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this makes me giggle like a school girl

Posted: 2004-04-26 10:08am
by Col. Crackpot

Posted: 2004-04-26 10:58am
by theski
Just got back from Universal park in Orlando... and Tons of Red Sox fans.... We even had a Little impromptue... "Yankees Suck" cheer going :twisted:

Posted: 2004-04-26 11:09am
by Col. Crackpot
theski wrote:Just got back from Universal park in Orlando... and Tons of Red Sox fans.... We even had a Little impromptue... "Yankees Suck" cheer going :twisted:
i was at the Black Rose on saturday night. rowdy bunch! they broke into chant 3 times.

Posted: 2004-04-26 12:16pm
by Darth Gojira
Whoooo!! I'm from good ol' Chitown myself, but any Yankee defeat is worth celebrating. *raises Hi-C in triumph*

Posted: 2004-04-26 01:48pm
by Sharp-kun
I came into this thread expecting schoolgirls. I was disapointed :(

Posted: 2004-04-26 01:53pm
by BoredShirtless
Sharp-kun wrote:I came into this thread expecting schoolgirls. I was disapointed :(
Not me. I came into this thread expecting a school girl, and that's exactly what I got; Crackpot.

Posted: 2004-04-26 01:58pm
by Chardok
BoredShirtless wrote:
Sharp-kun wrote:I came into this thread expecting schoolgirls. I was disapointed :(
Not me. I came into this thread expecting a school girl, and that's exactly what I got; Crackpot.
Ouch! Come on, BS, can the Flamebaiting, Bro! either that, or start a flamethread in HoS and you two can HAVE AT each other. IMHO, things have been too civil on this board lately anyway. We need to have a good old-fashioned, full-on flamewar, but that was just blatant, Man!

Posted: 2004-04-26 02:00pm
by Joe
[nelson]HA HA![/nelson]

Posted: 2004-04-26 02:20pm
by Tsyroc
"Sweep" that's pretty cool.

This is my all time favorite Yankees loss though. Game 6. It would have been better if it had closed out the series and more so if it had been in New York but a 15-2 ass spanking in any game of the World Series has got to be embarassing if you are on the losing end.

I'm really only sorry that it happened on the weekend because on the following Monday all the New York media types got to pretend it didn't happen and only focused on losing the much closer Game 7.

Posted: 2004-04-26 03:34pm
by Col. Crackpot
BoredShirtless wrote:
Sharp-kun wrote:I came into this thread expecting schoolgirls. I was disapointed :(
Not me. I came into this thread expecting a school girl, and that's exactly what I got; Crackpot.
farting into the wind again, cumstain?

Posted: 2004-04-26 03:39pm
by Imperium²
What's wrong with the Yankees? :?

Posted: 2004-04-26 03:42pm
by Col. Crackpot
Imperium² wrote:What's wrong with the Yankees? :?
they are $200 million worth of suck.
and evil. quite evil.