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Where have been your internet "Hang outs"
Posted: 2002-10-27 07:21pm
by Anarchist Bunny
This thought just occured to me as my last internet hangout just died, it's still up and running but only 1 or two people go there anymore.
What have been your internet "hang outs" The site were you spend most of you life brutally killing time. Obviously is that for most of us now, so where did you use to hang out?
When i first got on the net I spent most of my time in a HTML chat room called The Dungeon at It was RP based, and despite how it sounds, it was not sex oriented. I was Jacen Solo with my familiar, a magical blue jay, named Nixta that gain force powers through our bond. It had some of the best RP-Fighters on the net, mostly and mainly god moders were ignored by all, people lost and won fights. Most of those that always won rarely fought and mostly chatted. I've tried to find another place like that on the net since but they are all filled with God-Moders(one stupid one I found on Yahoo that said he wasn't a god, but their guardian, and could kill them but just chooses not to, FUCKING IDIOT! THATS GODMODING)
Then I went to a MUD called Alanthia, an ok mud, little contraints on RP and a pretty damn funny and humorous place to hang out. Plus if someone pissed you off, you could kill them. Then the old staff left and new stupid corrupt imms were staffed and then RP was enforced even thought only 3 or 4 people accually rped, and then the non-rp items were erased and the place. I then left and spent a lot of my net time here. Just the other day I talked to the guy in charged. The place is dead, but he's gonna keep the place running cuase of all the work he put into it.
Posted: 2002-10-27 07:25pm
by Kuja
GameFAQs (sadly, this site has long since shut down
Posted: 2002-10-27 07:27pm
by Stormbringer, I know, don't kill me! I'm not a trekkie by any stretch of the imagination. And I try not to be an idiot. I'm as put off as you guys by the kind of behaviour that goes on over there.
Other noteworthy site:
Aegy's Hall of Honor (weber chat board)
David Weber newsgroup
B5 moderated newsgroup.
ASVS occasionally.
Posted: 2002-10-27 07:51pm
by Mr Bean
Here (*Of coures)
Posted: 2002-10-27 07:58pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
SD.Net (Don't go here very often, don't know if it's still up)
Posted: 2002-10-27 08:42pm
by Luke Starkiller
Stonedog's Hold
Posted: 2002-10-27 08:46pm
by Shinova
I'll be honest, and I'm not a trekkie.
Spacebattles (#1 hang out place)
SD.NET (#2 hang out place)
Posted: 2002-10-27 08:58pm
by aerius
Usual Suspects Network
Head-fi Forums
Candlepower forums
Princeton Women's Swimming webpage (GF's sister is on the team, GF was too)
And of course I spend enough time here to make 5 posts or so a day.
Posted: 2002-10-27 09:19pm
by haas mark Obviously
Redscape For Diplomacy gaming
Yahoo! Mail For my mail...I am continuously on this page
LiveJournal For my LiveJournal
DeadJournal For my DeadJournal
Angelfire For creating my web pages
Yahoo! Groups For various groups, including Diplomacy and RPGs
Namco Arcade For the Tekken4 forums
Electricity Theatre For a Sailor Moon RPG I participate in
The Doll Palace Where I make all the cool dolls on my web page
Posted: 2002-10-27 10:19pm
by Enlightenment
Other than here: (Assuming it ever gets back to working on all cylinders) (Again assuming it ever starts working again)
Posted: 2002-10-27 10:31pm
by Bob McDob
Wow . . . has it really been that long?
Hmm . . . starting from Pokemon Fanfiction (bleh), I went to and (which, despite their name is more of an RPG site in general, having mostly shed its roots . . fun little site, think they're still up).
Then I went to (, and inhabited it for roughly a year before becoming bored and being banned for rampant stupidity. I still consider myself a wingnut first and foremost, though (wingnut as in, inhabitant of / #wingnut on DALnet)
I visited SpaceBattles purely in hopes of finding decent calcs and scientific analysis for Wing Commander. Was it too much to hope for? Probably. I stayed there about the same time. That place in insidious . . . takes over your mind, rots your brain until only it remains. I stopped being a "regular" there around June, which puts me roughly at the 1-year mark. I wouldn't even go there except that it's the only place I know where stuff . . . happens. (And of course we have to smack sense into the newbies).
I wouldn't consider myself a regular here, either . . . I really don't give a damn about SW or ST or creationism or pink fluffy bunnies. I'm just here for the free food
Posted: 2002-10-27 10:41pm
by Bob McDob
Also, I suppose I should mention . . . they seem like a nice bunch, even if there's TOO DAMN MANY . . . sorry. I'm just used to smaller groups. The sheer post number is staggering.
Posted: 2002-10-27 10:54pm
by XaLEv
In order, as best as I can remember: - HTML chatroom. Late '96
began spending most of my time on DALnet, in #square and #lakitu. Couple of years there.
Stopped hanging out on IRC as often, went over to My first name there was Janus.
Was away from shoutweb for about a year, came back and changed my name to Angel of Discord. Can't remember how long I was there under this name.
Stopped going to shoutweb, and found B5Tech, during the old Network54 board. Been there ever since.
Then went over to SB, about six months ago now.
Came over here.
And there we are.
Posted: 2002-10-27 11:46pm
by Dalton
First started off hanging around a Star Trek sim club thing for a while. That ended when my brother got fed up with the hourly AOL rates and suspended the service.
Got reinstated a while later when they switched to flat rates, and I signed on with a new name and started hanging around the Star Wars Fan Forum. Through there I made some really good friends I don't talk to at all anymore.
My next major thing was the Star Wars Unlimited fan club. Still involved with that, but nowhere near the degree I was involved in back in the day.
Then the tide turned, tho I didn't know it. I stumbled across Tony Case's "I Hate Star Trek" site and started hanging around the guestbook. Formed a little clique of guests which ran strong for a while. It was from there that I found reading through his pages I got interested in ASVS...and from there went to Deja.
Now my hangouts include here and ASVS, and occasionally alt.comics.sluggy-freelance.
[edit] I also used to spend a fair amount of time on a MUD called Monty Python's Flying Talker.
Posted: 2002-10-28 12:35am
by EmperorMing SFB board I lurk on--The only ST site I know of with *any* common sense...
and here.
Posted: 2002-10-28 01:21am
by weemadando
In chronological order:
ASVS forums
Random invasions.
Posted: 2002-10-28 01:24am
by haas mark
weemadando wrote:In chronological order:
ASVS forums
Random invasions.
Not to mention alphabetical! w00t!
Posted: 2002-10-28 02:18am
by weemadando
Wow, sub-concious Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Posted: 2002-10-28 02:40am
by haas mark
weemadando wrote:Wow, sub-concious Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Posted: 2002-10-28 05:59am
by CmdrSweevo
telnet:// (dead now)
message boards at
And until recently, Subspace (
Posted: 2002-10-28 10:39am
by Lagmonster
Here. Mainly here.
Although I parade around from time to time, and have been known to post at the folklore-ghost-stories group. Although most of the denizens there are so-called 'psychics' who really believe in that sort of thing and can't just appreciate a damn story for its entertainment value without trying to suggest what crystal I should use to channel it. Blech.
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:51am
by Larz - duh - not as much now as I used to - for mail - for things that I just look up - where I take quizes and print out readable lecture notes
Posted: 2002-10-28 02:07pm
by Cal Wright
Well originally I was on the AoL chat rooms. I mainly was in the Star Wars Space Battles chat room were I ran one of the sim factions. One of my members told me about Poe's site, and from there I found As the AoL portion died off, I started spending more time coordinating the Dark Guard (that's were the DG is from) and when that finally slowed a little more I found the link to tada!