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I wanna know about your sig!

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:15pm
by Jon
Well, it seems EVERYONE around here makes the effort to do something with their signature, which is good, I'm a fan of signatures, they fill out threads and you can communicate thorugh them, in subtle ways :roll:

Um, please, tell me what your signature means and why :P My meaning is in there really, I noticed lots of 'military' themed sigs which looked cool and decided to copy 8) It features a Royal Navy FA2 Harrier Jump Jet and some gibberish :D (I once aspired to be a navy pilot, then real life hit me :p)

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:25pm
by phongn
My sig image features the mighty B-36 -- the largest bomber ever built by the USA. The quote on it is a reference to an alternate history piece -- where the Strategic Air Command's motto is "SAC Does Not Turn Back"

The first line of the text sig refers to my usergroups, then the infamous "Rei Likes Pie" quote and finally a reference to the old-time ASVSers.

The second line refers to the there boards I am or was very active on and any unofficial or official "ranks" I may have achieved.

The third line is another ASVS reference, in this case my STGOD character and when I first joined ASVS.

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:29pm
by Icehawk
Mine's a just a humorous one promoting the Mech Maniacs using Minmei and the SDF-1 from Macross. Im a fan of Macross so I felt compelled to make one with that theme.

I'm gonna make a new one soon though as this one is getting old and boring IMO.

The other stuff underneath the picture are just funny memorable quotes.

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:30pm
by The Aliens
I'm a massive Radiohead fanboy (the picture is Thom Yorke, the lead singer), and I'm the Official Brit Conspiracy's Official Pop-Music Maestro (big fan of the Brit-pop movement). I applied to be in the Writer's Guild, but haven't been approved, am a member in good standing of the Secret Gnome Revolution, and I'm the project head of the Calender.

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:31pm
by Ghost Rider
Shockwave from Transformers.

A nice quote from him as well.

The other part is just groups and such.

Then there's my quote I like(changes)

And the last part is nice joke I enjoy with Howedar's little fun fun bit he's yapping now about.

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:33pm
by Captain Cyran
What's in my sig again?

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:41pm
by Admiral Valdemar
It's a little tribute to Shaun of the Dead, the funniest film of the year and one of the best so far.

I also have a load of biology or military based ones that I routinely go through and make more as I get ideas.

I often have a witty quote, this time it's from Charles Darwin who shares my same view on maths and I also have a link to a science forum and general science webzine that I'm co-maintaining.

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:41pm
by Darth Wong
I don't think mine requires much in the way of explanation. I point out some quotes from various people that make me laugh, I mention my alma mater's engineering motto, and I have a picture that describes my status as a HAB member and Warwolves PSAO. I used to list all of the groups I was a member of, but since I'm a member of most of the groups on the board it just took up too much room.

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:51pm
by Howedar
Picture: general issue HAB signature image.
First line: My political standings
Second-fifth lines: requisite Anti-Editing Mafia bit
Sixth line: A phrase I find particularly funny

Re: I wanna know about your sig!

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:52pm
by Lancer
Jon wrote:Well, it seems EVERYONE around here makes the effort to do something with their signature, which is good, I'm a fan of signatures, they fill out threads and you can communicate thorugh them, in subtle ways :roll:

Um, please, tell me what your signature means and why :P My meaning is in there really, I noticed lots of 'military' themed sigs which looked cool and decided to copy 8) It features a Royal Navy FA2 Harrier Jump Jet and some gibberish :D (I once aspired to be a navy pilot, then real life hit me :p)
well, my sig is kinda military themed. It's based around a realism mod for UT called Infiltration. One of the mod's mottos was "As close as you can get without a class-III license." Well, take a wild guess what a class-III license is.

Posted: 2004-04-25 08:54pm
by Montcalm
Advertising Sunday night Simpsons, and the line below is from The Rock 8)

Posted: 2004-04-25 09:04pm
by Rogue 9
I'm a centrist. As such, I'm one of those few swing voters who really decide the Presidency, since a little over 80% of the population votes the party line no matter what. :twisted:

Posted: 2004-04-25 09:18pm
by El Moose Monstero
Image: Not visible right now due to server problems for some reason, but it's a nice little image combining the Moose Rebellion stuff and overlaying my eye because I felt like it.

Tag Line - Shameless self promoting crap

Tag Line 2 - More self promoting crap

Tag Line 3 - EBC remark, and associated locationally aware self promoting crap.

