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More good news from Cyran, his birthday.

Posted: 2004-04-28 09:43pm
by Captain Cyran
In even MORE good news for me, today is my 18th birthday. Legally look at porn, buy cigarettes, pay taxes, get jury duty, get drafted... Same day as Saddam Hussein... two days after the Chernobyl explosion...

Ok, being 18 sucks... Nevermind what I said about this being good.

:lol: :lol:

Posted: 2004-04-28 09:44pm
by Ghost Rider
Happy B-Day!

So both 18 and an Eagle go out and enjoy your newfound powers :D

Posted: 2004-04-28 09:44pm
by Jon
Please tell me you are in a good ol' country like ours and you can legally drink alcohol now too ;)

edit: happy birthday, btw :P

Posted: 2004-04-28 09:45pm
by YT300000
Happy Birthday!

Posted: 2004-04-28 10:18pm
by Zaia
Oh boy, Cyran, you can join the BOTM now!! :D

And happy birthday, pumpkin. *kisses cheek*

Posted: 2004-04-28 10:21pm
by Montcalm
Turning 18 would be a good time to move to Quebec,you can get drunk anytime you want.


Posted: 2004-04-28 10:50pm
by Mayabird
Happy Birthday!

You forgot that you can also legally gamble in a lot of places. I don't know where you live, but when I turned 18 I could buy lottery tickets here.

I haven't, though. I just exploit the people who do for scholarship money. 8)

Posted: 2004-04-28 11:43pm
by Zaia
You can also call the "Psychic Friends Network" now! And Miss Cleo!

Posted: 2004-04-29 12:23am
by Rogue 9
Zaia wrote:You can also call the "Psychic Friends Network" now! And Miss Cleo!
Yeah! And when they ask for your name and sign, say "You're the psychic, you tell me!" :D

Posted: 2004-04-29 01:15am
by Kuja
Captain_Cyran wrote:In even MORE good news for me, today is my 18th birthday.
Congratulations, you're an almost-man! :P :wink:

Posted: 2004-04-29 10:20am
by LadyTevar

Posted: 2004-04-29 10:30am
by Rye
OH you live in a country where you still can't get drunk..damn.

Happy Bird-day anyway.

Posted: 2004-04-29 11:53am
by Rogue 9
Rye wrote:OH you live in a country where you still can't get drunk..damn.

Happy Bird-day anyway.
Heh. I've been assigned to dry out the other basses in the choir when they inevitably get plastered while we're over there. They'll forget that Guinness is a lot stronger than what we have here, I guarantee it...

Posted: 2004-04-29 12:02pm
by Batman
*hands Cyran the birtday cake, a stripper, and a bottle of diet Coke*
Sorry 'bout the last but if you're not allowed to drink *shrugs*
I swear you foreigners have the weirdest age requirement priorities...

Posted: 2004-04-29 09:30pm
by Captain Cyran
*hands Cyran the birtday cake, a stripper, and a bottle of diet Coke*
Sorry 'bout the last but if you're not allowed to drink *shrugs*
I swear you foreigners have the weirdest age requirement priorities...
Diet... coke? If you weren't Batman I'd kill you...

Oh, Zaia, I almost forgot about that calling Miss Cleo thing! (Oh yeah, and BotM, I should probably go for membership in that now.)

Posted: 2004-04-29 10:07pm
by Batman
Captain_Cyran wrote:Diet... coke? If you weren't Batman I'd kill you...
Well, you're not allowed to drink so....
Ahem. :wtf:
No, you're right ,Alfred. I guess I deserved that.
NTM Tim's reaction would have propably been the same as Cryans's.
Captain_Cyran:Go right ahead, it's not like it were the first time...

If whatever country you live in distinguishes between hard and soft liquor I will happily replace that bottle of Diet Coke with a barrel of beer...

Posted: 2004-04-29 11:47pm
by Zaia
Captain_Cyran wrote:Oh, Zaia, I almost forgot about that calling Miss Cleo thing! (Oh yeah, and BotM, I should probably go for membership in that now.)
You're darn right, boyee! What would you do without me, hmm? *kisses cheek*

Hope you had a wonderful day. :D

Posted: 2004-04-29 11:50pm
by SyntaxVorlon
Happy B-day Sadda... I mean Cyran!! Cyran!
yeah woot

I hope you get many neat things.