone, bar none. If they want to have an exercise video then why don't they come here and say it to my face and I'll give'm an exercise video, which will be called, "Scott Ritter Kicking Their Ass."

Posted: 2002-10-23 09:03am
by Mr Bean
And I have provided sources saying that it is the CIA's opinion that Saddam will not use his alleged WMD unless backed into a corner.
Not quite your using one mans opionin that Saddam WILL use WMD if backed into a Corner(Admittly he is the CIA Director but he is still one man) however as the classic saying goes, no one can read another's mind perfectly and in this case its a good example, why forsake his people and increase his chances of uprising by Starving them so he can divert money to building new Houses and running his WMD program

People just don't Build WMD for Fun, they do it for a reason.
Evidence for saying that Saddam is getting increasingly religious? And also is it not a leap of logic to say that he is getting increasingly religious and then to say he'll atone for his 'crimes' by blowing up Israel?
Time Novemeber 27(Or 24 I'll find out later) Page 26 a Story which contains quite a few relivations about Saddam's increasing faith with age, Second his name I do not have it at the moment saying the way to Salvation for Saddam is in his striking a blow at Isreal, Third the stated Goal of half the Imans over there is the destruction of Isreal, what are the chances he ends up with a few of those telling him the only way to avoid fire and burning is to give some of his own?

I don't trust the US government. E.g: Gulf of Tonkin, or the babies in incubators, or the Patriots shooting down Scuds, or the 100,000 dead in Kosovo, etc.
Two of those where Media ideas, the second was pure proganda(Patriots) and the last, come on... its CLINTON where talking about (The man with over 1Million in unreported gifts and 2Mil in "reported" gifts plus another 100k in acutal reported gifts)
As for the death of American agents in Iraq, how exactly would concrete confirmation of the current claims without evidence guarantee their deaths?
WTF? Concrete Confirmation without Evidance? What the heck is that supposed to mean?
I though you found the current Confirmations bad because they Lacked Evidance? What are you trying to say there?

But a comprehensive British government report, based on its own intelligence agency findings, noted that most estimates were based on guesswork" from one of the links.
Simply becuase MI6 is based in Europe, Eursia and Russia, tradtionaly few Europeans have had success down in the ME

Denouncing Israel and supporting the Palestinians is par for the course throughout the Middle East.
So is attacking Isreal, Heck excluding a few I can name around six that have directly or indirectly attacked Isreal,
Provide evidence for major arms deliveries: new tanks, new planes, new artillery, new anything? Nope. No major arms deliveries. Spare parts and ammunition are entirely different- for one thing Iraq manufactures its own ammunition for tanks at least (and I presume small arms and artillery), and spare parts can be easily gotten from under the table means.
Excuse me but China Rarly reports Devilvery figures in public and as for Small Arms most are belived to been obtained from France(Who sells anything to anyone) or some of the shadder African countries who have more guns than they need

Most of the Iraqi air force fled to Iran, or was destroyed on the ground. Many Iraqi aircraft are in Serbia, where they were sent for refit but never returned because of sanctions. Hardly a REBUILT force.
Fled to Iran? Where did you get that little Gem?(Just cursios on that one)
Second if its not a rebuild force then why do we still see similar numbers of tanks every hour via sattlite pass, As these mearly Decoys? Decoys that people get in and out of them, that can fire banks while they have hidden C-4 Charges on the target?
And as for asking for the photos unfourtiunaitly I can not provided any-more than what has been provided publicly, However there are quite a few good shots aviable in the varison covarages, hmm I belive Newsweek and Time both Covered Saddam's Military Strenght at the same time, plus there are some slightly older ones avaible on
I thought you said he wanted to use WMD to atone for sins because he's getting religious? Saying that he'll threaten nuclear war over oil prices is just silly.
No there can be any number of reasons, I never said he might use WMD just for fun or anything but pray tell what will it be like for the American Economey when the gas price jumps to 2.40$ thanks to Saddam?

You still have yet to provided a rational explination as to why he would even attempt WMD to being with, Chemical and Biological Weapons are mostly uselss on Todays Army yet he spent quite a bit in 91 you would agree devopling and building them?

Why does one build WMD except to use them? Biological and Chemical can not be used as detterance espcilly aginst a Devopled Country. Hell you can go out and buy a full-body chem suit right now if you wanted as a private citizin
Most terrorism experts agree, however, that links between Hussein's government and al Qaeda are murky at best. Until late summer, most administration officials -- and CIA and FBI investigators -- said that despite allegations of links between Mohamed Atta, the main planner of the terrorist attacks, and an Iraqi intelligence agent, there was no evidence of ties. They also noted that Osama bin Laden has long been hostile to the decidely secular Hussein."
Who are most? Who are these people? With quotetions or support its mearly an appel to authority and popluatiry fallacy
Oh I see, we have the analysis of Soviet satellite photos that you haven't personally seen on one hand, and on the other hand we have the contention without ANY proof of a massive Iraqi troop buildup. I guess I'll go with the US no proof at all side (and refusal to release it)-
You contend that without seeing any of these Photographs that your willing to belive them but because Bush does not name them American photo-graphs and no your not allowed to see them you won't belive him?


Second source: ah the Weekly Standard ... $400,000 to make a documentary- he's been bought off! His documentary was critical of American policy: it's anti-american and must be lies!!!
:roll: Not quite, When Funding comes from a Supporter of Saddam and he's invited over there it casts douht
They've been smearing Ritter for months; calling him crazy, saying he's been bought off, calling him a quisling, someone said he had drunk "Saddam's Kool-Aid" (even though Ritter hates Saddams guts) while others have called him a coward. They've never actually explained while he's wrong, they've just gone off to ad hominem city.
And he's never explained why he's right, He contradicts himself and right-so people mock him
Sure some of them are simply Ad-Homeaning him(After all what does cable TV media do now-adays except Jerry-Springer esk opposites attack each other and pray for good ratings over it)

But he still has yet to explain his stance that Saddam could quickyl re-build his Arsonal once the inspector was gone, The fact he said "We got everything" though there where TWEVLE SQUARE MILES of "Palalces" he never got to vist and now says that there is no way Saddam can have any WMD today....
Richard Butler ORDERED inspectors out of Iraq WITHOUT UN security council approval back in 1998. Scott Ritter calls for the return of weapons inspectors- but also contends that Iraq does not pose a threat because they uncovered no evidence of nuclear weapons, no viable delivery system,
How about the 12SM of buildings(7 of which are underground) he was never allowed to Vist? Know another place where Inspectors where? North Korea since 94!

And his biological and chemical weapons have exceeded their service life (which probably has something to do with the shells they're kept in I don't know. If you can contradict this, please do).
Frankly acutal I have found quite abit from in declassifed CIA memorandom and whatnot


(Here you'll find what Ritter was refering to that some(Specficly Nerve Agents)












And finaly as of 97 a Current list of Operational and Destroyed Weapons sites in Iraq
Major Sites Associated With Iraq's Past WMD Programs

All of these I belive we realsed in Decemeber 97, however I am double checking the second one as it might be 91

Posted: 2002-10-23 09:26am
by jegs2
IMO, Saddam is likely to use WMD in the event of a US/whoever else invasion. His reason for holding off such use in the Gulf War was that he knew his regime was not threatened. Since an explicit goal this time would be to remove him from power, it is unlikely that he'd hesitate to give such an order. The hope is that his corps commanders would blow off such an order IOT save their own skins.

Is Saddam religious? He's likely as religious on the Muslim side as are many self-proclaimed US Christians who find themselves at church every so often to pay lip service and then are found at the bar nearly every weeknight, and cheating on their wives with any given opportunity.

Posted: 2002-10-23 09:58am
by Vympel
Not quite your using one mans opionin that Saddam WILL use WMD if backed into a Corner(Admittly he is the CIA Director but he is still one man) however as the classic saying goes, no one can read another's mind perfectly and in this case its a good example, why forsake his people and increase his chances of uprising by Starving them so he can divert money to building new Houses and running his WMD program

People just don't Build WMD for Fun, they do it for a reason.
Yes he's the CIA Director, one man, but his advice was given before Congress and is the product of much analysis.

Yes people build WMD for a reason, and that reason has most often been deterrence.
Time Novemeber 27(Or 24 I'll find out later) Page 26 a Story which contains quite a few relivations about Saddam's increasing faith with age, Second his name I do not have it at the moment saying the way to Salvation for Saddam is in his striking a blow at Isreal, Third the stated Goal of half the Imans over there is the destruction of Isreal, what are the chances he ends up with a few of those telling him the only way to avoid fire and burning is to give some of his own?
Two of those where Media ideas, the second was pure proganda(Patriots) and the last, come on... its CLINTON where talking about (The man with over 1Million in unreported gifts and 2Mil in "reported" gifts plus another 100k in acutal reported gifts)
Yes; but so much crap comes out when a war is on the horizon a skeptical eye is required- evidence for the public is absolutely necessary. but look at Rumsfeld getting up and denying that deliveries of biological agents to Iraq ever took place!
WTF? Concrete Confirmation without Evidance? What the heck is that supposed to mean?
I though you found the current Confirmations bad because they Lacked Evidance? What are you trying to say there?
Typo. Just remove the without evidence part.
Simply becuase MI6 is based in Europe, Eursia and Russia, tradtionaly few Europeans have had success down in the ME.
They have more of a chance than an American intelligence officer; seeing how much people loathe America over there. The point is that America hasn't had much success either.
So is attacking Isreal, Heck excluding a few I can name around six that have directly or indirectly attacked Isreal
Yes- but the history behind those attacks is not as clear cut as the Arabs tried to destroy Israel. Saddam's SS-1 Scud attacks on Israel in 1991, for example, were an attempt to provoke Israel into attacking Iraq, and thereby make the rest of the Middle East jump in on Iraq's side- helping it in Desert Storm.
Excuse me but China Rarly reports Devilvery figures in public and as for Small Arms most are belived to been obtained from France(Who sells anything to anyone) or some of the shadder African countries who have more guns than they need
What is China going to deliver to Iraq? US intelligence capabilities would easily spot the delivery of say; highly unimpressive Chinese tanks and planes to Iraq- and seeing how this is a violation of UN sanctions, the US could easily embarass China with it.
Also, African countries don't have access to the heavy equipment needed to equip a modern army. Iraq has recieved no noticieable deliveries of equipment in 11 years. The President of Ukraine has been accused of personally providing advanced search radars to Iraq, and this was splashed all over the news (
If France were to sell equipment to Iraq, it would be easily noticed- at most France could get away with selling spare parts for some of the French equipment Iraq does have, but not new stuff.
Fled to Iran? Where did you get that little Gem?(Just cursios on that one)
Second if its not a rebuild force then why do we still see similar numbers of tanks every hour via sattlite pass, As these mearly Decoys? Decoys that people get in and out of them, that can fire banks while they have hidden C-4 Charges on the target?
And as for asking for the photos unfourtiunaitly I can not provided any-more than what has been provided publicly, However there are quite a few good shots aviable in the varison covarages, hmm I belive Newsweek and Time both Covered Saddam's Military Strenght at the same time, plus there are some slightly older ones avaible on
Oh just Gulf War trivia really- I'm sure there's somewhere on the net with more information many Iraqi aircraft fled across the border to Iran; apparently F-15 pilots racked up some kills on these escaping aircraft, with the exception of MiG-25s, which were simply too quick to chase down.

From (similar to FAS, but updated much more regularly):

"Since the War, the army reduced the numbers of units and personnel, and focused on reconstituting armor and mechanised units with remaining equipment. The number of regular army divisions was cut from seven armored/mechanised and 20 infantry divisions to two or three armor divisions, three mechanised divisions and 15 to 17 infantry divisions."

The Serbs used decoys extensively in Kosovo- and the Iraqis used decoys extensively in Desert Storm.
No there can be any number of reasons, I never said he might use WMD just for fun or anything but pray tell what will it be like for the American Economey when the gas price jumps to 2.40$ thanks to Saddam?

You still have yet to provided a rational explination as to why he would even attempt WMD to being with, Chemical and Biological Weapons are mostly uselss on Todays Army yet he spent quite a bit in 91 you would agree devopling and building them?

Why does one build WMD except to use them? Biological and Chemical can not be used as detterance espcilly aginst a Devopled Country. Hell you can go out and buy a full-body chem suit right now if you wanted as a private citizin
He spent quite a bit deploying such weapons throughout the 70s and 80s, with US and UK support (because he was fighting Iran), durimg the long drawn out war with Iran, and used them against Iran. He fancied himself a regional power, and he had the support of the US, until he annexed Kuwait in 1990. The weapons were made for use against Iran.

Also, both the USA and USSR also had significant chemical and biolgoical warfare programs. They can be useful in a conventional war.
Who are most? Who are these people? With quotetions or support its mearly an appel to authority and popluatiry fallacy
Yet you have provided no positive evidence that there IS a link between Al-Quaeda and Iraq, and the administration has held back from this as well.

"One of the Palestinians cited by Bush, Abu Nidal, was last active in the 1980s and died in Baghdad in August. Another, Abu Abbas, conducted his last terrorist act in 1990, now renounces violence, and lives in the Gaza Strip with apparent Israeli permission.

Bush referred to a senior member of al Qaeda who received medical treatment in Iraq. U.S. officials said Tuesday that the operative in question is Abu Musab Zarqawi, a Jordanian who lost a leg during the U.S. war in Afghanistan and fled to Iran, then to Iraq, before leaving for an undisclosed destination.

Bush also referred to recent intelligence reports that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb making and chemical warfare. But he held back from a direct statement that Hussein is helping bin Laden's terrorists, saying only that they "share a common enemy" -- the United States. After the speech, administration officials cautioned reporters against drawing tight links between Iraq and al Qaeda."
You contend that without seeing any of these Photographs that your willing to belive them but because Bush does not name them American photo-graphs and no your not allowed to see them you won't belive him?
On the one hand:
1: Bush '41 administration refuses to release satellite photos of alleged massive Iraqi troop buildup
2: Soviet satellite photos are purchased and analyzed by two experts, both are surprised at how little is going on in these photos.

Why should I assume that the person who wrote 2 is lying? Would it not be extremely easy to call such a person out on this claim if it weren't true? Also, why have the supposed evidence of Iraqi agression against Saudi Arabia not been provided.
:roll: Not quite, When Funding comes from a Supporter of Saddam and he's invited over there it casts douht
No, he's an Iraq-American businessman. As in he lives in America. Having an Iraqi background means at most he's concerned about the fate of Iraq, not that he supports Saddam.
And he's never explained why he's right, He contradicts himself and right-so people mock him
Sure some of them are simply Ad-Homeaning him(After all what does cable TV media do now-adays except Jerry-Springer esk opposites attack each other and pray for good ratings over it)

But he still has yet to explain his stance that Saddam could quickyl re-build his Arsonal once the inspector was gone, The fact he said "We got everything" though there where TWEVLE SQUARE MILES of "Palalces" he never got to vist and now says that there is no way Saddam can have any WMD today....
Please provide better evidence of a contradiction. The only thing you provided was two EXTREMELY small snippets in "" marks. I've provided two interviews with Ritter, those lay out his position in his own words.
How about the 12SM of buildings(7 of which are underground) he was never allowed to Vist? Know another place where Inspectors where? North Korea since 94!
I fully support unfettered inspections. This is the best way to determine whether nuclear WMD exists (and quite frankly, nuclear weapons are the only things to be really afraid about- bio and chem weapons are simply not viable weapons to threaten another country with). What I don't support is going to war on SUSPICION of something. Right now, the Bush administration HATES the idea of letting inspectors back in.
Frankly acutal I have found quite abit from in declassifed CIA memorandom and whatnot
Well there you have it the DIA and CIA have different opinions, and Iraq *may* still have some binary nerve agents at its disposal. Are possible nerve agents a reason to go to war? Who do these pose a threat to? How will these be delivered? What will be the objective in using them?

