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Ass and Titties from Chappelle's Show
Posted: 2004-05-27 12:20am
by kojikun
Posted: 2004-05-27 12:26am
by kojikun
Some choice responses:
kill paul dianno: i hate life.
Danzel Kun: that's like... contradictory? o_o
Posted: 2004-05-27 12:37am
by SyntaxVorlon
That is not an address I will touch...unless you can show that it is Steve Martin certified.
Posted: 2004-05-27 12:41am
by kojikun
SyntaxVorlon wrote:That is not an address I will touch...unless you can show that it is Steve Martin certified.
It's completely safe. It's just a clip from Chappelle's Show. I'd be willing to host incase you're worried. If so, here:
Posted: 2004-05-27 12:51am
by SyntaxVorlon
Someone doesn't know a reference to SNL when he sees one. I'm kidding koji, unless of course you want to buy some of Steve Martin's Penis Beauty Cream?(slightly used)
Posted: 2004-05-27 01:02am
by DPDarkPrimus
Ah, it's the gay lawnmowing service.
Posted: 2004-05-27 01:54am
by kojikun
syntax, i dont watch snl. :p
Posted: 2004-05-27 08:25am
by Daltonator
I love Chappelle's Show.