Argument with an idiot.
Posted: 2004-04-20 12:03am
Today I wanted to apologize to someone who helped me in his own "special way" (a flaming thing), and I admitted that I took him the wrong way. Now, I'm starting to regret ever apologizing to him. Basically, he wants me to get out of the forum because he believes he represents the whole forum in his opinion, when mostly everyone offered to point out mistakes in my art and two actually tried to help me visually.
I am GoldenFalcon, of course, and he is PitchWhite:
What do you all think? Am I at fault for saying I won't run from the problem, or is he just a garden-variety idiot? I already regret apologizing to him.
The topics in question are:
I am GoldenFalcon, of course, and he is PitchWhite:
Now here's where it gets good; he decides to quit PM and bring the problem into the channel both of us are in. He decides to take things way out of context and try to destroy me, which he only showed the true idiots in the channel. I took the liberty of snipping out the irrelevant discussion and his idiot followers:Private message log wrote:Session Start: Mon Apr 19 22:28:03 2004
<GoldenFalcon> Hey, I just want to clear it up.
<GoldenFalcon> Thanks for the link you gave last night, I was being conceited.
<GoldenFalcon> Personality flaw of mine.
Session Close: Mon Apr 19 22:31:24 2004
Session Start: Mon Apr 19 22:47:31 2004
Session Ident: PitchWhite (
<PitchWhite> Yeah
<PitchWhite> because your art sucks :<
<GoldenFalcon> I know, I'm trying to improve though
<PitchWhite> I wouldn't suggets posting on the art forum for another year.
<GoldenFalcon> ? Why's that?
<PitchWhite> Because your art is at a level
<PitchWhite> where it won't be... erm, remotely good
<PitchWhite> until next year
<PitchWhite> at least.
<GoldenFalcon> Nah.
<GoldenFalcon> I'll improve much quicker than that.
<PitchWhite> No
<PitchWhite> You won't
<PitchWhite> :<
<GoldenFalcon> You'll see.
<PitchWhite> No, I won't
<GoldenFalcon> What're you trying to do, discourage me?
<PitchWhite> because you won't improve that much in any quicker than a year.
<PitchWhite> I'm just telling you
<PitchWhite> It's a waste of db space/bandwidth to post your art right now.
<GoldenFalcon> It will not be soon.
Session Close: Mon Apr 19 22:52:08 2004
Session Start: Mon Apr 19 22:52:10 2004
Session Ident: PitchWhite (
<PitchWhite> ... ketch1.jpg
<PitchWhite> Judging by that.
<PitchWhite> ...
<PitchWhite> Well, as I said, wait a year.
<PitchWhite> -_-
<GoldenFalcon> ?
<PitchWhite> I'm just telling you to wait a year before you post anything new.
<PitchWhite> T'is all.
<GoldenFalcon> Thanks for the advice, but this one I'm not going to take.
<GoldenFalcon> It'd be running away from the problem.
Session Close: Mon Apr 19 22:57:48 2004
Session Start: Mon Apr 19 22:58:42 2004
Session Ident: PitchWhite (
<PitchWhite> No
<PitchWhite> here's what you do
<PitchWhite> keep drawing
<PitchWhite> use tutorial sites
<PitchWhite> don't post your art and waste topic space.
<PitchWhite> post again in a year
<PitchWhite> and we won't think you're a newb.
<GoldenFalcon> Why would it be wasting topic space anyway?
<PitchWhite> Because nobody really wants to see that crap
<PitchWhite> honestly, people post works to be critted and stuff
<PitchWhite> but most people visit the ga forum
<PitchWhite> to look at good art.
<PitchWhite> is not something people go to the GA forum to see.
<GoldenFalcon> Well, the way I see it is the GA forum is for people to learn and improve.
<PitchWhite> Well, the you suck.
<GoldenFalcon> What for?
<PitchWhite> What?
<PitchWhite> "What for" ?
<GoldenFalcon> Are you talking about me or the picture?
<PitchWhite> You suck at art, so I'm telling you to come back in a year.
<GoldenFalcon> And I already declared that I won't be running away from the problem.
<PitchWhite> That's not running away
<PitchWhite> that's practicing on your own
<PitchWhite> avoiding flames
<PitchWhite> saving topic space
<PitchWhite> saving db entries
<PitchWhite> saving bandwidth
<PitchWhite> and so much more.
<GoldenFalcon> If topic space, entries, and bandwidth were a big problem, then GW wouldn't be the way it is.
<PitchWhite> If you can save as much as possible, the better.
<GoldenFalcon> And I no longer care about what people think of me.
<PitchWhite> And GW goes down every day, wtf are you talking about.
