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Sniper Suspect Arrested!
Posted: 2002-10-24 09:14am
by Stormbringer ... index.html
It appears that the sniper suspect has been caught. So far no really connection to terrorism just a pair of nutcases.
Posted: 2002-10-24 09:41am
by Darth Wong
With the $10 million ransom, it appears that the motivation was just money. Fucking assholes ... does Maryland have the death penalty?
Posted: 2002-10-24 09:45am
by Stormbringer
Darth Wong wrote:With the $10 million ransom, it appears that the motivation was just money. Fucking assholes ... does Maryland have the death penalty?
Nope, not as far as I know. But I believe Virginia does and I'm not sure about DC.
Posted: 2002-10-24 09:57am
by MKSheppard
Stormbringer wrote:
Nope, not as far as I know. But I believe Virginia does and I'm not sure about DC.
We have the GAS CHAMBER here in MD, but our Death Penalty cases/complex
are right now bogged down in liberal crap over whether the Death Penalty
is morally acceptable, etc etc
Posted: 2002-10-24 09:59am
by Stormbringer
MKSheppard wrote:Stormbringer wrote:
Nope, not as far as I know. But I believe Virginia does and I'm not sure about DC.
We have the GAS CHAMBER here in MD, but our Death Penalty cases/complex
are right now bogged down in liberal crap over whether the Death Penalty
is morally acceptable, etc etc
So in other words it's on the books but the liberals have taken the guts out of the law? God damned Democrats. I've got agree with Shep on this one, some bastards just deserve to die.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:01am
by Tsyroc
Screw the death penalty. Just send them to prison with a shipment of lube for each individual prisoner currently serving time there.
Actually, if they get charged federally couldn't they get the death penalty that way?
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:03am
by Stormbringer
Tsyroc wrote:Screw the death penalty. Just send them to prison with a shipment of lube for each individual prisoner currently serving time there.
Actually, if they get charged federally couldn't they get the death penalty that way?
Forget the lube. Just send them in.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:04am
by Tsyroc
I just figured the lube would be a good invitation. They'll eventually run out anyway.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:06am
by Stormbringer
Tsyroc wrote:I just figured the lube would be a good invitation. They'll eventually run out anyway.
Just send them in with pink jumpsuits. That should do it.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:06am
by MKSheppard
Stormbringer wrote:
So in other words it's on the books but the liberals have taken the guts out of the law? God damned Democrats. I've got agree with Shep on this one, some bastards just deserve to die.
I can't quite remember, but our lame duck democratic governor,
Parris Glendening, put a halt to executions, for a "study" on whether
the death penalty is applied unfairly to certain races... ... 8491.shtml
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:10am
by Tsyroc
Well this is one of the cases where there should be no question. Proven serial killers recieving the death penalty should be a no-brainer.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:11am
by Stormbringer
MKSheppard wrote:Stormbringer wrote:
So in other words it's on the books but the liberals have taken the guts out of the law? God damned Democrats. I've got agree with Shep on this one, some bastards just deserve to die.
I can't quite remember, but our lame duck democratic governor,
Parris Glendening, put a halt to executions, for a "study" on whether
the death penalty is applied unfairly to certain races...
I repeat again: God Damned Democrats.
If you did a crime that desreves the dath penalty, you should damn well get the death penalty. Skin color shouldn't enter into it at all.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:14am
by Kelly Antilles
Stormbringer wrote:Tsyroc wrote:I just figured the lube would be a good invitation. They'll eventually run out anyway.
Just send them in with pink jumpsuits. That should do it.
Fuck, just bring them down here to Davidson County. Good Ole' Sherrif Hege will lock 'em in his cells with pink bunnies on the wall and dress them in his special striped jumpsuits.
Actually, if it's found that they are part of Al Queda, wouldn't the US government procecute?
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:20am
by Stormbringer
Kelly Antilles wrote:Actually, if it's found that they are part of Al Queda, wouldn't the US government procecute?
Only if they were part of Al-Quada. And it's looks like those two are just some nutjobs.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:20am
by EmperorMing
*If* these are the correct guys...
I'm gonna try and avoid saying anything until the picture is clearer...
Then take their friggin' heads off!
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:21am
by Kelly Antilles
EmperorMing wrote:*If* these are the correct guys...
I'm gonna try and avoid saying anything until the picture is clearer...
Then take their friggin' heads off!
I'd like to see the return of public lynchings and beheadings. That would be cool.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:24am
by Stormbringer
Kelly Antilles wrote:EmperorMing wrote:*If* these are the correct guys...
I'm gonna try and avoid saying anything until the picture is clearer...
Then take their friggin' heads off!
I'd like to see the return of public lynchings and beheadings. That would be cool.
Better yet gladitorial games. Real life violence for the WWF crowd.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:25am
by MKSheppard
Stormbringer wrote:
Only if they were part of Al-Quada. And it's looks like those two are just some nutjobs.
What are the chances of them being Muslim anyway? Shouldnt this all be the
work of crazed white christian gun owners according to the news reports from
when all this started?
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:29am
by EmperorMing
My questions:
Where did they find them?
What is their background?
Much is being covered, much is not yet said.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:29am
by Yogi
Stormbringer wrote:I repeat again: God Damned Democrats.
If you did a crime that desreves the dath penalty, you should damn well get the death penalty. Skin color shouldn't enter into it at all.
Would be nice it it actually worked that way. It doesn't.
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:32am
by MKSheppard
EmperorMing wrote:My questions:
Where did they find them?
What is their background?
Much is being covered, much is not yet said.
Well, remember when they asked for 10 million? They gave
a credit card number and it turned out to be a stolen card
from a dead woman in Alabama...
They went to Alabama, found fingerprints from that case,
ran it thru their databases, and came up with Muhummad,
who has his fingerprints on file from prior military service,
and then went to their last known domicile, and also issued
an arrest warrant for those two.
(at least that's how I think it went down, wild ass guess time here)
They found them in Frederick, MD sleeping in a car along the
side of the road.
Muhummad was a Gulf War Vet, blah blah was supportive of 9/11 attacks,
blah blah
Posted: 2002-10-24 10:42am
by EmperorMing
How stupid can you be?!? Oh wait, we have seen stupid here...*smack*
10 mil, on a stolen CC?!?!

Posted: 2002-10-24 11:07am
by Darth Wong
Where did this stolen credit-card thing come from? CNN says they caught them after getting a fingerprint from the boy at a previous crime scene in Montgomery.
PS. CNN also says that the police grabbed a tree-trunk from a Washington backyard that was apparently used for target practice.
Posted: 2002-10-24 11:13am
by MKSheppard
Darth Wong wrote:Where did this stolen credit-card thing come from? CNN says they caught them after getting a fingerprint from the boy at a previous crime scene in Montgomery.
PS. CNN also says that the police grabbed a tree-trunk from a Washington backyard that was apparently used for target practice.
The credit card thing was from the last shooting, I think. Anyway, I'm a bit
skeptical of the can these shitheads do target practice
in a suburban neighborhood? I mean, Washington State is not exaclty
MILITAgun (aka Michigan)
Unless of course, they used a silencer when they practiced...oh well, we'll
see what the Tree trunk has in it when they X-Ray it here in Rockville
(The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms has it's largest forensenic lab
here in rockville, md, wheee!)
Posted: 2002-10-24 12:12pm
by MKSheppard
MSNBC says on their scroll
"Charges likely to be filed in Maryland"