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Watched User List (WUL)

Posted: 2002-07-19 10:00pm
by David
We need one!

You basically list your favorite users on a private list. It'll allow you to send them a private message without having to dig around to find somewhere where they posted.

Posted: 2002-07-20 01:04am
by Datana
I'll second that. A nice addition, however, might be notifying someone that he has been added to another person's list and being allowed to return the favor.

Posted: 2002-07-20 05:28pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Hell yeah, would make it easier for me to pester tHEbEAN!

Posted: 2002-07-20 05:40pm
by Mr Bean
I'll respond to that with a quote from somones sig

Death Solves all Problems
No Man?
No Problem

Posted: 2002-07-20 05:41pm
by Mr Bean
And yes this would be vaguley helpful but more often that not I supect it mearly another link in the chain of actions that will lead to my down-fall and the victory of Entropy

Come on is nice but it only be used to annony people :?

Posted: 2002-10-13 09:22am
by David

Posted: 2002-10-13 02:13pm
by Darth Eris
There should also be an option where you can block private messages from people who have put you on their list. Just in case someone is abusing the whole private message deal/harassing you.

Posted: 2002-10-13 02:15pm
by Kuja
I second that.

Posted: 2002-10-13 02:34pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I thought by "Watched User List", you meant people would spy on other users to make sure they don't get suspicous, like some Orwellian nightmare.

Posted: 2002-10-13 05:04pm
by Raxmei
You don't need to hunt down a person's posts to pm them. All you need is to remember their username. Go to your pm box and hit 'post new message'.