Posted: 2002-10-23 10:14am
by Vympel ... ipment.htm

This chart clearly shows the reduction of the Iraqi air force as well.

Posted: 2002-10-23 10:25am
by Mr Bean
Yes people build WMD for a reason, and that reason has most often been deterrence.
Except! One can not deter with Chemical and Biolgical Weapons, WMD attack aginst a Civilian population is a terriost act pure and simple, you can kill thier people but you can't kill thier army, The whole POINT of Detterance is if one side can fuck over your Means of Defenese Six ways from Sunday and they can't do anything about, Thats simply not true with Chemical and Biological weapons, He simply can't deter anyone with those things so what other purpose could he have with them?

Yes; but so much crap comes out when a war is on the horizon a skeptical eye is required- evidence for the public is absolutely necessary. but look at Rumsfeld getting up and denying that deliveries of biological agents to Iraq ever took place!
There will be snow on the Mountians of Florida before I defend Rumsfeld in anything, A Skeptic is always required in all things

Typo. Just remove the without evidence part.
Ok then, I can respond, The fact is Saddam does not oblige us by using those Chemical or Bio Weapons on anyone or placing them on the roofs so our Stattlites can see them, The only kind of Comfirmation we can get is through Intercepts(Which they are not idiotic enough to broadcast info like that into the airwaves) or through Human methods which of course have the double edged sword of using any of it places the source in danager

They have more of a chance than an American intelligence officer; seeing how much people loathe America over there. The point is that America hasn't had much success either.
I can pass for German, Arabic or Hispanic if I wanted, There are quite a few people just like me in the US, The US tradtionaly has a ton of people to draw on for all sorts of operations and intellgence, Native Farsi speakers simply don't see England as number 1 on thier places to move yet we have quite of few of those Aviable in American

Of course weither or not they are trust worth and working for the CIA is another matter but tradtionaly we have a much better base to build on for Forign ops then England
Yes- but the history behind those attacks is not as clear cut as the Arabs tried to destroy Israel. Saddam's SS-1 Scud attacks on Israel in 1991, for example, were an attempt to provoke Israel into attacking Iraq, and thereby make the rest of the Middle East jump in on Iraq's side- helping it in Desert Storm.

What is China going to deliver to Iraq? US intelligence capabilities would easily spot the delivery of say; highly unimpressive Chinese tanks and planes to Iraq- and seeing how this is a violation of UN sanctions, the US could easily embarass China with it.
:roll: And the Human Rights Viloates and the oppresion of thier people is not enough?
Hell China and Russia are selling everything to everyone

India resently got a Shipment of T-90s from Russia ... 0-app1.htm which where to counter the T-85s sent by China Pruportiled

Terroirsts today still use AK-47s and 74s but thier now showing up more and more as the Chineese version. China can pretty much do what it wants without worrying about *embarsement as they control thier own Media and now have so many filters on the Internet is quite impossible for most people to find out what the goverment does not want them to

Face it they could use the Oil and the Money
Also, both the USA and USSR also had significant chemical and biolgoical warfare programs. They can be useful in a conventional war.
They can be but only in suprised attacks, and to degrade troop preformance(Face it ever worn a NCB suit? It makes everything from loading up Trucks to shoot a gun much more diffuclt for the avarage trooper)

Bush also referred to recent intelligence reports that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb making and chemical warfare. But he held back from a direct statement that Hussein is helping bin Laden's terrorists, saying only that they "share a common enemy" -- the United States. After the speech, administration officials cautioned reporters against drawing tight links between Iraq and al Qaeda."
I won't dissagree with the first half but the second is quite evidant to be political ass covering as every adminstration does every day of every year
1: Bush '41 administration refuses to release satellite photos of alleged massive Iraqi troop buildup
Signals an means to provided info on how exactly powerful US Military Satlites are is to violate secrutiy protcol(But the President can get away with it if he wants)
To be fair it could be him staying true to Law or him covering up the lack of half-hearted ness of the acutal Troop-Buildups, but he did realsed intercepts on the subject
Why should I assume that the person who wrote 2 is lying? Would it not be extremely easy to call such a person out on this claim if it weren't true?
If one had the Photo-graphs yes if they where aviable yes, however if we only hear "Two experts where suprised" and never see the pictues for ourself its hard to verfiy, However I ask where the two experts named or mearly written as "two experts"

