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Need some advice

Posted: 2004-05-16 03:49am
by SpacedTeddyBear
Ok this is going to be another one of those " I like this girl, but don't really know how to tell how I feel about her without potentially harming the friendship that we have right now" kind of things;

Basically, I've known this girl for years now, ever since highschool. I started to develop a crush on her my senior year. I was able to scrounge up enough balls to finally ask her to my prom. Unfortuneately, things never really took off then. So we basically remained "just" friends ever since then. We're both in different colleges now, and we exchange e-mails from time to time. A couple weeks ago, she was asked out by one of her peers. She turned to me for advice. So I basically told her that, whatever decision she makes that she would feel would make her life there a little more bearable, she should just go for it. I didn't say yay or nay because she didn't ask ( she did ask for advice, not what decision she should make). I did however strongly hinted how I felt about her. I have a feeling that she's known for a while. If she didn't, she sure does now. It's been over a week now since our last email. Should I just bare my soul, or keep tongue? Thank you for any help or advice.

Posted: 2004-05-16 04:49am
by dworkin
"How do you impress a woman?"
"Cut off the wossnames of your worst enemy and present them to her."
"What if you don't have a worst enemy?"
"You try and cut off someone's wossnames and you'll have a worst enemy." - The Silver Horde on Romance

Seriously though, ask an interesting chick from your University out. Go out with the new chick for a while. The problem will cure itself.

Or alternativly you can fail to realise the difference between the obtainable (all the cute babes at your uni) and the unobtainable (this one chick who isn't there) and suffer. Only do this if you enjoy pain and angst.

Agonising over crap like this does damage to your internal organs which can be done far better by drinking and partying which has the added benefits of being far more enjoyable and you stand a high probability of meeting someone who'll take your mind off 'her'.

Posted: 2004-05-16 07:57am
by Tolya
If I were you, I'd ask her out right away. If you think she might consider it "harmful" to the friendship you have now, I say then she's not worth the fuss.

Posted: 2004-05-16 09:14am
by Superman
Run, don't walk, and ask her out. Don't beat around the bush.

Posted: 2004-05-16 09:54am
by Darth Wong
Sounds like you're in the "Friend Zone", kiddo. Good luck breaking out of it. Don't hold back at all; go for broke. The longer you're in the Friend Zone, the harder it will be to break out of it. I won't lie to you; if you fail, you might jeopardize your friendship, but that's a risk you have to take because permanent consignment to the Friend Zone is hell on Earth.

Posted: 2004-05-16 04:15pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
" The board is set. The pieces are moving" :) Whatever the outcome, I appreciate your guy's advice.

Posted: 2004-05-16 04:32pm
by Defiant
Sounds like the "Wet Fish" is rearing its ugly head. Run from the Friendship trap!

Posted: 2004-05-16 04:51pm
by Captain Cyran
Kill them, move into their house, use their credit cards until they run out of money, bury the corpses in the backyard.

*actually reads the first post.* Oh...

Umm, yeah. I read the first line of "I've known her for a few years." That sums it up right there. You're in friend territory, if you feel like getting out of that territory I say you tell her how you feel, this will make her loose general contact with you for awhile as she tries not to be near, probably because she fears hurting you more, after awhile you MIGHT be out of friend area.

Simplest thing to do is find some other girl to chase though.

Posted: 2004-05-16 08:38pm
by admiral_danielsben
Tell her how you feel. No question.