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Hospital Administrations Need Brain

Posted: 2004-04-29 05:34pm
by Montcalm

Posted: 2004-04-29 05:41pm
by Batman
This is me being speechless.
The hospital being ASKED to do so for a politician's visit would be bad enough but at least within the realm of idiocy I've come to expect of politics. But why in the name of the Force are they doing so all by their lonesome?
If interpret the emergency room remaining open correctly that means they'll not schedule OPs for that day, not that there won't be any if the need arises, but I still find it stupid beyond belief.

EDITed to fix typo
*glares at typo*

Posted: 2004-04-29 05:43pm
by lazerus

Bah! My father is a doctor (i'm still a student), and his hospital administration isn't incompenent, it's just corrupt. The Nurosurgury department runs the whole show, they just gave every other hospital employee a 2% pay cut so they could all get a 10% pay RAISE. :evil:

Posted: 2004-04-30 10:08pm
by Equinox2003
Wow. A bunch of disturbing things in this thread.....I can understand
witholding future raises, but cutting what somebody already makes was
'not cool' to say the least. One would think that as Doctors, they already
had a ton of money was it was.

Posted: 2004-05-01 03:52am
by Trytostaydead
Blah. Administrators. 'Nuff said.