<PitchWhite> HONESTLY.
<PitchWhite> If you don't care about what people think of you, why would you post your art in the first place?
<GoldenFalcon> You're saying because I'm not as good as the crowd, then I shouldn't be part of it.
<GoldenFalcon> So I can get better, I'm talking about people thinking of my personality not my art skills
<PitchWhite> No, you should just... not post your art.
<PitchWhite> Your personality is ass too
<GoldenFalcon> How so?
<PitchWhite> and you spam like flies on shit
<GoldenFalcon> So does the rest of the forum.
<GoldenFalcon> Any difference?
<PitchWhite> You're conceited, and you have shitty artwork. Bad combination.
<PitchWhite> Who the fuck else spams?
<PitchWhite> You triple-fucking-post.
<GoldenFalcon> Cause when I post I don't see the messages after I hit Reply
<PitchWhite> Hey, you know there's an edit button, right?
<PitchWhite> Fucktard.
<GoldenFalcon> Oh well, you're just nitpicking there.
<PitchWhite> No, I am not.
<PitchWhite> It is against forum rules to double/triple post.
<GoldenFalcon> And I don't do that alot.
<GoldenFalcon> Just so happens a few times I must do it.
<PitchWhite> Um
<PitchWhite> You don't have to do it
<GoldenFalcon> Ok fine
<PitchWhite> that's why there's a fucking edit button.
<GoldenFalcon> I could've used the edit button.
<GoldenFalcon> But this isn't relevant
<GoldenFalcon> What's your problem with my personality?
<PitchWhite> Yes it fucking is
<PitchWhite> It shows you're a spammer, for one.
<PitchWhite> And therefore, fucking stupid.
<PitchWhite> Second of all, you admitted you were conceited.
<GoldenFalcon> Sometimes I am
<GoldenFalcon> But not always.
<GoldenFalcon> Hell, every human being gets conceited at times.
Session Close: Mon Apr 19 23:18:38 2004
It was at this point when the site owner told both of us to stop arguing, and so we did.Channel log wrote:<PitchWhite> -_-
<PitchWhite> Some guy is argung with me it is necssary he double posts when he does.
<PitchWhite> I'm trying to explain the importance of the edit button >:|
<Bart> PitchWhite - Give me his username so I can ban him
<PitchWhite> 23:10:49 - <PitchWhite> It is against forum rules to double/triple post.
<PitchWhite> 23:11:04 - <GoldenFalcon> And I don't do that alot.
<PitchWhite> 23:11:12 - <GoldenFalcon> Just so happens a few times I must do it.
<PitchWhite> There.
<PitchWhite> It's GoldenFalcon
<GoldenFalcon> Ok fine.
<PitchWhite> I can show you the topic where he double posted then triple posted if you want.
<GoldenFalcon> You forgot one other part PW.
<GoldenFalcon> <GoldenFalcon> Ok fine
<GoldenFalcon> <PitchWhite> that's why there's a fucking edit button.
<GoldenFalcon> <GoldenFalcon> I could've used the edit button.
<GoldenFalcon> <GoldenFalcon> But this isn't relevant
<PitchWhite> Bart, his username is GoldenFalcon
<PitchWhite> Banninate~
<GoldenFalcon> Pitch
<GoldenFalcon> You want to bring this to the chatroom?
<GoldenFalcon> This is a problem between us, not the damn chat.
<PitchWhite> Oh no, falcon, you might own me with your conceited attitude, crappy artwork, and triple posts OH NOES
<GoldenFalcon> Yeah so I triple posted once.
<GoldenFalcon> Why do you want me banned?
<PitchWhite> I never said I wanted you banned
<PitchWhite> Bart said he'd ban you though
<GoldenFalcon> <PitchWhite> Bart, his username is GoldenFalcon
<GoldenFalcon> <PitchWhite> Banninate~
<PitchWhite> so I agreed
<GoldenFalcon> Ok Pitch
<PitchWhite> He double, then triple posts, and asks like an ass, and asks dumbfuck questions, like "what do you mean by under?"
<PitchWhite> *acts
<GoldenFalcon> Misrepresentation of facts, try again.
<PitchWhite> If I type big words I can seem like a fag too.
<GoldenFalcon> Doesn't change the fact that you're acting on a logical fallacy.
<PitchWhite> 23:16:34 - <GoldenFalcon> Doesn't change the fact that you're acting on a logical fallacy. < It doesn't change the fact you're a fag.
<GoldenFalcon> Ad hominem/
<GoldenFalcon> Try again.
What do you all think? Am I at fault for saying I won't run from the problem, or is he just a garden-variety idiot? I already regret apologizing to him.
The topics in question are: