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Awaiting a response...
Posted: 2002-10-26 12:57am
by Alyrium Denryle
I recently posted here- *shudder*
I think that i posted one of my best short works to date on the subject at hand.
Well It just so happens that i am a homosexual. And I see many things about the "Gay agenda" and guess what we do have an agenda. And would you like to know what ir really on it? Well whether you want to know or not I will tell you anyway.
1. To be free from discrimination based on sexual orientation.
What this means is that we would like to be treated fairly. We would like to be secure in employment and free from possible termination of our jobs because our boss is a homophobic bigot. It just so happens that religion is also protected by anti-discrimination laws. you choose your religion, I do not choose my sexual orientation. If anything I am more entightled to such protections than you are.
2. To be able to love and be intimate with the person of my choice without the threat of imprisonment. Did you know that In the state of i daho i can be imprisoned for life, for no other reason than being intimate with my boyfriend? In Idaho I am viewed as more of a public menace than a first degree murderer.
3. To be protected from harassment and hate crimes by law.
Without laws to protect me my school would not be willing or even be able to protect me from harassment based on my sexual orientation. Someone could beat my black and blue and the school would not be able to do anything but suspend the person for three days. I find it ironic that religion is protected under anti-discrimination laws as well.
The same arguments you are using now where used to deny the sdame rights of African Americans, women, and all the other minorities in this country. And yet i a homosexual am still living in fear. There is something terribly wrong with that picture.
Awaiting the response from the bigoted fundies.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:41am
by Darth Wong
I foresee 4 possible outcomes:
- A shitload of useless Bible quotes, used to justify their hatred.
- Pleas for you to turn from your godless and immoral ways.
- "I will pray for you"
- No answer (too busy fucking their donkeys)
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:43am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I withhold comment.
Though I believe tolerance should be practiced.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:44am
by Hyperion
Darth Wong wrote:I foresee 4 possible outcomes:
- A shitload of useless Bible quotes, used to justify their hatred.
- Pleas for you to turn from your godless and immoral ways.
- "I will pray for you"
- No answer (too busy fucking their donkeys)
you mean the standard fundie responces?

Posted: 2002-10-26 02:44am
by Darth Wong
Tolerance is the beginning of acceptance. It is not a substitute.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:48am
by Raptor 597
Yay, more & more invading of Creation Web.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:48am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Darth Wong wrote:Tolerance is the beginning of acceptance. It is not a substitute.
No shit.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:19pm
by Colonel Olrik
I can't find you topic (nor you). What happened? were you banned? was it deleted?
Posted: 2002-10-26 03:53pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Yes I am very pissed off. they can't even answer the little gay guys post, they have to ban him. Fuck them and fuck thier god! I destroy thier pathetic stereotypes, amd look what they do, ban me. I formally call for an invasion of creationweb.
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:08pm
by Kuja
What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:10pm
by Colonel Olrik
Strange. They really must have a thing against gays, because I and several others have been posting there without even warnings.
I even sort of flamed a fundie there and they didn't even wince.
The side never striked me as completely fundie. One of the administrators (there are several) is Evolutionist (his name is SkepticBoy).
Well, facts are facts. They banned one of us because of a simple harmless post. Fuck them.
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:19pm
by Andrew J.
Can I invade?
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:21pm
by Kuja
He's asking people to in the SL&M forum. Go ahead.
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:22pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:24pm
by Kuja
A Hindu, Buddist, and Daoist all died and were standing at the gates of heaven. St. Peter looks over their lives and decides they are worthy to enter into heaven, but he has one condition. They ask what it is, and St. Peter says you have to be absolutely quiet when you pass this hall. The three men agree to the condition and ask why, and he answers that is where we keep the Christians, they think they are the only ones here.
How true.
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:26pm
by Kuja
One day, a Rabbi in a small rural town decided to go visit the local Church. "They're really just 'New Age' Jews," he thought. "They can't be that bad."
The Rabbi drove down to the Church and selected a seat near the back. Now, the Minister at this Church, while claiming to be a Man of God, was not very tolerant of other faiths. About five minutes after the Rabbi entered, he said, "Will all those not of the Christian faith please leave?"
The Rabbi just sat there.
Irritated, the Minister asked a few minutes later, "Will all those who do not accept Christ as their Savior please leave?"
The Rabbi remained where he was.
Finally, the Minister lost his temper and shouted, "WILL ALL JEWS PLEASE LEAVE THIS HOLY HOUSE OF GOD RIGHT NOW?!"
The Rabbi looked up, then stood, and made his way to the front of the Church. Taking a bust of Jesus Christ and tucking it under his arm, he turned to leave. "Come on, kid," he said. "They obviously don't want us here."
