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fundementalist christians go vegan

Posted: 2004-06-07 01:18am
by Enforcer Talen

Posted: 2004-06-07 04:02am
by Admiral Valdemar
They must have orders to limit brain growth in future generations... more so.

Posted: 2004-06-07 04:30am
by Anhaga
Lettuce munching Fundie wrote: "The Lord gave us everything we need in the Garden of Eden: fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds," the preacher-turned-diet adviser said in an interview at Hallelujah Acres, his North Carolina headquarters. "That's why we call the way we eat the 'Hallelujah Diet.' We celebrate its true creator."
Doesn't he know that in the Garden of Eden, pigs walked up to Adam and served him his choice of pork product, straight off the bone? He obviously hasn't watched enough Simpsons.

Posted: 2004-06-07 09:44am
by Ghost Rider
Okay how is this a SLAM topic again?

It's about a guy who feels God's message was to eat fruit and veggies and not meat.

Are we to discuss the morality of such a switch or is this just here because it has a fundie instead of local rhubarb?

Off to OT.

Posted: 2004-06-07 10:19am
by General Zod
i like the way fundies selectively cut out parts from the bible they don't like. Such as how Jesus made a lot of fish for a buncha hungry people appear from thin air, which would apparently show that god does indeed advocate eating meats.

Re: fundementalist christians go vegan

Posted: 2004-06-07 10:39am
by CrimsonRaine
So, tell us. What will they think of next? :roll:

This kind of shit makes me want to scream. Let's control their lives a little bit more and more every day. Let's tell them how they should act, eat, believe and soon we'll be informed that sleeping in the fetal position will send us to hell.

I'll say it again. Stupid, indecent, fundie fucks.


Posted: 2004-06-07 12:39pm
by WacoKid
But wait, a diet like this will weaken them and make them easier to kill. :wink:
Then we can feed them to God's creatures. After all, they're allowed to eat meat, right?

Re: fundementalist christians go vegan

Posted: 2004-06-07 12:47pm
by Lancer

This ranks with the "Bible Bar" bullshit that they sell in Korean supermarkets!

Posted: 2004-06-07 01:39pm
by Trytostaydead
There's the Seventh-Day Adventists who essentially advocate a vegan lifestyle though with the exception of fish. And yup.. you'll see a lot of B-12 deficiencies among them.

Posted: 2004-06-07 03:33pm
by LordShaithis
Who gives a shit? They can consume nothing but Corn Pops and Mountain Dew for all I care.

Posted: 2004-06-07 04:41pm
by PrinceofLowLight
Hooray for moron synergy!

Posted: 2004-06-07 04:51pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Doesn't 1 Tim.4:1-3 say something along the lines of "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils ... commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."? I think that could throw a wrench into their theory.

Posted: 2004-06-07 05:28pm
by Joe
Wait a minute, didn't Jesus feed the masses with fish and bread?

Posted: 2004-06-07 05:36pm
by General Zod
Joe wrote:Wait a minute, didn't Jesus feed the masses with fish and bread?
me wrote:like the way fundies selectively cut out parts from the bible they don't like. Such as how Jesus made a lot of fish for a buncha hungry people appear from thin air, which would apparently show that god does indeed advocate eating meats.
yes indeedy. don't know the exact passage, but i know that it's in there.

Posted: 2004-06-07 06:07pm
by Plekhanov
You also have to wonder why god would make such a big deal of giving the Israelites a “Land of Milk and Honey” if he wanted them to be vegans surely a Land of Soya and Molasses or something would have been appropriate.

This could be a good thing though if fundies can be diverted from attempting to break down the divide between church and state to instead worrying if pasteurization is the work of the devil then that would be a positive development.

Posted: 2004-06-08 01:27am
by EmperorMing
Trytostaydead wrote:There's the Seventh-Day Adventists who essentially advocate a vegan lifestyle though with the exception of fish. And yup.. you'll see a lot of B-12 deficiencies among them.
Don't remind me. Those guys are hell bent over it.

Posted: 2004-06-08 04:11am
by jenat-lai
Malkmus's diet is one of a batch of Bible-based eating plans flooding bookstores and health food stores. Last summer's "What Would Jesus Eat?,"

Well, a lamb and wine for the last supper/passover. Yes a LAMB... as in Sheep. baa baa...

Other things have already been mentioned. such as the FISH, milk, bla bla...

Ah, I hate Vegans AND fundies... Vegan Fundies are just too much!

Posted: 2004-06-08 04:19pm
by PrinceofLowLight
I think someone (possibly the Freemasons) are giving courses on efficiency to the idiots of the world. Soon, they'll all be vegan fundamentalists who believe in astrology and that the moon landing was a hoax. Things will just be easier that way.

Posted: 2004-06-08 04:32pm
by General Zod
PrinceofLowLight wrote:I think someone (possibly the Freemasons) are giving courses on efficiency to the idiots of the world. Soon, they'll all be vegan fundamentalists who believe in astrology and that the moon landing was a hoax. Things will just be easier that way.
only so long as the idiots in the government don't start believing the same thing. that could spell disaster. gods know we have tons of idiots in our government. . .

Posted: 2004-06-08 05:24pm
by Straha The Stoner
eventually a few generations down the line they'll devolve into monkeys...