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Who do you think is the biggest hypocrite out there?
Posted: 2002-10-25 06:26pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
They're everywhere.
I think some celeberties are hypocrites. They tell us about how lucky we are, and how there are kids in third world countries starving to , but then they go home to giant Maliblu mansions, and do little to help these poor and starving.
Then, there are those environmentalist wackos. If they think human life is a cancer on the planet and we never should have evolved passed grunting and swinging from trees , then they should just move out of their mansions and into the rainforest. Perhaps some primitive tribe will want them there.
I know these are hasty generalizations, but some people are like that.
Who do you think is the world's biggest hypocrite(s)?
Posted: 2002-10-25 06:30pm
by HemlockGrey
Mike Wong
Posted: 2002-10-25 06:59pm
by Mr Bean
Tom Dashal Current Head of the US Senate
Bigger ass I have not met, Greater Hypocrite there shall never be
Tom No look I'm a Republican! Dashal, every frekken issue he has ever discussed he has flip floped at least twice on plus the mean-spirted bullshit(Demanding appolgys from anyone who cristises him)
Posted: 2002-10-25 07:15pm
by Ultra
Mr Bean wrote:Tom Dashal Current Head of the US Senate
Bigger ass I have not met, Greater Hypocrite there shall never be
Tom No look I'm a Republican! Dashal, every frekken issue he has ever discussed he has flip floped at least twice on plus the mean-spirted bullshit(Demanding appolgys from anyone who cristises him)
Try to make sense, please.
Posted: 2002-10-25 07:18pm
by haas mark
Anybody that deserves the title of fundie.
Posted: 2002-10-25 07:20pm
by Mr Bean
Realy you can't understand that?
Ok try this
South Dakota's United States Senator Thomas Daschle, Current Senate Majority Leader
That help?
Posted: 2002-10-25 07:22pm
by Ultra
Mr Bean wrote:Realy you can't understand that?
Ok try this
South Dakota's United States Senator Thomas Daschle, Current Senate Majority Leader
That help?
Much better than your broken english from the other post.
Good job.
Posted: 2002-10-25 07:33pm
by Mr Bean
Hint, English was not my First Langue, Hint number #2, Normaly if you can understand me I don't give a damn
Posted: 2002-10-25 09:19pm
by weemadando
Hypocrite... not sure, does Australia's Governor General count? Former head of the Catholic Church, declared that Abortion was a worse crime than Rape. Also said that women who have abortions are doing worse things than the Priests who sexually assaulted children.
That man is an arsehole.
Posted: 2002-10-25 09:44pm
by Joe
Mr Bean wrote:Hint, English was not my First Langue, Hint number #2, Normaly if you can understand me I don't give a damn
Bean, out of curiosity, what was your first language?
Posted: 2002-10-25 10:04pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
weemadando wrote:Hypocrite... not sure, does Australia's Governor General count? Former head of the Catholic Church, declared that Abortion was a worse crime than . Also said that women who have abortions are doing worse things than the Priests who ually assaulted children.
That man is an arsehole.
That's not a hypocrite, just an idiot.
Anyway, the U.N. has been acting hypocritical lately. They kicked the US off the Human Rights Commision while putting nations with horrid human rights records a while back. Perhaps they Bush. You didn't see them doing this when Clinton was in the White House.
Posted: 2002-10-25 10:05pm
by Kelly Antilles
Ultra wrote:Mr Bean wrote:Realy you can't understand that?
Ok try this
South Dakota's United States Senator Thomas Daschle, Current Senate Majority Leader
That help?
Much better than your broken english from the other post.
Good job.
Dude, one thing. You're a newbie. Don't criticise your elders on the board until you get to know them.
Posted: 2002-10-25 10:10pm
by weemadando
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:weemadando wrote:Hypocrite... not sure, does Australia's Governor General count? Former head of the Catholic Church, declared that Abortion was a worse crime than . Also said that women who have abortions are doing worse things than the Priests who ually assaulted children.
That man is an arsehole.
That's not a hypocrite, just an idiot.
Anyway, the U.N. has been acting hypocritical lately. They kicked the US off the Human Rights Commision while putting nations with horrid human rights records a while back. Perhaps they Bush. You didn't see them doing this when Clinton was in the White House.
Wow, do you have some kind of censoring spyware on your system? It eliminated the words RAPE, SEX and whatever you said about Bush.
