Homeboy Nyte Sytes
Posted: 2004-04-19 02:53pm
I saw a copy of this flyer hanging up at the NPD pistol range and had a pretty good laugh at it. When you deal with ghetto trash (and they come in every color) every day like I do, shit like this is especially funny.
I just found this article on the web though:
Hoax angers city officials
I had to shake my head at the following quotes:
"They're advocating destruction on our streets, and they're targeting our people," Councilman G. Manoli Loupassi said. "That's about as bad as it gets."
Police Capt. Walter Allmon expressed similar outrage. He said a flier promoting the HoMeBoY is disturbing because it's designed to appeal to young black men, who often are the victims of gun violence in Richmond and elsewhere.
Fortunately, the men who work for Glock, Inc. are smarter:
Amen.Paul F. Jannuzzo, vice president and general counsel for Glock Inc. in Smyrna, Ga., said the company has been aware of the HoMeBoY. "This is the first we've heard of anyone taking this seriously," he said. "I can't believe a police officer would look at that and not know it wasn't real. They've been watching too many movies."
You know, one of my instructors in the police academy warned us, before we graduated, to watch out for supervisors. By a mysterious and little understood process, he said, every officer loses ten points off his IQ whenever he accepts promotion. This isn't too bad for corporals and sergeants, but by the time they make it up to captain, they're at Forrest Gump-level intelligence. By the time they make it up to chief, complete brain death is near at hand. This article certainly doesn't cast any doubt on this assessment.
As for city councilmen, any police officer can tell you they are a lower form of life, with commensurately low intelligence.