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The return of Dahak?
Posted: 2002-10-22 06:51am
by Faram
Found this surfing around.
Now i'm hoping badly that the Imperium is back...
A huge battlestation and the Earth so i'm getting my hopes up

Posted: 2002-10-22 07:03am
by EmperorMing
Dahak has returned? Excellent!
I remember reading the first one while stationed in Germany...
Posted: 2002-10-22 10:18am
by XaLEv
Dave has said on alt.books.david-weber that there will be at least two more of that series, and that the first one will most likely be a prequel, beginning a few hours before the mutiny and following Nergal's crew up until the time of Mutineers Moon. The second, of course, follows the final war against the Achuultani.

Posted: 2002-10-22 10:26am
by Stormbringer
I'm afraid it's no more than an omnibus edition of the first three novels.

The good news is it means that there are very likely more Imperium novels on the way soon. If they are bothering to release an omnibus it's a good indicationn that Baen and/or David want to raise the profile of the Imperium trilogy since it's rather hard to find.