GTA gets another idiot in touble
Posted: 2004-05-27 09:28pm
Although this time, it wasn't actually violent!
Link Here
Link Here wrote:Florida Man Makes Accidental Bomb Threat
By Alex Fraioli
Jacksonville resident Anthony S. Jones, 27, is being held responsible for the evacuation and perceived bomb threat against his place of employment after a phone call to a friend last sunday night. Jones, a cook at a North Jacksonville restaurant, was coaching a younger player in a game of Grand Theft Auto while on the phone with a friend at the restaurant when his advice was misinterpretted on the other end of the line.
Needless to say, Jones' exclamation of "There's a bomb in the building. There's a bomb in the building. Everyone needs to get out!" was not taken lightly by restaurant management. The restaurant was evacuated and all patrons were searched for explosives. None were found.
Unfortunately for Jones, the police are treating his accidental bomb threat as legitimate and are pursuing second-degree felony charges. If convicted, Jones could spend up to 15 years in prison. The trial is scheduled for Circuit Court on June 16. Odds of any sympathetic GTA diehards appearing on the jury are rated as slim to nil.