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Resisting torture
Posted: 2002-10-28 10:59am
by Crom
Does anyone know some of the techniques that people use to resist torture?
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:10am
by Larz
The best one is to avoid getting caught to be tortured... duh
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:34am
by TrailerParkJawa
Resisting torture is a mostly a movie thing. How do you resist having bones broken?
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:47am
by Dirty Harry
I think it depends on the type of torture you are being subjected to. You can ignore pain up to a point, so you can have SOME physical touture done to you ,by this I mean having you fingers snapped, having you teeth pulled out with a pair of pliers, having your arms broke with stones (the Israllies like to do that to Pallistinines they capture) and not talk or give away whatever it is you are being tourtured for. It depends on how much stamina and mental toughness you have.
When people in the British army here are trying to join the SAS (special air service), one of the sections of their training is how to resist tourture.
It actually works to, during the Gulf war captured SAS guys mananged to resist the above forms of physical tourture for about a week or something before they broke.
It also depends on how squemish you are. for some people the threat of force is more effective than force itself. Would you break upon seeing the instruments that you will be tourtured with (scapels, pliers,small toffee hammer, the Darkstar debate printout etc) layed out on a tray in front of you?
My personal favorite types of touture( usually the most effective) are the psycological kinds.For example, I will say you are to be shot at dawn. The next mourning, you are infront of the fireing squad when all of a sudden I appear and say you have been let of the hook. The next day I say that there was a mistake and you actually are going to be shot, But again you are reprived. After about 5 days of this I can gaurentee you would be a qivering, sobbing nervous wreck!
So you see there are different styles of tourture and different ways to deal with them so, whilst in the tourture chamber..........
1) During tourture, do not say anything to tease or anger the person tourturing you. If you do, It will make it that much worse for you.
2) Try(I say try mind you) to ignore the pain.
3) Don't expect to hold out forever, everyone has a breaking point.
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:50am
by Dirty Harry
that has to be the biggest fucking post I have ever written
can I have my title changed to Imperial torturer?
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:55am
by Larz
everyone breaks, and the typical person breaks at a rather low threshold of pain because their not used to it. The only real way to resist torture is to torture yourself until you've risen your threshold for pain of certian varieties. But the best advice still stands... don't get captured... easiest way to stand torture is to not be submitted to it
Posted: 2002-10-28 12:09pm
by haas mark
Larz wrote:everyone breaks, and the typical person breaks at a rather low threshold of pain because their not used to it. The only real way to resist torture is to torture yourself until you've risen your threshold for pain of certian varieties. But the best advice still stands... don't get captured... easiest way to stand torture is to not be submitted to it
As much as I hate to admit it...he's right.
Either that, or be the one doing the torturing!

Re: Resisting torture
Posted: 2002-10-28 03:11pm
by jegs2
Crom wrote:Does anyone know some of the techniques that people use to resist torture?
Death is an excellent means. Seriously, everyone has a breaking point, despite what you may have seen in movies. Under such circumstances, I'd likely try to goad them into killing me. That failing, I'd lie like a rug (which might get me killed anyway).
Posted: 2002-10-28 03:16pm
by Lagmonster
Well, my method for resisting torture is usually to say, "Sweetheart, your erotic dancing is no match for me closing my eyes and thinking about sports."
Posted: 2002-10-28 03:16pm
by XaLEv
If you can manage it.

Posted: 2002-10-28 03:19pm
by Darth Wong
Everyone who was "questioned" during the Medieval Inquisitions confessed, even though they knew it would mean their deaths. They would gladly confess to crimes they did not commit in order to end the suffering. Without exception.
Posted: 2002-10-28 03:26pm
by NecronLord
Depending on the nature of the torture.
a beating can be handled
spanish inquisition-style-endless-torment cannot
Posted: 2002-10-28 03:55pm
by Cpt_Frank
the most elegant torturing method are probably mind-altering drugs of all kinds. It doesn't take much effort and gets the results safe and easy although it takes a bit of time.
Posted: 2002-10-28 03:57pm
by Kelly Antilles
Lagmonster wrote:Well, my method for resisting torture is usually to say, "Sweetheart, your erotic dancing is no match for me closing my eyes and thinking about sports."
Isn't that the other way around, Lag?

Posted: 2002-10-28 03:58pm
by Kelly Antilles
NecronLord wrote:Depending on the nature of the torture.
a beating can be handled
spanish inquisition-style-endless-torment cannot
I'm sorry, I can't resist...
(btw, BBCAmerica is doing a Python marathon on Halloween night.)
Posted: 2002-10-28 03:59pm
by HemlockGrey
Tell them whatever they want to know.
Posted: 2002-10-28 04:01pm
by Kuja
Lie your ass off. They'll kill you, of course, but you'll still die with your secrets intact.
Posted: 2002-10-28 04:08pm
by Lagmonster
Kelly Antilles wrote:Lagmonster wrote:Well, my method for resisting torture is usually to say, "Sweetheart, your erotic dancing is no match for me closing my eyes and thinking about sports."
Isn't that the other way around, Lag?

I though we were supposed to be resisting, though? And enough watching with no touching is basically the worst torture that a well-fed Canadian like me is going to go through, save perhaps the 6-8 weeks waiting period for my next uber-toy to come from the hammacher collection.
Posted: 2002-10-28 04:08pm
by Cpt_Frank
Well the best thing indeed will be to sell them a mix of half-truthes and outright lies. It should work-and bring you swift death.
Posted: 2002-10-28 04:47pm
by Mr Bean
Unless you have specfic reason to its best to simply tell the truth that or use the Self Kevorkian to avoid it all togther
Posted: 2002-10-28 04:54pm
by Hyperion
i would say the best is to avoid getting caught to begin with. otherwise you'd have to start hoping your mind's very strong. i got into this discussion with TK99 of spacebattles the other night, i'd be a bitch to torture, extremely high pain threshold and the ability to control it, actually enjoying sensory deprivation (nerve damage puts a lot of garbage into the visual and audio senses), not to mention control of most if not all body processes, someone get's too far in doing stuff to me and i can just as easially self-terminate at a thought.
a strong mind is the main thing, it's both good and bad.
Posted: 2002-10-28 05:05pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I also would not suggest attempting mental scuicide. The POW's that have killed thier minds and entered a realm of fantasy in order to deal with torcher, never come out of the the event whole. I guess that's why they call it a mental scuicide.
Posted: 2002-10-29 12:21am
by Crom
That mental suicide route sounds interesting. I think I've tried that a few times, just under times of stress, it never really worked out.
Damn, I hoped there were ways, sort of like Jedi-mind tricks, for getting around torture. Guess I've watched too many movies.
Posted: 2002-10-29 12:30am
by weemadando
Noone can hold out forever. Physical torture is easier to work against than psychological torture. With physical torture you can focus the pain, or even just allow yourself to pass out. Mental torture is horrible. And when it breaks people, it really does break people.
Posted: 2002-10-29 12:50am
by Crown
Lagmonster wrote:Well, my method for resisting torture is usually to say, "Sweetheart, your erotic dancing is no match for me closing my eyes and thinking about sports."
From Red Dragon;
Open your eyes, or I will staple your eyelids to your forehead!