Posted: 2004-04-25 09:20pm
by Damaramu
I have reverted to the pic and sig I had when I first joined which is a bit of Engrish from the videogame series Samurai Shodown.

The pic is of Genjuro Kibagami, uber badass also from the game series.

Posted: 2004-04-25 09:29pm
by Dorsk 81
My sig pretty much explains itself.
Zaia said about my drag pics "You make a lovely chick, which I would think would be rather difficult for a hot guy." which I still like to gloat about so it's in my sig.
I like Dr. Seuss, hence his quote in my sig
The next bit is just groups I'm a member of on the board.
And the bannana is a reference to a picture Pounder had in his sig once, he had a dancing monkey, which I still miss btw, so I have a dancing bannana.

Posted: 2004-04-25 09:31pm
by YT300000
My signature pic symbolizes how I am the leader of SIERED, a division of the HAB. Basically, we torture people because they have information that we need. Or not, it really makes no difference.

The pic has all sorts of cool torture things, aversion therapy, thumbscrews, torture droid etc.

The written stuff is fairly obvious. The last line is a poem I created which describes me.

Posted: 2004-04-25 09:34pm
by Enigma
Well the first one is paraphrased from the book "March Upcountry" by David Weber and John Ringo.

Then the next to basically reflects my love of my ass and its amazing superpowers and the last part is a link to my webpage.

Posted: 2004-04-25 09:47pm
by Stark
My sig is pretty generic, and I spent five minutes making my banner because I felt left out :D Simply some topical quotes, and a banner announcing my HAB membership and Infiltration fanwhorage :)

Posted: 2004-04-25 09:57pm
by Stormbringer
Sig Pic: Just a sig pic I created. I'd always rather liked that particular quote and Vicious is one of my favorite Bebop quotes.

Sig Quotes: Just ones I like and I figured were appropriate to a supermod. :wink:

Posted: 2004-04-25 10:02pm
by MKSheppard
Targeteer of the HAB: Requisite HAB issue SIG, required by THE GREAT LEADER.

It refers to my near-perfect "claw of destruction" of two 100kt devices and
a single 40kt devices placed over Nablus in the West Bank, which drew
praise from a honest to god real life Nuclear War Planner from a different

Then: My membership in the GDC;

Requisite Anti Editing Mafia Bit;

A made up confucious quote describing why it isn't a good idea to
get into a shitslinging fight with me;

And a rundown of the threads on the Moderator forum involving me :twisted:

Posted: 2004-04-25 10:10pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I have a sig? I don't think I've changed it in a year!

The first two lines are quotes I found funny, and the third line shows the various uergroups I'm in.

Posted: 2004-04-25 10:26pm
by Graeme Dice
Mine is just a cool quote that illustrates the difficulty Maxwell had in getting acceptance that the equations he had developed were correct.

Posted: 2004-04-25 11:18pm
by SirNitram
Let's see.

Heretic Of PSW comes from my frequent clashes with the 'mainstream' thought there, for better or worse. Logic Enforcer of Fantasy was originally a reference to my tendency to leap into threads there and beat people into objective viewpoints; now I do this armed with Moderator powers.

My sig is a nice little thing covering a quote of mine, my rank within the Black Mages, and noting my presense in the BOTM. I never got around to adding my placement in other groups.

The next line is a list of user groups. I can't spell Ubitoraqute, so I just put All Seeing Eye.

Next is an utterly random quote. Don't ask me from whence it came, I know not.

Debator Classifications were big lately, I never knew where they came from. I just style myself a TrollHunter, embarking on the same path as legends from ASVS. Watch me savage Darth Shinji sometime.

The Editing Mafia thing is just a blatant mocking of Sheppard and his little group. By the by, am I alone in finding intense irony coming from a Horseman(Whose lot in life is to edit posts) joining something called the 'Anti-Editing Mafia'? Perhaps they need to get a name that doesn't suck.

Posted: 2004-04-25 11:21pm
by Rogue 9
Anti-Editing Mafia: If a certain other mafia's powers aren't mere delusion, why am I still here?

And its Ubiqtorate.

And when did you get back, Nitram? Fun, I trust? :wink:

Posted: 2004-04-25 11:25pm
by MKSheppard
SirNitram wrote: The Editing Mafia thing is just a blatant mocking of Sheppard and his little group.
Heh heh heh, Wrong. It isn't my group, per se. :twisted: