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What's your earliest memory of doing something stupid?

Posted: 2004-05-08 12:55am
by darthdavid
For me it was sticking my finger in a light socket somewhere between the ages of 4-6.

Posted: 2004-05-08 01:06am
by Mayabird
I was around four or so. My mom had just been ironing, and she left it out to cool. A short while later, I walk up to the ironing board. Well, I knew at least that things that glowed were hot, but the iron wasn't glowing so I figured it'd be okay. The bottom looked really smooth and I wanted to see if it really was.

That's when I learned two valuable lessons. Things don't necessarily have to be glowing from them to be really hot, and it hurts to put your entire palm on a very hot surface.

Posted: 2004-05-08 01:08am
by Shroom Man 777
Once I stapled my thumb. Another time I was throwing rocks into the water at some beach resort and I forgot to let go of one rock and I fell into the water. Another time, while in America, I was uttering jibberish and a waitress asked if I was nuts. That was when I was young.

Oh yeah, and I saw a small snake on the stairs and I thought it was turd.

Posted: 2004-05-08 01:10am
by TrailerParkJawa
I can't pick an 'earliest' stupid memory, I've done plenty of stupid things in my life. I bought 300 shares of SGI about a month ago. That was stupid cause now I'm down like 450 bucks. :cry:

Posted: 2004-05-08 01:16am
by Stofsk
I had just finished watching Eddie Murphey's "The Golden Child" for like the umpteenth time, and I thought it would be super-cool to go next door and tell the girl next door (who was around my age) to "Kiss my arse." Then, because her dad (who happened to be a cop) was tending the gardens and overheard me, I told him to "Kiss my arse" as well. By then I realised the crucial difference with Movies and reality.

They (my parents) found me cowering under the bed. I thought I was in big trouble. But then this was the start of me putting my foot in my mouth. And oh boy have I put my foot in my mouth plenty of times...

Posted: 2004-05-08 01:39am
by 18-Till-I-Die
It was when i was but a mere lad of twelve.

My freind Jimmy and i decided, being the MIT grads we were, to light a huge fucking firecracker and hurl it into an old, burt out car. Or we thought it was.

It exploded, and tore the car a new one. Needless to say, when we found out someone owned that car, my but werent we red in the face. And the ass. And a few bruses around the neck.

Yes i was a nasty little bowl cut sporting hellion before i straightened up. Luckily, i havnt blown up a car in almost six maybe seven years.

Posted: 2004-05-08 01:42am
by Zaia
Well, his name was Stan, and...


Posted: 2004-05-08 02:00am
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Let's see... I remember falling down the stairs a few times when I was about six, and other than that, it was pretty much the stupid things every young child did at that age.

Posted: 2004-05-08 02:49am
by Executor32
I remember eating a cigarette when I was four. However, there is a bright side to this stupid act. Due to it being so disgusting, ever since then I have vowed never to let anything like that into my body again, in any way, shape, or form. It also gives me a great story to tell when someone offers me one. :lol:

Posted: 2004-05-08 02:57am
by Gandalf
When I was much younger, I was preparing to go out somewhere with my parents. Scene as follows.

Dad: "Mick, are you wearing your jeans tonight?"
Me: "Yes."
Dad: "Remember to wear underwear with them."
Me: "Ok."

Dad leaves the room.

Me: (Thinking) "Why do I have to wear underwear with jeans?"

A few seconds pass.

Me: "OWIE!"

I think I was about 3/4 when this happened.

(For those of you who didn't get it, Think about the scene in There's Something About Mary that involved a zipper.

Posted: 2004-05-08 03:00am
by El Moose Monstero
Eating Rhubarb Leaves when I was about 3, I still remember being taken off to hospital and spending a night throwing up to get the crap out of my system.

Posted: 2004-05-08 03:12am
by Shroom Man 777
Gandalf wrote:When I was much younger, I was preparing to go out somewhere with my parents. Scene as follows.

Dad: "Mick, are you wearing your jeans tonight?"
Me: "Yes."
Dad: "Remember to wear underwear with them."
Me: "Ok."

Dad leaves the room.

Me: (Thinking) "Why do I have to wear underwear with jeans?"

A few seconds pass.

Me: "OWIE!"

I think I was about 3/4 when this happened.

(For those of you who didn't get it, Think about the scene in There's Something About Mary that involved a zipper.
SHIT! That stuff does wonders to the foreskin :lol:

Posted: 2004-05-08 03:19am
by The Kernel
I'm not sure what the earliest stupid thing I did was, but I can tell you the stupidest thing I ever did.

When I was in 11th grade, I was making a scroll for a candleholder in my school's blacksmithing shop, and I pulled it from the forge, exceptionally proud of crafting a perfect scroll. I took said scroll over to my friend who was standing a few stations away working on his own scroll and I proudly demonstration my handywork to him. I remember that he asked me what was the design of the flare on the tip, and as if to illustrate the point I was making about it, I grabbed the still red hot tip of the scroll.

Thirty minutes and twelve bottles of Aloe latter, I had learned an important lesson in humility.

Posted: 2004-05-08 03:45am
by Sriad
The Kernel wrote:I remember that he asked me what was the design of the flare on the tip, and as if to illustrate the point I was making about it, I grabbed the still red hot tip of the scroll.
All artists leave a little of themselves in their work...

The earliest stupid things I've done that other people (my parents) have told me about involve me sticking knives in electrical sockets, but COME ON! They're designed to go together, it's so obvious that a two year old could figure it out! :wink:

The earliest stupid thing I remember... all involve pooping in places where no poop should be.

Posted: 2004-05-08 03:55am
by Peregrin Toker
I don't know... nor do I really wish to...

Posted: 2004-05-08 06:43am
by Shroom Man 777
Sriad wrote:The earliest stupid thing I remember... all involve pooping in places where no poop should be.
I never remembered doing that but my sister told me that I did that...and that's quite humiliating, no?

Posted: 2004-05-08 02:05pm
by AnimeJet
Probably stapling my own thumb.. and not noticing until my friend pointed it out.. odd how the mind works.

Posted: 2004-05-08 02:13pm
by Shroom Man 777
Ah, I also leaned against a window which had broken glass and only noticed that I was wounded when I felt the tear on my uniform and saw the blood. That was when I was a kid. Then after noticing, I ran down the stairs, screaming and went to the school's office to get medical attention.

Posted: 2004-05-08 02:15pm
by Montcalm
I too remember putting my finger in a light socket,damn it felt like i was bitten by something,as for my brother he put a 20 dollar bill in the toaster.

Posted: 2004-05-08 02:19pm
by Shroom Man 777
I plugged a plug and placed my finger inbetween the "teeth" while plugging it. God, it hurts a lot. Kids are dumb.

Posted: 2004-05-08 02:31pm
by KrauserKrauser
I can't remember the first stupid thing I've done but I can remember the first time something stupid was done to me.

When I was like 6 or 8 I had this GoBots toy that transformed into a gun that lit up and made noise and over course a giant mecha robot thing. Well I got onto a plane to fly to Texas and the baggage screeners decided that my toy was a threat. So they take it and "investigate" it.

Next thing I know they hand me back my toy, only now it's broken in half and doesn't make noise anymore. Fuck baggage handlers.

Posted: 2004-05-08 03:15pm
by General Zod
have a hard time remembering back past ten or so, but one of the earliest stupid things i remember doing is stabbing myself with a mechanical pencil in my palm. i've still got a tiny dot from accidentally tattooing myself.

edit: actually. another thing i can think of is when i was 6 or 7. my grandparents had a woodburning kit nearby and i was curious as to how it works (basically it was a bigass soldering iron, but i didn't know that at the time). The thing was still plugged in, and pretty damned hot. stupidly, i grabbed the very tip of the iron and getting a nasty burn as a result.

Posted: 2004-05-08 05:03pm
by Shark Bait
AnimeJet wrote:Probably stapling my own thumb.. and not noticing until my friend pointed it out.. odd how the mind works.
Yeah I did that once in first grade, only I stapled my hand to the wall and noticed it when I went to sit back down.

Posted: 2004-05-08 05:09pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Playing with a bedroom door when I was 4 or something and then slamming it on my left thumb thus slicing the end off nearly and needing stitches.

Posted: 2004-05-08 05:38pm
by SyntaxVorlon
I remember poking myself in the eye with my pencil while staring intently at the tip on a bouncy sofa, boy was that fun. I've gotten into worse scrapes, but all of them by accident, not by the sheer stupidity of that.