No, he's an Iraq-American businessman. As in he lives in America. Having an Iraqi background means at most he's concerned about the fate of Iraq, not that he supports Saddam.

Please provide better evidence of a contradiction. The only thing you provided was two EXTREMELY small snippets in "" marks. I've provided two interviews with Ritter, those lay out his position in his own words.
This story was specficly ABOUT Ritter's possible Contradticion, I suggest you read it
Well there you have it the DIA and CIA have different opinions, and Iraq *may* still have some binary nerve agents at its disposal. Are possible nerve agents a reason to go to war? Who do these pose a threat to? How will these be delivered? What will be the objective in using them?
Not its a contradiction of Ritter agian who says they have quote "None nothing we destroyed it all before we left"

And then later goes on to say any they missed would be "usesless by now"

Its a refuit of that specfic point not a broad sweeping generilzation

(Truth be told I prefer assination to war as Saddam needs to be gone but who-ever takes his place is not likely to play nice with the US, Then agian having Saddam's scattered brain fragments on a wall on national TV would be quite an effective message, Then agian as the hmm Swedish TV group I belive reviled that Saddam has not appeared in public for over six years or so and those are are all doubles so assination is not a likley course of action)

Posted: 2002-10-23 10:52am
by Vympel
Mr Bean wrote: Except! One can not deter with Chemical and Biolgical Weapons, WMD attack aginst a Civilian population is a terriost act pure and simple, you can kill thier people but you can't kill thier army, The whole POINT of Detterance is if one side can fuck over your Means of Defenese Six ways from Sunday and they can't do anything about, Thats simply not true with Chemical and Biological weapons, He simply can't deter anyone with those things so what other purpose could he have with them?
I pointed out in my previous post that these weapons were developed long before the US and Iraq were on bad terms, and that they were used in the war against Iran. They can, and were,used conventionally.
I can pass for German, Arabic or Hispanic if I wanted, There are quite a few people just like me in the US, The US tradtionaly has a ton of people to draw on for all sorts of operations and intellgence, Native Farsi speakers simply don't see England as number 1 on thier places to move yet we have quite of few of those Aviable in American

Of course weither or not they are trust worth and working for the CIA is another matter but tradtionaly we have a much better base to build on for Forign ops then England
Yet the American government has released no dossier as the British government has: not even a single claim that "intelligence from Iraq has demonstrated Iraq has yielded evidence that Iraq has nuclear weapons" for example. They've said nothing.
:roll: And the Human Rights Viloates and the oppresion of thier people is not enough?
Hell China and Russia are selling everything to everyone

India resently got a Shipment of T-90s from Russia ... 0-app1.htm which where to counter the T-85s sent by China Pruportiled

Terroirsts today still use AK-47s and 74s but thier now showing up more and more as the Chineese version. China can pretty much do what it wants without worrying about *embarsement as they control thier own Media and now have so many filters on the Internet is quite impossible for most people to find out what the goverment does not want them to

Face it they could use the Oil and the Money
I wouldn't say that Russia selling T-90 tanks to Russia qualifies as 'selling to anyone'. Russia and India are long time allies and have a very active relationship in terms of weapons.

Also, you are in error, the purchase of T-90 tanks was to counter T-80UD tanks purchased from Ukraine (they were originally meant to be the Ukranian T-84 upgrade of this design, but it never went through). I don't know if by T-85 you meant Chinese Type-85 tanks- but regardless Pakistan is not under UN sanctions, and as such, wouldn't be embarassed by such a sale. Indeed, many of China's weapons sales to Pakistan make the news- including their joint aircraft development of the FC-1 (previously Super-7).

