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A question for all members in canada

Posted: 2004-05-20 09:13pm
by LT.Hit-Man
I was working on a few things earlyer today when I fliped on the radio and I just caught the tail end of a new report that said someone in Tronto had painted there house a red/pink and and for some reason the goveremt is now trying to pass a realy fucked up by-law saying thast you can only paint your house a creten color?
Did anyone hear anything about this?

If this is ture then it looks like canda has sunk to an all time low in the human right deptarment.

Posted: 2004-05-20 09:39pm
by darthdavid
Local governments limit building color and stuff all the time. It keeps the city from looking fugly. I know i've heard about it here in the states but i can't think of the city or town i remember it from just now.

Posted: 2004-05-20 09:45pm
by LT.Hit-Man
darthdavid wrote:Local governments limit building color and stuff all the time. It keeps the city from looking fugly. I know i've heard about it here in the states but i can't think of the city or town i remember it from just now.
Hmmm ok thanks for trying anyways

Posted: 2004-05-20 09:49pm
by Phantasee
Thats not just a Canadian thing. If they never had that problem before, they wouldn't have had a law. It just keeps things looking nice. We got fined $400 for having a covered deck. If you look at all the houses from the road that passes behind, we are the only ones with a covered deck. And since white is such a popluar colour for houses, every oher one is white. And that's because you can't have two houses in a row that are the same colour. They want the houses to look similar, but not the same. All in the name of making neighbourhoods look pretty. :D

Posted: 2004-05-20 10:55pm
by LT.Hit-Man
Phantasee wrote:Thats not just a Canadian thing. If they never had that problem before, they wouldn't have had a law. It just keeps things looking nice. We got fined $400 for having a covered deck. If you look at all the houses from the road that passes behind, we are the only ones with a covered deck. And since white is such a popluar colour for houses, every oher one is white. And that's because you can't have two houses in a row that are the same colour. They want the houses to look similar, but not the same. All in the name of making neighbourhoods look pretty. :D
That's wacked, your house is your home and should be able to have any color you like, damm I'm glad I don't live in a city.

Posted: 2004-05-20 11:00pm
by Phantasee
LT.Hit-Man wrote:That's wacked, your house is your home and should be able to have any color you like, damm I'm glad I don't live in a city.
Hick. :lol: But it isn't just controling the colour. Your neighbours invested in that property. By making your home different to the extreme, by ruining the style of the area, you lower their property values. That's not fair to your neighbours. It's more for the good of the many over the preferences of the few. And besides, it does make the area look pleasant to live in. Would you want to live next to a puke green/orange house? Not likely. It's very practical.

Posted: 2004-05-20 11:08pm
by Lt. Dan
Seems odd. Kinda messed up but I could see why they'd do that. I wouldn't like to live next to a house that is some jacked up color.

Posted: 2004-05-20 11:33pm
by LT.Hit-Man
Phantasee wrote:
LT.Hit-Man wrote:That's wacked, your house is your home and should be able to have any color you like, damm I'm glad I don't live in a city.
Hick. :lol: But it isn't just controling the colour. Your neighbours invested in that property. By making your home different to the extreme, by ruining the style of the area, you lower their property values. That's not fair to your neighbours. It's more for the good of the many over the preferences of the few. And besides, it does make the area look pleasant to live in. Would you want to live next to a puke green/orange house? Not likely. It's very practical.
The point being my home is on my property and no one and I mean NO ONE is ever going to tell me what I can or can not do with my home, maybe I consider the way there homes are painted to be offencive but I would not raise a rucuss about it so who should they and as for living next to a realy fucked up looking house I would not care at all in fact the funkyer the better.

Posted: 2004-05-21 12:10am
by Darth Wong
LT.Hit-Man wrote:The point being my home is on my property and no one and I mean NO ONE is ever going to tell me what I can or can not do with my home
I'm afraid that gaudy colour schemes are not actually covered in the UN's universal declaration of human rights. And the right to property does not, contrary to popular belief, guarantee the right to do whatever you want with that property.
maybe I consider the way there homes are painted to be offencive but I would not raise a rucuss about it so who should they and as for living next to a realy fucked up looking house I would not care at all in fact the funkyer the better.
If the value of your house dropped by $50,000 because some idiot painted his house pink, you would care.

Posted: 2004-05-21 04:23am
by Meest
Alot of towns have some sorta by-law in regards to this and similar issues. For example I live just north of Toronto is a town called Woodbridge, there's one section that is an extreme upper middle class area, and there's a few bylaws that come to mind. You can't park a company truck/van outside, every driveway must have interlocking tiles, and you can't use outside clotheshangers.

Posted: 2004-05-21 04:36am
by Superman
Isn't this sort of saying something like, "It's my fucking car and nobody is going to tell me how fast I can drive it!" Sorry, but laws apply to EVERYTHING, we live in free countries but we don't have the freedom to run red stop lights, for example. We also don't have the freedom to paint our houses rediculous colors and drive the property value for our neighbors' houses down. Live with it.

Posted: 2004-05-21 10:45am
by Tsyroc
Where my parents live it's the home owners association that keeps track of most of the stuff like this, but I've lived places where they try to keep the town looking a certain way. Alameda, California tended towards keeping much of the city looking like it was built during the 70s.

Places like Boston and Nantucket have a lot of laws about dealing with building and what you can do with your home, especially the exterior if you are in a historic district.

Posted: 2004-05-21 11:03am
by Col. Crackpot
Those laws are everywhere. Where i live (in the good ol' US of A) there are many houses that are hundreds of years old. they are regulated by the historic preservation society and can only be painted in colors typical of the 18th and 19th century. Also, most new neighborhoods are regulated by Homeowner's Associations. Memberships are usually mandatory (written in the deed) but they are mostly democratic. Those spurg up mostly in the 70's and later to keep people from letting their houses deteriorate or to keep them from painting their house to resemble a bengal tiger or the gingerbread house from hansel and gretel. Finally, cities and town have zoning laws and minimum housing standards to prevent people from running CNC Milling machines in their garages or not cutting their grass for 6 months. As a homeowner i'd glad these laws exist, because i have a lot of my (and the bank's 8) ) money invested in my house, and i don't want some jackass painting his/her house to look like a purpule dairy cow and driving down real estate values in my neighborhood.

Posted: 2004-05-21 11:25am
by Solauren
You mean when I buy a house in the next year, I can't paint with a sci-fi type mural?

That sucks! I want my mural of Princess Leia and Padme in slave girl outfits!

Posted: 2004-05-21 11:51am
by Col. Crackpot
Solauren wrote:You mean when I buy a house in the next year, I can't paint with a sci-fi type mural?

That sucks! I want my mural of Princess Leia and Padme in slave girl outfits!
then do it inside. you can do as funky as you want inside. Fuck, you should see th paint color schemes my wife wants in our house. :shock:

Posted: 2004-05-21 11:58am
by Daltonator
Anyone ever read this book?