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Why do people find three mile fake breasts attractive?
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:14am
by Bob McDob
I know I sure as hell don't. It detracts from the overall aesthetic quality of the female body, whatever the hell that means. I mean, GUH. It's like having a nuclear reactor in the middle of downtown Chicago. I mean, WTF?
But that's just me. What are your thoughts?
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:18am
by TrailerParkJawa
I dont like big giant fake breasts. Its a turn off.
The only nice thing about moderate sized fake breasts is that they look nice under a sweater.
But in the nude, I dont like the phony shape.
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:23am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I don't find them attractive. It's like hanging watermelons on your chests and saying " Am I pretty? "
Re: Why do people find three mile fake breasts attractive?
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:27am
by Tsyroc
Bob McDob wrote:I know I sure as hell don't. It detracts from the overall aesthetic quality of the female body, whatever the hell that means. I mean, GUH. It's like having a nuclear reactor in the middle of downtown Chicago. I mean, WTF?
But that's just me. What are your thoughts?
If you're talking the Pamela Anderson, Anna Nichole Smith type (or larger) then hell no, Honorable mention has to go to Erica Elinak's extremely painful looking fake breasts in Under Siege. I kept waiting for her to breath too deeply and have the skin split open.
Now the fake kind that Krista Allen has look just fine, if a little too perfect, nude. Otherwise I do think nice looking natural breasts are best but fake ones done well and in moderation are okay.
Personally I think the fake ones are becoming too prevalent in the U.S. (at least in the entertainment industry) and are begining to detract from the viewability of perfectly good natural breasts.
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:28am
by Shinova
I like fairly large but not overly large breasts. Firmness comes into play as well.
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:54am
by Darth Wong
Huge fake tits are just grotesque. I prefer long legs and a nice ass on a woman anyway.
Posted: 2002-10-26 01:58am
by Master of Ossus
To be honest, I don't, but I can't figure out why women would put them in if men in general did not find them attractive. Everyone I talk to about the matter dislikes them, but they MUST be effective or there would be no demand for them. I just don't understand it.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:01am
by Darth Wong
Master of Ossus wrote:To be honest, I don't, but I can't figure out why women would put them in if men in general did not find them attractive. Everyone I talk to about the matter dislikes them, but they MUST be effective or there would be no demand for them. I just don't understand it.
Men don't find them attractive, but teenaged boys do. In adolescence, the first girls to develop breasts get all of the attention because it's different, and there are bragging rights associated with being the dude whose girlfriend has big tits.
Teenaged girls learn what teenaged boys like. The problem is that (most) teenaged boys eventually grow up into men, and their tastes change (for one thing, most men finally figure out that you should date a woman because you like being around her, not because she impresses your friends). Some women in their early 20s find themselves trying to satisfy obsolete expectations.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:02am
by Beowulf
It's the Media MoO. I personally don't see the attraction of 44D breasts. I like my GF's just fine (especially since I can have oh so much fun w/ them...)
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:03am
by neoolong
It's because you're asking a self selecting group of people. We are pretty much above intelligence, we can actually use a computer. There are also other similarities you can probably pull out. Therefore the chance of getting an answer from this group that is different from the average, yet overwhelming in this group, is not that unlikely.
I like natural breasts. I have nothing against large ones, but hugely disproportionate ones are ugly. I prefer a woman whose dimensions are not vastly disproportionate. But that's just me.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:08am
by Raptor 597
Huge breasts are just sick in my opinion. It's ok too moderately increase as long they stay normal. And like Wong says you get bragging rights, I see it all the time.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:10am
by Tsyroc
I've noticed that out of the people I work with there seems to be a correlation between those that like Pamela Anderson/Anna Nichole Smith and are obsessed with Professional Wrestling.

Posted: 2002-10-26 02:13am
by Raptor 597
Ooops, hit "Aye" instead of "Nay"

Posted: 2002-10-26 02:15am
by TrailerParkJawa
Men don't find them attractive, but teenaged boys do. In adolescence, the first girls to develop breasts get all of the attention because it's different, and there are bragging rights associated with being the dude whose girlfriend has big tits.
Teenaged girls learn what teenaged boys like. The problem is that (most) teenaged boys eventually grow up into men, and their tastes change (for one thing, most men finally figure out that you should date a woman because you like being around her, not because she impresses your friends). Some women in their early 20s find themselves trying to satisfy obsolete expectations.
Agreed. Just to add to this train of thought, I think women themselves compete among each other for attributes they believe are sexy. Many of the women at work, constantly say they want to loose weight. NONE of the guys in my building think they need too. But you cant convince them otherwise.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:40am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Can't be helped, though. If you have a bad self-image, not even a perfect body could satisfy you.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:45am
by Hyperion
turn off.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:50am
by Howedar
Darth Wong wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:To be honest, I don't, but I can't figure out why women would put them in if men in general did not find them attractive. Everyone I talk to about the matter dislikes them, but they MUST be effective or there would be no demand for them. I just don't understand it.
Men don't find them attractive, but teenaged boys do. In adolescence, the first girls to develop breasts get all of the attention because it's different, and there are bragging rights associated with being the dude whose girlfriend has big tits.
Teenaged girls learn what teenaged boys like. The problem is that (most) teenaged boys eventually grow up into men, and their tastes change (for one thing, most men finally figure out that you should date a woman because you like being around her, not because she impresses your friends). Some women in their early 20s find themselves trying to satisfy obsolete expectations.
As a teenaged boy, and therefore more well-informed on the matter, I respectfully disagree. Teenagers are no more likely to find giant breats attractive than is your typical 40-year-old.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:52am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
As an 18 year-old I must add that huge boobs never really turned me on... (with the exception of Lara Croft, but that was just a phase)
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:56am
by Darth Wong
Howedar wrote:As a teenaged boy, and therefore more well-informed on the matter, I respectfully disagree. Teenagers are no more likely to find giant breats attractive than is your typical 40-year-old.
I was a teenaged boy once too, you know. Attitudes
do change as you get older. When you're a teen, you don't have an outside frame of reference yet.
Posted: 2002-10-26 02:58am
by EmperorMing
Big tits just get in the way...

Posted: 2002-10-26 03:07am
by Darth Wong
EmperorMing wrote:Big tits just get in the way...

They do? I've found they're just something that you reach around to grab from behind

Posted: 2002-10-26 03:11am
by weemadando
Big breasts can be nice to look at, but they don't appeal to me. Give me a nice, perky pair...
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:07am
by Raxmei
I'm currently 18. None of the girls I'm stalking have very large breasts. I never saw the appeal.
Posted: 2002-10-26 04:09am
by EmperorMing
Darth Wong wrote:EmperorMing wrote:Big tits just get in the way...

They do? I've found they're just something that you reach around to grab from behind

I prefer a handfull of hair and a slap on the ass...

Posted: 2002-10-26 06:57am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
EmperorMing wrote:Darth Wong wrote:EmperorMing wrote:Big tits just get in the way...

They do? I've found they're just something that you reach around to grab from behind

I prefer a handfull of hair and a slap on the ass...

Wow, you guys really believe in foreplay.