Also, I have provided quotes from on the reduction of the Iraqi Army Order of Battle (because of the loss of equipment through the war and sanctions starving them of parts they've had to reduce the amount of active divisions) and the reduction in size of the air force.
They can be but only in suprised attacks, and to degrade troop preformance(Face it ever worn a NCB suit? It makes everything from loading up Trucks to shoot a gun much more diffuclt for the avarage trooper)
Yes that's true. They are a viable conventional weapon.
I won't dissagree with the first half but the second is quite evidant to be political ass covering as every adminstration does every day of every year
Yes, they're covering their ass because they don't want to be proven wrong if there is no link. So they're not sure.
If one had the Photo-graphs yes if they where aviable yes, however if we only hear "Two experts where suprised" and never see the pictues for ourself its hard to verfiy, However I ask where the two experts named or mearly written as "two experts"
Didn't you read the article? One is named and the other isn't because he's former DIA.
This story was specficly ABOUT Ritter's possible Contradticion, I suggest you read it
Yes, and they only quote him with like three or four words at a time. That can mean anything, and makes me suspicious that they've taken him out of context. "Within six months" as a quote doesn't prove anything.
Not its a contradiction of Ritter agian who says they have quote "None nothing we destroyed it all before we left"
Ritter doesn't say that. He says that they were on the order of 95% successful and the 5% remaining does not pose a threat, IIRC.

To deal with Saddam I'd prefer that the West contain him until he's dead; and then foster good relations with whoever gets in charge after. As it is, when he dies the country might collapse in a heap anyway.

Posted: 2002-10-23 01:38pm
by Mr Bean
I pointed out in my previous post that these weapons were developed long before the US and Iraq were on bad terms, and that they were used in the war against Iran. They can, and were,used conventionally.
However why countiue to work on them? Is he preparing for yet another War with Iran? How useful where they in Iran, If you want to say its a pride issue I'll accept that but why else would he contiue to devople Chem and Bio Weapons after thier uselessness aginst the avarage army today is demosrated first hand?
Yet the American government has released no dossier as the British government has: not even a single claim that "intelligence from Iraq has demonstrated Iraq has yielded evidence that Iraq has nuclear weapons" for example. They've said nothing.
Contrary to what hey have before when they have lied Vympel, you have to admit if it was massive fake job there would be SOMTHING, the complete lack of anything indicats somthing important but un-releasable

Yes that's true. They are a viable conventional weapon.
Conventional weapons kill people, Not "Make them mildly unconfortable

Chemcial and Biological can only conventonaly be used aginst the unprotected Civil popluas, not the Armed Forces of another country
Yes, they're covering their ass because they don't want to be proven wrong if there is no link. So they're not sure.
Not sure or not able, One can't annouce on National TV that say Saddam's Right hand man is feeding us information

It gets messy

Didn't you read the article? One is named and the other isn't because he's former DIA.
You've posted a few many of which are quite length, diging back through to find two guys names while I'm busy digging up info on others is not high on my list you must understand, if you would be kind enough to name the one that was well... named
Yes, and they only quote him with like three or four words at a time. That can mean anything, and makes me suspicious that they've taken him out of context. "Within six months" as a quote doesn't prove anything.
I understand I'm trying to find the transcript of his reporting now and looking for that 98 Articule

To deal with Saddam I'd prefer that the West contain him until he's dead
For ten to thirty years?

Posted: 2002-10-23 07:52pm
by Uraniun235
6: An attack on Iraq will inflame fundamentalist Islamic terrorists and the populations of surrounding Middle Eastern countries and provide fresh recruits for terror attacks on the US
Anyone who argues this as a serious reason to not commit an action has conceded victory to terrorists.

I do not support invading Iraq tomorrow, but I also do not think we should be afraid of "inflaming" terrorists.

Though why we can't just invest heavily into Russian oil is beyond me. I for one would not mind pulling out of the middle east completely, and letting them get back to killing each other instead of us.