ROFL. Also true.
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:32pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:34pm
by Kuja
These are from the Humor forum on creationweb. I went to check it out and found these.
Posted: 2002-10-26 06:44pm
by Singular Quartet
IG-88E wrote:One day, a Rabbi in a small rural town decided to go visit the local Church. "They're really just 'New Age' Jews," he thought. "They can't be that bad."
The Rabbi drove down to the Church and selected a seat near the back. Now, the Minister at this Church, while claiming to be a Man of God, was not very tolerant of other faiths. About five minutes after the Rabbi entered, he said, "Will all those not of the Christian faith please leave?"
The Rabbi just sat there.
Irritated, the Minister asked a few minutes later, "Will all those who do not accept Christ as their Savior please leave?"
The Rabbi remained where he was.
Finally, the Minister lost his temper and shouted, "WILL ALL JEWS PLEASE LEAVE THIS HOLY HOUSE OF GOD RIGHT NOW?!"
The Rabbi looked up, then stood, and made his way to the front of the Church. Taking a bust of Jesus Christ and tucking it under his arm, he turned to leave. "Come on, kid," he said. "They obviously don't want us here."
ROFL. Also true.
Now that, is beautiful.
Posted: 2002-10-26 11:52pm
by haas mark
IG-88E wrote:One day, a Rabbi in a small rural town decided to go visit the local Church. "They're really just 'New Age' Jews," he thought. "They can't be that bad."
The Rabbi drove down to the Church and selected a seat near the back. Now, the Minister at this Church, while claiming to be a Man of God, was not very tolerant of other faiths. About five minutes after the Rabbi entered, he said, "Will all those not of the Christian faith please leave?"
The Rabbi just sat there.
Irritated, the Minister asked a few minutes later, "Will all those who do not accept Christ as their Savior please leave?"
The Rabbi remained where he was.
Finally, the Minister lost his temper and shouted, "WILL ALL JEWS PLEASE LEAVE THIS HOLY HOUSE OF GOD RIGHT NOW?!"
The Rabbi looked up, then stood, and made his way to the front of the Church. Taking a bust of Jesus Christ and tucking it under his arm, he turned to leave. "Come on, kid," he said. "They obviously don't want us here."
ROFL. Also true.
I really like that one...And I can't believe that someone would post soemthing like that in a place like that (as it seem sto me, they are abunch of fundie would assume they would ban all forms of humor like that one and the other quote).

Posted: 2002-10-26 11:56pm
by Kuja
They don't seem to be all fundies, but they do seem to be reactionary enough to get rid of someone who barges in with big questions like AD did.
Posted: 2002-10-26 11:59pm
by haas mark
IG-88E wrote:They don't seem to be all fundies, but they do seem to be reactionary enough to get rid of someone who barges in with big questions like AD did.
Which makes no sense....Intolerable little bastards. But it's of the mods is an evolutionist!?!? How the hell does that happen!? Its creationweb, if I'm not mistaken...hrmm...
*Sits and thinks for a moment*
Well, I guess some people just can't see logic, even if its shoved in their faces! Sadly, this is true for most people, and I hope that one day this changes...Alyrium, that dream is also one of my own...I hope it comes true, if no other dream does, for both you and myself, and others on this board.
Posted: 2002-10-27 12:05am
by Alyrium Denryle
Sometimes I have doubts about whether I will live to enjoy that dream(as per perishing due to old age) oh well, I will trudge on. I will fight every day to make that dream a reality.
Posted: 2002-10-27 12:07am
by XaLEv
IG-88E wrote:One day, a Rabbi in a small rural town decided to go visit the local Church. "They're really just 'New Age' Jews," he thought. "They can't be that bad."
The Rabbi drove down to the Church and selected a seat near the back. Now, the Minister at this Church, while claiming to be a Man of God, was not very tolerant of other faiths. About five minutes after the Rabbi entered, he said, "Will all those not of the Christian faith please leave?"
The Rabbi just sat there.
Irritated, the Minister asked a few minutes later, "Will all those who do not accept Christ as their Savior please leave?"
The Rabbi remained where he was.
Finally, the Minister lost his temper and shouted, "WILL ALL JEWS PLEASE LEAVE THIS HOLY HOUSE OF GOD RIGHT NOW?!"
The Rabbi looked up, then stood, and made his way to the front of the Church. Taking a bust of Jesus Christ and tucking it under his arm, he turned to leave. "Come on, kid," he said. "They obviously don't want us here."
ROFL. Also true.
That is great.
Posted: 2002-10-27 12:07am
by Alyrium Denryle
Once More into the breach Dear friends*holds rainbow sword of logic over head**charges into the gap in the walls of ignorance*