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Blood Tests

Posted: 2004-04-20 10:16pm
by PrinceofLowLight
A friend of mine recently had some bacon he thought was undercooked and is having some digestive problems a week later, and a little muscle pain. He thinks he might have Trichinosis or something, so a doctor is in order. I'm pretty sure the test for Trichinosis requires a blood test.

However, he has recently had a certain substance enter his bloodstream that he'd rather not let anyone know about. Can you find anything other than what you're searching for with these blood tests, and if they find anything, will they be required to report it?

Posted: 2004-04-20 10:20pm
by darthdavid
It doens't fucking matter. Trichinosis is bad bommin and someones fucking life is more important than a fine. I don't know if doc patient confidentality covers that but a fine is always better than death.

Posted: 2004-04-20 10:30pm
by aerius
Depends on the substance and how recently he used it. Depending on the substance there's a quite a few plausible excuses he can claim if they bring it up, Ross Rebagliati's "2nd hand weed smoke" escapade in the '98 Olympics comes to mind. Get the damn test done then worry later, being dead sucks a hell of a lot more than running a risk of being fined and/or tossed in jail.

Posted: 2004-04-20 11:01pm
by SecondStorm
Yes Trichinosis do require a bloodtest.

But I wouldnt worry about the bloodtest.
They have to look for it to see any signs of drug use unless he does *alot* of
Im fairly sure that they wouldnt look for drugs. And they would need his permission to do so.
And in any case it should be covered by the patient-doctor confidentiality.

Considering his symptoms I would urge you strongly to get him to see a doctor. If untreated Trichinosis can be fatal.

Posted: 2004-04-20 11:12pm
by PrinceofLowLight
Alright, gonna see a doctor next time an appointment can be made. Thanks all for the wise counsul.