Posted: 2002-10-25 10:45pm
by Mr Bean
But back to the main subject
South Dakota's United States Senator Thomas Daschle, Current Senate Majority Leader
Things he Contradict himself on off the top of my head
War on Iraq-Said he'd fight Bush to the end, Would not it go forward, Supported Bush with Reseverations, Supported him with no resevartions
All said in the space of two weeks
On Clinton-Clinton was a great guy and don't knock him cause he did not report a few gifts he got(Over 1.5 Million million dollers in Gifts Now know that Clinton Never reported while President)
Then attemps to get Bush sighted for 300$ Suit was gift from his own Party that Bush never reported(Quoting Bush-Gee I have to do that sort of thing?)
*Edit Found Dashal Website now here are some more
From WT. "Mr. Daschle says Mr. Bush's tax cuts are the chief reason we are in a recession, but he insists he does not want any of the tax cuts repealed. Forget about Mr. Daschle's statements last year when he called for the president to resubmit his budget with most of the tax cuts removed.
Good one
Annnd Espcilly good one
Mr. Daschle says we need "fiscal discipline," but he supported an 11th-hour effort in the Senate to add $20 billion in pork barrel spending, including subsidies for bison ranchers like billionaire Ted Turner. He blocked a vote on a compromise stimulus bill because - you guessed it - the bill did not contain enough spending for entitlements. And let's not forget the fat farm bill Mr. Daschle tried to pass over Mr. Bush's objections that would burden taxpayers with tens of billions of dollars in wasteful giveaways.”
And note I did not know Ted Turner was a Bison Rancher, Did you?
"Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle yesterday defended his requirement that contentious measures, such as an economic stimulus package or a bill to allow oil drilling in an Alaskan wildlife refuge, must have 60 votes to pass, not the usual 51."
Remeber this Cyril and Ted Complaing about this?
You might think this is postive(IE he's fighting aginst somthing they don't like) but frankly thats called breaking the Rules
Hmm thats just off the top of my Head
That and depending on what day of the week it is He's either Pro-Life or Pro Choice
Posted: 2002-10-25 10:57pm
by Ted
Mr Bean wrote:"Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle yesterday defended his requirement that contentious measures, such as an economic stimulus package or a bill to allow oil drilling in an Alaskan wildlife refuge, must have 60 votes to pass, not the usual 51."
Remeber this Cyril and Ted Complaing about this?
You might think this is postive(IE he's fighting aginst somthing they don't like) but frankly thats called breaking the Rules
Hmm thats just off the top of my Head
That and depending on what day of the week it is He's either Pro-Life or Pro Choice
I wasn't dealing with Alaskan oil.
Posted: 2002-10-25 10:59pm
by Mr Bean
My mistake
*Which oil where you refering to?
Posted: 2002-10-25 11:05pm
by Ted
As seems to be the common American pronounciation, or atleast from the south: "Eye-raky" oil.
Iraqi oil.
Posted: 2002-10-25 11:11pm
by Tosho
Pat Robertson: stated that premarital sex was wrong. Guess what, as it turns out his wife was 7 months pregnant when they were married.
Posted: 2002-10-25 11:12pm
by Mr Bean
Bah thats but one thing!
I have a dozen examples of old Tom being a idiot
Oh and Pat could claim Virgin Birth

Posted: 2002-10-25 11:15pm
by jegs2
Tosho wrote:Pat Robertson: stated that premarital sex was wrong. Guess what, as it turns out his wife was 7 months pregnant when they were married.
That would indeed be hypocritical on his part for saying such, unless he first admits that he himself was steeped in sin and dead-wrong. Of course, I tend to focus on what Jesus did instead of what those who
claim to follow him did. As my dad once said to someone grousing about a preacher's actions, "So, will you follow Jesus' example or follow some crooked preacher into hell?"
Posted: 2002-10-25 11:26pm
by Tosho
jegs2 wrote:Tosho wrote:Pat Robertson: stated that premarital sex was wrong. Guess what, as it turns out his wife was 7 months pregnant when they were married.
That would indeed be hypocritical on his part for saying such, unless he first admits that he himself was steeped in sin and dead-wrong. Of course, I tend to focus on what Jesus did instead of what those who
claim to follow him did. As my dad once said to someone grousing about a preacher's actions, "So, will you follow Jesus' example or follow some crooked preacher into hell?"
I agree completly, but the thing is he covered it up.
Posted: 2002-10-26 12:08am
by HemlockGrey
Remeber this Cyril and Ted Complaing about this?
You might think this is postive(IE he's fighting aginst somthing they don't like) but frankly thats called breaking the Rules
Right, and what he's doing is ghey. Doesn't make Bush's posistion on Alaskan oil any better.