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"Petals around the Roses" - Can you figure it out?

Posted: 2004-05-27 12:48am
by Shinova

It took me some thirty minutes of feeling like a complete idiot to finally figure out the game. How long does it take you?


To Spanky: And no Space Cadet jokes!!!! :D

*raises knives threatningly*

Posted: 2004-05-27 12:50am
by Zaia
Um, I got it on the first try [read: I got all three attempts right in the first grouping so I didn't bother to do it again]. And no, I didn't make that up. Sorry, Shin.

Edit: Clarified, I hope, because I confused myself with my own wording. Never a good sign. :?

Posted: 2004-05-27 12:55am
by Ghost Rider took me about 3 tries...and got it.

It's a little weird but once you get what they are wanting you to see and make of it, it's not too hard.

Posted: 2004-05-27 01:05am
by Mad
I got it after a few rolls. I disagree with "the smarter you are the longer it takes." Of course, every time I hear that, I remember to think simple...

Posted: 2004-05-27 01:26am
by Temjin
half a fucking hour and I still haven't gotten it.

The two posts above mine saying it was easy wasn't that great either.....

Posted: 2004-05-27 01:26am
by haas mark
I got it on the first try, but didn't understand til the second.

Posted: 2004-05-27 01:31am
by Stofsk
I feel like a dumbass. And $5 says the answer is so blindingly obvious that I'll kick myself for not getting it sooner (assuming I ever do 'get it')

Posted: 2004-05-27 01:36am
by Temjin
Okay. I give up. Someone please PM me the answer before i go insane.

Posted: 2004-05-27 01:44am
by Stofsk
This is fucked: I thought I got it, and I chose correctly 3 times in a row, then on the fourth I used the EXACT SAME METHOD and came up wrong.

Posted: 2004-05-27 01:47am
by Medicus
Took about a minute, the key is in the name of the game

Posted: 2004-05-27 01:49am
by Temjin
I got it. It took me over 45 minutes, but I finally got it. I didn't even need help to do it.

Posted: 2004-05-27 01:57am
by McC
Went to the page, read the instructions, read the background, studied the dice after clicking 'roll' once, and promptly figured it out ;) Neat trick, but pretty easy with a bit of thinking.

Posted: 2004-05-27 02:02am
by kojikun
Deceptively simple yet makes no sense if you're looking for an actual pattern in the numbers, which is what you're given, yet the instructions don't talk about numbers being given. It's a stupid little "test". I would spoil this but it's so ridiculously pointless that you shouldn't even concern yourself with why it is the way it is.

Posted: 2004-05-27 02:15am
by Datana
I was typing out a tirade on how this game had eluded me for a half hour when the answer hit me like a clue-by-four after having typed out one of the patterns I had seen (but not recognizing its significance until it was on "paper" in front of me). It was incredibly obvious in retrospect, and deviously simple.

A hint, for those still stuck: There can be a great deal of extraneous data in each roll. Value of a given roll to the total are determined by the game's name.

Posted: 2004-05-27 03:56am
by InnerBrat
Got it immediately. I just went to the site and got it stright away.

I think it might be my literariness that helped me, Z and GR get it - it's not the "smarter you were, the longer it took to figure it out." - which is bollocks, but that the more numerical in your thinking you are. The four of us that seemed to get it quickly are creative types who read a lot. I'm guessing those of you who took a while are more mathematical in your thinking, no?

(the odd thing is that my brain is actually becoming more literary. i bet this would have taken me hours in school)

Posted: 2004-05-27 04:16am
by Stofsk
InnerBrat wrote:I think it might be my literariness that helped me, Z and GR get it - it's not the "smarter you were, the longer it took to figure it out." - which is bollocks, but that the more numerical in your thinking you are. The four of us that seemed to get it quickly are creative types who read a lot. I'm guessing those of you who took a while are more mathematical in your thinking, no?
Mathematics was my worse subject in school, while Literature was my best.
And I haven't figured out this "Petal around the rose" shit.

Posted: 2004-05-27 04:45am
by Bill Door
I got it first time.
I just sat and thought 'WTF?' for about 10 seconds; came up with a method to try and it worked first time. And continued to work

Posted: 2004-05-27 04:47am
by Zac Naloen
got it on thesecond try... its kinda obvious...

Posted: 2004-05-27 04:51am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Did it three times and decided to give up. Fuck this complicated simple bullshit.

Posted: 2004-05-27 04:57am
by Faram
From all the posts here I went into this thinking there is a trick to it.

I got it on the fifth try

Posted: 2004-05-27 05:46am
by Robert Treder
That's fucking stupid. I can't believe I wasted ten minutes of my life on that. Watching an entire season of "American Idol" is precisely forty-seven thousand times more important than spending those ten minutes on that game.

Posted: 2004-05-27 05:52am
by 2000AD
Finally got it after reading the clues on here.

Posted: 2004-05-27 05:56am
by Robert Treder
2000AD wrote:Finally got it after reading the clues on here.
I got it, but I don't think I get what the name has to do with it.

Posted: 2004-05-27 06:05am
by Soontir C'boath
I got it on my fourth try, but I do not understand the concept behind it. I tried some more times trying to use the method I did to make it work but came out with nothing~Jason

Posted: 2004-05-27 06:21am
by InnerBrat
I posted this on my LiveJournal and a friend became very interested.

this makes interesting reading.