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"Today, we lost Richard Biggs"

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:22pm
by fgalkin
Subject: Today We Lost Richard Biggs
From: (Jms at B5)
Date: 5/22/04 7:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <>

I was awakened today with several phone calls from cast members and Doug to
pass along the terrible news that this morning, Richard Biggs passed away.

We're still gathering information, so take none of this as firm word, but what
seems to have happened, happened quickly. He woke up, got up out of bed...and
went down. The paramedics who showed up suggested it was either an aneurysm or
a massive stroke.

His family members have been informed, and all of the the cast have, as far as
we can determine, also been informed.

This is a terrible loss for all of us. Richard was a consummate professional
but more than that he was an honorable, stand-up guy. If he gave you his word
on something, you never had to wonder about it afterward. He was always
helpful and supportive of all the cast, even those who only came in for one
episode, always with a ready smile and determined to do whatever it took to
make the scene work. He was, quite simply, a terrific guy, and everyone here
is just devastated at the news.

More word as this develops. We may try to have some kind of fund raiser to
help give whatever assistance may be helpful for his kids.

We all miss him terribly.


(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)
Shit... :(

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:26pm
by Montcalm
Goodbye Dr franklin :cry: :cry:

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:26pm
by Solauren
That's a shame

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:27pm
by Lonestar

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:28pm
by Enigma
Was he the one that played Dr. Stephen Franklin on B5? What a loss... :(

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:29pm
by Thirdfain
Goddamnit, he was a great actor, and will be missed.

I suggest a small rememberance in the sigs of all Rangers.

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:35pm
by Rye
Aw fucksocks!

Well that sucks.

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:37pm
by fgalkin
Sig and avatar updated.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-05-22 11:36pm
by kojikun
This REALLY fucking sucks. Damnit, he was a great actor. :cry:

Posted: 2004-05-22 11:42pm
by Defiant
Shit, that sucks. A moment of silence...

That is all.

Posted: 2004-05-22 11:42pm
by Gil Hamilton
Shit, he was young too... :(

Posted: 2004-05-23 12:40am
by Stofsk

Posted: 2004-05-23 12:49am
by Master of Ossus

Posted: 2004-05-23 01:19am
by StarshipTitanic
I never really liked Dr. Franklin, but it was because he was so good at being a person I wouldn't like. :D It's a shame that he died before he could make a Babylon 5 feature film.

Posted: 2004-05-23 01:20am
by fgalkin
Yeah. I can't imagine a B5 film without him.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-05-23 01:31am
by Stofsk
StarshipTitanic wrote:I never really liked Dr. Franklin, but it was because he was so good at being a person I wouldn't like. :D It's a shame that he died before he could make a Babylon 5 feature film.
You know, I'm the same way. Half the time I couldn't stand the guy, but the other half... wow. He was great at portraying a character - who I may not have liked - but that doesn't detract from his performance.

And seeing him climb the ladder was the single finest moment of Franklin's.

"I want to live!"

Goddamit. :(

Posted: 2004-05-23 01:48am
by SyntaxVorlon
That's really fucking depressing. I always liked Franklin's character, he was as forceful and strongwilled as Bones was in ST but had a far more human aspect to him. I'm just struck by this.

Posted: 2004-05-23 02:12am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
There was definatly something about the guy that made you want to like him, pity he had to die so young....

Additionally (and not meant in a tasteless manner) I supose he's finally found out if it was God reflecting in those dying eyes....

Posted: 2004-05-23 02:22am
by Damaramu
Man....that really does suck. First Tony Randall, now this.....I wonder who's 3rd? :(

Posted: 2004-05-23 03:07am
by CaptainChewbacca
Stofsk wrote:
StarshipTitanic wrote:I never really liked Dr. Franklin, but it was because he was so good at being a person I wouldn't like. :D It's a shame that he died before he could make a Babylon 5 feature film.
You know, I'm the same way. Half the time I couldn't stand the guy, but the other half... wow. He was great at portraying a character - who I may not have liked - but that doesn't detract from his performance.

And seeing him climb the ladder was the single finest moment of Franklin's.

"I want to live!"

Goddamit. :(
I don't recall this ladder moment. Care to expound?

Posted: 2004-05-23 03:22am
by 1337n1nj4
The episode "Shadow Dancing," when Franklin finally met "himself" in Down Below after being near-fatally stabbed by a mugger.

The scene was intercut with the AoL's first major battle with the Shadows, and played quite well, one of Franklin's best episodes IMO.

He will be missed.

Posted: 2004-05-23 03:24am
by fgalkin
Incidentally, I've just finished watching the episdode again, and it felt...weird, seeing Franklin, and knowing that he is dead. :cry:

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-05-23 03:38am
by Frank Hipper

Posted: 2004-05-23 04:21am
by Macross
:( A Sad Day.

Posted: 2004-05-23 05:56am
by Metrion Cascade

I met him at the Grand Slam convention in Pasadena a couple of years ago. He was sitting right next to Mira Furlan and Vaughn Armstrong. We talked for a bit, and he seemed really genuine. And I think Franklin was one of the most genuine characters in the B5 canon. He was flawed, and went through fucked up shit, but through the lot of it he had character. And Biggs pulled it off flawlessly.

Goddamned shame for him to go so early.