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Crazy Conspiricy Preacher visits church in 48 hours.

Posted: 2004-06-03 10:09pm
by jenat-lai
Hi. My parents make me go to church. I usually don't mind, cos our church has cool music, and usually it's teaching is not very fundie like (we have a head preacher who was once an animal biologist/zoologist, and isn't a creationist)

However sometimes, we get Fudie preachers visit. Church has a large conference coming next month, and so at the moment a lot of visiting preachers from places like USA, Canada and Europe are preaching in our church.

Last weeks message was about how god only loves people who obey his every whim. :roll: Which made me philosophise that his fundie god isn't even as nice as a friend of mine who was sexually abused by their own father.

Anyway, next week we have a guy visiting who I'v heard a tape of a few months back. In this tape, he said how the founding fathers of America were Freemasons, and that they worshipped satan, thus were evil. Thus America was evil. This made me roll my eyes and stop listening to him, and yawn, and generally not pay attention. I mentally planned my next vatsim flight whyle the tape went on. It was then I heard him speak of September 11th. That the American Government planned it, and put explosives into the World Trade Centre twin towers, and payed off Arabs or 'someone' to fly the jets into them to 'make believe' to the world that the jets made them fall. He then went on to say that the bible fortold this in Revelation and that the three jets were the three heads of one of the beasts in the story, and that the beast itself was the Freemason church!

I only got as far as "The american government planned September 11" before I became enraged and started argung, LOUDLY with it and my parents that this was stupid, that he was stupid, and I was ashamed to be associated with anything this idiot was associated with.

Well as he is planning to speak in my own church on Sunday morning. I intend to not listen to it. At first I was considering a private boycott (aka, go hide in the toilets till he's gone). but on Talking to Gandalf, I have decided that maybe a more - Open Boycott, or even protest. is in order. Of course he may trump me and not say anything about his stupid fundie conspiricy theories. but if he does I intend to walk the fuck out of there, down the middle, proudly, and angrily. Maybe even packing my things standing up, facing the congregation, and then walking out. You see, Im a musician in the church and so usually sit near front (usually 4th from front) row of the church. There's 3 isles. two on the sides, and one down the middle. Of course if it comes to public boycott, there's going to be no greater feeling than standing up, turning my back to him, packing up my stuff, and walking out down the middle row... My trumpet will be on the stage... maybe if he makes me angry enough I will walk up on stage, grab my trumpet, stuff it in it's bag, pack up my stuff, and walk away... but I think I'll leave it at the 'make big scene, walk away, go hide in toilet till he stops, wait for the musicians to finish their thing, and then sneak back on, take trumpet and dash'.

Advice/egging on/psyching up appreciated.

Posted: 2004-06-03 10:16pm
by Gandalf
If you do decide to go through with a walkout, make sure it's for the right reason, like if he starts with the anti-America wanking.

Wouldn't the church kick your ass for this later?

Posted: 2004-06-03 10:17pm
by jenat-lai
Yeh they prolly will... Which will give me one more reason to leave Sydney.

Posted: 2004-06-03 10:32pm
by Mayabird
Ouch. Good luck, man. I'm rooting for you.

Let us know what happens.

Posted: 2004-06-03 10:33pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Ask him for any evidence that the Freemasons were Satan-worshippers.

Also, remind him that Washington and Franklin are the only known Masons out of the Founding Fathers.

Posted: 2004-06-03 10:43pm
by darthdavid
Get a trowing dagger and practice so you can embede it between his feet and make him crap his pants [that was a joke for those that wouldn't otherwise realise]

Posted: 2004-06-03 11:08pm
by jenat-lai
I hate america bashing, but I don't mind really if he thinks Masons are evil. That's a personal thing. As soon as he starts to think that the WTC needed 'help' to fall after being hit by a 200 tonne 767 Jet, with 40,000 litres of fuel on board and moving at 800km/hr, he's being an idiot. Not only that, but it belittles what happened, and directly offends me, a lover of aircraft. It insults my intelligence on the matter. And walks dangerously close to racism and many other things I can't stand.

The unusual thing is he thinks George W Bush is a good president and speaks that he is 'the best president America has ever had'.

Though perhaps, that's not so unusual given his political and religious leanings.

I don't care about that either. You can think Shrubby 2 is a good president. I don't particularly mind him either... at the same point I also don't live in the country. But I see Bush as a guy who stands for what he believes in, Even if what he believes in is delusional at times. I don't care if you think Bush is the best man who ever lived beyond Jesus. I do care about this guy. he makes me mad. And angry. September 11 affected me most out of our family because of my involvement and interest in aviation. It's a sore topic with me when dealt with wrongly, and this guy delt with it wrongly. If someone truly believes this crap that he preaches, then I don't have the time of day for any of their thoughts. If it's a joke. Then that too is severley out of taste. The sad, sad fact is... it's not a joke.