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Look! It's 20 yr old Mormon ____ Hess!

Posted: 2004-05-01 12:10am
by Lonestar
One of my coworkers is a Petty Officer third class whose brother recently wrote and directed a film that got picked up by Fox after showing it at the Sundance. For a cool 3 million American plus 50% of the royalties. Anywho, the name of the movie is Napoleon Dynamite. The director (Jared Hess) got the name after he met a guy named Napoleon Dynamite while on mission. You guessed it, he's an LDS man.

So, last week's Newsweek had a brief spiel about ND, mentioning that it was "written and directed by 25 year old Mormon Jared Hess". Obviously, PO3 Hess is very happy that his brother is rolling in the dough, and our division has been keeping an eye out for references to his movie. We all thought the discription was a bit odd, would they have said the same if he was a catholic?

Well, Servicemembers tend to give their co-workers nicknames. Up until now CTT3 Hess' name was "Hardhat" or "Hess Monster" or "Deputy Reichsfuhrer". Now, obviously, whenever we see him we go "Yes, what is it, 20 yr old Mormom ____ Hess?"

That's my story for the week. Go see the ND trailer!