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Moving to Sacramento on the 28

Posted: 2004-05-21 04:59am
by Superman
That's right, I'm getting out of hicksville and moving back to my hometown of Sacramento on the 28 of this month. My wife and I are renting an apartment in a high rise building with a kick ass view of the city. The apartment is a two bedroom that measures 960 ft² - 960 ft² and goes for about $1400 per month.

I have been in the fucking hick ass country for too fucking long, and now I will return! BWAAHAHA...

BTW, say congrats to my wife. She graduates Chico State this Saturday. :wink:

Posted: 2004-05-21 07:16am
by Faram
Congrats to your wife :)

$1400/m That's a hell of a lot of money. hopefully it's worth it :)

Posted: 2004-05-21 08:12am
by The Wookiee
My sister lives in Hicksville, NY.

No joke.

Posted: 2004-05-21 10:07am
by Agent Fisher
Hey, you'll be right down the road.

I live in Roseville

Posted: 2004-05-21 07:03pm
by Frank Hipper
Hicksville is a popular name for towns back east, maybe they were named before "hick" got it's current connotation???

Congrats to Mrs. Superman, and enjoy Sacramento. :)

Posted: 2004-05-21 08:41pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Congrats on the move. I did'nt know rents in Sac were so high.
Is this a luxury high rise? That kind of rent is almost comparable with the Bay Area. My condo is only renting out for 800 bucks, but of course it is right next to the RR tracks. Otherwise, a nice unit.

So did you find work in Sac ?

Posted: 2004-05-21 11:11pm
by Exonerate
Most work in Sacramento is government related... I don't think the government hires too many wrestlers :wink: