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OMG! State-sponsored religion!

Posted: 2002-07-18 11:09pm
by Darth Cirrocu
Heh. This is borderline trolling, but I'm in a bad mood today, so here goes:


Check this out, you've got taxpayer money paying for not only houses of worship on Gub Mint property, but also pay, entitlements, and benefits for men (and a few women) whose only mission is to provide counseling to the military, both spiritual and nonspiritual.

The horror! Surely this is a part of Ashcroft's grand scheme to shackle the masses with "WWJD" bracelets and bring about his vision of America!

Oh...wait. Chaplains have been around since the time of the Continental Army. And there are also Muslim, Buddhist, and Jewish chaplains. Drat.

Can't say I've ever heard of an atheist chaplain, though. Waitaminit...

Posted: 2002-07-19 12:03am
by David
Aethiest Chaplain?

Isn't that a oxymorone?

Posted: 2002-07-19 12:22am
by Mr. B

Posted: 2002-07-19 12:41am
by David

Posted: 2002-07-19 01:09am
by Steve
Well, it is also a slightly different matter, since it falls under a legitimate military concern; morale.

Posted: 2002-07-19 02:16am
by Singular Quartet
Steve wrote:Well, it is also a slightly different matter, since it falls under a legitimate military concern; morale.
But its still ogvernment funded religon. Does that mean if I got together a whole slew of Military guys, coverted them all to believing in Cthulu, then the Military would hire a Chaplin for us?

Also, the Chaplins for Atheists are at the local Hooters.

Posted: 2002-07-19 04:25am
by Darik Sdair
But its still ogvernment funded religon. Does that mean if I got together a whole slew of Military guys, coverted them all to believing in Cthulu, then the Military would hire a Chaplin for us?
Actually, I believe a few years back there was some controversy when local civilians threw a fit that the Army was allowing a neo-pagan/wiccan type group to conduct services on base. I don't believe there was a formal chaplain (I seem to recall something about % of population and such to warrant them), but the military was definitely allowing the religeon to be practiced.

As I understand it, chaplains are not considered purveyors of state-sponsored religeon because their services are intended for people who are already members of those beliefs. As was stated above, I think its more of a morale thing than an attempt to push the religeon or grant it an aegis of officialdom.

Posted: 2002-07-19 06:54am
by Mr Bean
Acutal after a single phone call I found out if I'm am American Army man I can get a Preacher/Minster/Imam/Lama if I ask
They keep a Christian Minster on base simply because its the most common religion ATM in the Army

Posted: 2002-07-19 10:18am
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
It's state-sponsore religion alright. These days, you can't say "God bless you" to someone who sneezes without it being declared "a violation of the seperation of church and state".

In my opinion, this "Church and state" stuff has gotten out of hand. ROger Williams must be spinning in hsi grave.