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My Dad
Posted: 2002-10-26 12:44am
by Darth Wong
My father has a PhD in nuclear physics. He recently asked me to help him figure out why he wasn't getting any sound. I went and looked at the system.
Pre-amp set to the correct input: check.
Power amp on: check.
Volume level: zero.
I turned up the volume knob. There was sound. He looked embarrassed.
I reiterate: my father has a PhD in nuclear physics.
Posted: 2002-10-26 12:52am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Well... Maybe he just forgot. When there are many variables linked in series and you omit one of them, the end result is fucked.
This thing happens all the time in my lectures. The Maths tutot tells me to figure out why the mike doesn't work.
Amplifier - power on.
Power switch - on
Volume - on
Mike - off
Anyway, having a PhD doesn't make you immune to stupidity. It's just that it happens much less often.
Re: My Dad
Posted: 2002-10-26 12:55am
by Shinova
Darth Wong wrote:My father has a PhD in nuclear physics. He recently asked me to help him figure out why he wasn't getting any sound. I went and looked at the system.
Pre-amp set to the correct input: check.
Power amp on: check.
Volume level: zero.
I turned up the volume knob. There was sound. He looked embarrassed.
I reiterate: my father has a PhD in nuclear physics.
LOL ^_^
It's okay. Einstein is a genius and he couldn't speak properly at the age of 9.
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:05am
by HemlockGrey
Heh. My dad has a PhD in modern American history and he once forgot who Roosevelt was.
Happens to all of us.
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:11am
by The Yosemite Bear
My Grandpa is the exact opposite, he's picked up my dad and my's hobbies and now out does us. Really my dad used to be into coustomizing cars (He was a teenager in the 1960's) Now my grandpa takes a wreck, rebuilds it, amps up the engine, and re-sells it. I used to reprogram VCR's, and stuff for him, and got him into computers (Macs due to user friendlyness actually), now he has DSL, and does paint and photo shit I can't even come near.....
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:12am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Damn. I wish I had cool grandparents like that.
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:22am
by TrailerParkJawa
Dont feel bad Mike. Everyone is subject to the occasional brain fart.
Ive seen several different engineers with PHD's tape a sticky note to the
front of their monitor with their password written on it.
My favorite one is the guy that accused me of doing something to the power in his cube after moving his computer. Not only did I not move his computer, the movers did, but he plugged the power strip back into itself and not the wall socket.
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:26am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I sense a new thread coming up: Stupid Shit People Do. Post your accounts of stupid shit you have seen happen before your very eyes.
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:57am
by TrailerParkJawa
I bet someone would post the story about the guy who got shot by his own dog.

Posted: 2002-10-26 02:09am
by The Yosemite Bear
Well considering what I have to put up with from folks who have left their brains at home, when they come here. Thus the nick name Touron.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:41am
by Hyperion
ROFLOL!!! nice... if there's one thing i've noticed about people with high level degrees in scientific fields, they forget the simple stuff... simple problems hoze'em bad.
Posted: 2002-10-26 12:12pm
by Kelly Antilles
Yeah, we love customers who call in screaming that their computer or printer or whatever don't work. The first thing we ask is "is it plugged up?" They scream "YES!" The guys go over there and lo and behold, the damn thing was unplugged. Boy, were they embarrassed.
Re: My Dad
Posted: 2002-10-26 12:17pm
by Guest
Darth Wong wrote:My father has a PhD in nuclear physics. He recently asked me to help him figure out why he wasn't getting any sound. I went and looked at the system.
Pre-amp set to the correct input: check.
Power amp on: check.
Volume level: zero.
I turned up the volume knob. There was sound. He looked embarrassed.
I reiterate: my father has a PhD in nuclear physics.
I don't think this is anything to worry about. He was probably fixated by the porn that was on and it temporarily distracted him.

Posted: 2002-10-26 01:53pm
by Larz
At my old work place we used to have a sign, it was a joke but still we all wished it was accurate:
Labor Charges (by the hour)
59.99 Standard
69.99 If you watch
79.99 If you talk
101.99 If you try to help
149.99 If you tried to fix it yourself before you brought it to us
... I really wished that sign actually applied... there are far to many people who try to fix something themselves, make it even worse, and then bring it in to have it fixed... and some of them then procede to whine and complain when the bill was expensive because we had to work far longer to not only fix the original problem but fix the damage done by the costumer...
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:02pm
by Colonel Olrik
My dad has a PhD in mechanical engineering. That didn't stop him of getting the soup out of the microwave oven with his bare hands after ten minutes of heating.
We had to scrub the food out of the ceiling and he got his hand burned.
Now, everybody's entitled to one distraction..
Not an year later, he did exactly the same.
Oh, and he still mistakes the oil for the degreaser, and in the end wonders why the thing didn't get lubed.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:07pm
by Stormbringer
Kelly Antilles wrote:Yeah, we love customers who call in screaming that their computer or printer or whatever don't work. The first thing we ask is "is it plugged up?" They scream "YES!" The guys go over there and lo and behold, the damn thing was unplugged. Boy, were they embarrassed.
You think that's bad, my CAD teacher comes into the lab and tries to start his computer. He's checking everything, the hookup between the computers fiddling with the cords. He even went checked the ground fault interupter on the outlet. It still wouldn't work.
Turns out he did turn on the power strip.