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How many languages do you know?

Posted: 2004-04-20 07:34pm
by YT300000
Basically another tedious SDN demographic poll. By know, I mean you can read/write/speak pretty good, but you aren't necessarily fluent. That way, you can still count a language you haven't used in a couple years.

I know 3: English (duh), Polish and French (which is still a little iffy).

Posted: 2004-04-20 07:35pm
by Straha
Does Latin count?

Posted: 2004-04-20 07:43pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Why wouldn't it?

I know three: English (native), German (basic, grammar okay but vocabulary is terrible), and Japanese (can recognise some stuff and read some katakana/hiragana).

Posted: 2004-04-20 07:49pm
by Alyrium Denryle
I am anative english speaker, and also speak German. I am working on learning Latin in my spare time.

Posted: 2004-04-20 07:50pm
by Rogue 9
One and a half; I rounded up. My Latin's a little too rusty to use conversationally anymore.

Posted: 2004-04-20 07:50pm
by Howedar
I speak German well enough to order food or find the bathroom.

Posted: 2004-04-20 07:52pm
by GoldenFalcon
I'd say three, but Broken English doesn't count as a language...

So, English and Spanish, but my Spanish is very rusty. :?

Posted: 2004-04-20 07:52pm
by Mlenk
Three: English, Tagalog(Filipino), and Spanish

Posted: 2004-04-20 07:55pm
by DeadM
English and Norwegian, but I can understand Swedish and Danish(since they are extremely similar to Norwegian, except spoken Danish, which, IMO sounds very different from spoken Swedish and Norwegian) and most Swedish and Danish people would probably understand Norwegian.

Posted: 2004-04-20 08:01pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Isn't that because Norwegian and Swedish are technically the same language?

Posted: 2004-04-20 08:05pm
by El Moose Monstero
English, enough French to survive in France, and maybe a few words in German.

Posted: 2004-04-20 08:29pm
by darthdavid
2 and 1/1000000. English, French (reasonable level considering i'm american and in 9th grade :) ) and various spanish, polish and russian words.

Posted: 2004-04-20 08:30pm
by fgalkin
I speak Russian and English fluently (as you may have noticed. :wink: ). I also know some French from HS, although I've forgotten most of it. Basically, I can undrestand most things that are written in French, and can form some basic sentences, but don't expect any feats of linguistics from me.

My friend's parents are professional linguists and they know 11 languages. :shock:

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-04-20 08:35pm
by darthdavid
Parce-que tu te touches a soir.

Posted: 2004-04-20 08:36pm
by Pu-239
I know English (very well, thanks to prolific reading), Vietnamese (can't write in my own native language, how pathetic), and barely know Spanish.

Posted: 2004-04-20 08:39pm
by Darth_Fin
I know spanish, english and currently studying japanese.

Posted: 2004-04-20 08:40pm
by Batman
I know dozens of languages.
Chinese,Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, several varaitions of English, Tagalog, Esperanto, Japanese, Dutch, Belgian, Polish, Hungarian...
I'm reasonably certain they're talking languages You can actually speak, Master Bruce...
Oh. :oops:
In that case, I'm afraid I'm limited to german and english.
I was middlin' competent in Latin until I no longer needed to (i.e. when I finished school)...

Posted: 2004-04-20 09:21pm
by Zaia
English and Spanish, although I know basic French, Polish and Hebrew as well. Only voted for 2 though (didn't cheat), because I'd have a hard time holding a conversation in the last three.

Posted: 2004-04-20 09:26pm
by DPDarkPrimus
English and Japanese.

Posted: 2004-04-20 09:26pm
by Exonerate
I have a native proficiency with English, and was also raised with Mandarin Chinese. Unfortunately, my Chinese has deteriorated quite a bit, and while I can speak and understand it just fine, reading and writing becomes a little more challenging.

I'm also a second year student of Japanese, so that's about 2.5 languages. I rounded up :P

Posted: 2004-04-20 09:27pm
by Batman
Okay, I'm officially depressed.

Is there anybody here who doesn't know more than 1 foreign language?


Posted: 2004-04-20 09:27pm
by YT300000
Zaia wrote:English and Spanish, although I know basic French, Polish and Hebrew as well. Only voted for 2 though (didn't cheat), because I'd have a hard time holding a conversation in the last three.
Alle rozumiesz je dobrze?

Posted: 2004-04-20 09:33pm
by Nathan F
Fluent English, intermediate Spanish, very basic German.

Posted: 2004-04-20 09:42pm
by Zaia
YT300000 wrote:Alle rozumiesz je dobrze?
Er...something something good?

I suck. :D

Posted: 2004-04-20 09:45pm
by Ghost Rider
A little bit of Spanish, some latin(yeah it's dead), English, and Korean.