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Does anyone here play Hitman 2?

Posted: 2002-10-24 10:43pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Hell of a game. I especially like the music from the Russian levels (the one performed by the brass band, for a good example play "Invitation to a Party")


Posted: 2002-10-24 10:58pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Nope, but I'm thinking of acquiring it. Is there multiplayer? And how many single player levels are there?

Posted: 2002-10-24 11:03pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I don't know about multiplayer. But there are twenty or so SP levels. And they are fucking challenging (but fun).

Posted: 2002-10-24 11:13pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
...YOU OWN THE could you not know if there is multiplayer?!

Posted: 2002-10-24 11:15pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Wo0ps sorry, no MP. (Was too lazy to check and don't have an Internet connection at home)

How would it work out anyway?

Posted: 2002-10-24 11:26pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Ah, ok. :P I have a few ideas of my own. The MP could have many different modes. One could be co-op missions, where two or more hitmen work as a team to assassinate a VIP or multiple VIPs. Another co-op mission would be for the VIP and his security to get to a helicopter or car or something, while there is a hitman or small team of hitmen trying to assassinate him. (Much like the CS VIP maps.) Then there could be competing hitmen all trying to assassinate one VIP that is protected by AI security. That would be cool, IMO.

Posted: 2002-10-24 11:32pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
AI security. Four hitmen with WA2Ks would kill them in say... very damn fast?

Posted: 2002-10-24 11:35pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Maybe they could eliminate some features for the AI in MP. Like they are alert all the time because they know there are hitmen trying to assassinate the VIP and their health is increased. Stuff like that.

Posted: 2002-10-24 11:51pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
The AI is alert all the time, SP or MP. And any alerts mean you don't get the "Silent Assassin" ranking (as well as the associated weaponry)

Posted: 2002-10-24 11:54pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Aha...I supposed I need to play the game myself before theorizing about a MP mode. :P

Posted: 2002-10-25 12:01am
by weemadando
How about the classic assassin mode?

Everyone looks the same. There is a hitman somewhere in the crowd of bots. There are security people hunting the hitman. The hitman is hunting the target.

Its helluva fun.

Posted: 2002-10-25 12:03am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Wouldn't work too well. AI here is motherfucking psychic - they can tell who you through 50-feet of raging blizzard when you're in an "appropriated" ninja suit.

Posted: 2002-10-25 12:04am
by IRG CommandoJoe
In MP that would sorta be...well...just dumb. Maybe if you were able to kill someone and steal his uniform and gear it would be better. But starting out with the hitman as the guard is just...a bad idea...IMO, that is.

Posted: 2002-10-25 12:18am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Could be you might have to do a city assassination mission, with multiple hitmen going after one target and the cops are on alert. So once you get discovered you have nowhere to hide and you have to go into a berserker "eliminate principal at any cost" mode.

Posted: 2002-10-25 12:39am
by Vympel
The original Hitman was ok but after I finished playing it I realized it wasn't that good.

I played the Hitman 2 demo and it looked like more of the FRUSTRATING same.

How much better is it really?

Posted: 2002-10-25 12:45am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
The formula is the same - disguise yourself, kill the amrk, get out. Or you may ahve to plant stuff on people, or steal stuff. Some missions combine the two.

Hitman 2 gives you more ways to complete the same mission. You can shoot the mark's head of with a sniper rifle, administer large helpings of AK rounds to his face, or poison him to death. And the moethod of execution for each is radically different. For example, in one mission you have to kill some poor Russian general at an embassy. You can disguise yourself as a waiter and give him poisoned champagne or you can shoot him between the eyes dressed as you are. You are rated after each mission based on your professionalism (were you spotted, how many rounds used, how many unnecessary kills, etc.)

The highest rank is Silent Assassin, one step above Professional.

Posted: 2002-10-25 12:51am
by IRG CommandoJoe
Sounds like I'll love every minute of this game. I've always wanted a game where you can wear disguises and kill people in abstract ways. lol

Posted: 2002-10-25 12:54am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Abstract, you want to know what's abstract? There's this other mission where you have to infiltrate a Russian base with about 50+ guards in it and rescue a captured spy while simultaneously killing the general in residence. Did I also mention that the trip in is one-way and you have to blast your way out with explosives? Heh.

Posted: 2002-10-25 09:54am
by Guest
i'm still trying to beat the original hitman, without cheating, b4 i try part 2.
Whats with the ending in HM1. It sucked donkey dicks

Posted: 2002-10-25 12:47pm
by Sienthal
The demo alone is pretty damn awesome. Lots of improvements from the old game, having in-game saves and completely open-ended levels. And it has so much style, :D

My best rating is Professional on the demo, only because I have to kill two people (One guard and the target). Other than that I can make it out without being discovered and all.