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Posted: 2002-10-28 05:56pm
by Ted
What pets do you people have?
I've got 10 rats, and m sometimes called the Rat Meister by people because of that.
Posted: 2002-10-28 06:25pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I have 3 cats. One is fat, another is really furry, and the other is skinny, begs a lot, and gets fur all over my stuff.
Posted: 2002-10-28 06:33pm
by oberon
2 Tonkinese, 2 "domestic shorthair" (read: mongrel) cats, and 1 Leonberger.
Posted: 2002-10-28 06:42pm
by Mr Bean
I don't have any pets at the moment because I'm going to be moving around alot and I'm due for another tour of shipboard duity soon meaing if I got a pet it would play out somthing like this...
Reporting for Duity Sir!
Ahh Good to have you back and that is?
That SIR is Lietunant Fluffy!
Lietunant Fluffy?
Yes Sir!
Does anything Strike you as odd about the Lietuanant?
What do you mean SIR?
Well he looks like a dog
Sir I belive it is aginst Navy Rules of Conduct to hold one's apperance aginst them SIR
No No I mean he looks like a bloody German Sheperd!
You say that as if there is somthing wrong with that SIR
What exactly do you mean by that?
Well Sir it sounds like your holding it aginst him... like you are being Racist aginst Lt Fluffy SIR!
And the conversation would pretty much degerate from there
Though to be honset when I got the chance I was thinking of either getting some Ferrets or acutal a fox as I know a few places that one can get a fox whos parents where domestcated in a sense and apprently they make great pets(If a bit unusal diet, more insects/fruits like things less Meat then dogs and have the Intellgence and independance of Cats though are much more playful
That or get a good old pet wolf
(Yes I do go for odd pets)
Posted: 2002-10-28 06:57pm
by haas mark
If/when I ever GET pets....CATS.
Re: Pets
Posted: 2002-10-28 08:08pm
by jegs2
Ted wrote:What pets do you people have?
I've got 10 rats, and m sometimes called the Rat Meister by people because of that.
Have a cat and a fufu dog (dog doesn't like me -- it's my wife's)...
Posted: 2002-10-28 08:20pm
by salm
luckily nothing.
but did i mention that i´ve got a dish washer?
Posted: 2002-10-28 08:25pm
by Kuja

I wish....
Posted: 2002-10-28 08:49pm
by Kelly Antilles
I have 4 ferrets and a beagle.
Posted: 2002-10-28 08:58pm
by Sea Skimmer
I've been through several cats, but all died and have not been replaced. Currently I have a white and orange guinea pig named Ukraine. The name was inspired by my best friends now dead animal, which was named Vodka.
Posted: 2002-10-28 08:59pm
by Joe
I have (back home) a nine-year old golden retriever mutt, and a two-year old Yorkshire Terrier. She's a little firebrand.
Posted: 2002-10-28 09:15pm
by Raxmei
I had a couple hamsters a long time ago. If I ever get pets again it'll probably be rats.
Posted: 2002-10-28 09:18pm
by Kuja
I used to have a girl dog that looked a lot like Ein. Her name was Shannon. She died a long time ago.

Posted: 2002-10-28 09:26pm
by Alyrium Denryle
1. Red eared slider(aquatic turtle trachemys scripta elegans) named Octavian
2. Yellow Bellied Slider (another aquatic turtle Trachemys scripta scripta) Named Edward.
1. Savannnah monitor lizard Varanus exanthematicus Nmaed Russell(named after my best friend, because when angry they both go apeshit, both of them bite(Someone took russells stuffed cow in 8th grade. Russell chased him down, jumped on his back like a Dienonychus(sp) and BIT HIS NECK)
2. Shar Pai (wierd wrinkly chinese dogs) name otis and geisha(yes I named my dog after a japanese call girl)
countless koi living in the 4400 gallon pond along with my turtles.
Posted: 2002-10-28 09:33pm
by Vertigo1
These two bundles of fur:
Me posing with em. They're brother and sister, believe it or not. Duke (the white one) looks like the father, and Shadow (his sister) looks like the mother.
Posted: 2002-10-28 09:41pm
by Kuja
ACK! Beware the glowing eyes!
Posted: 2002-10-28 09:45pm
by Vertigo1
IG-88E wrote:ACK! Beware the glowing eyes!
Yeah, I recently had them implanted with Gou'auld larve.

Posted: 2002-10-28 09:46pm
by Mr Bean
As they say
Sucks to be them!
Posted: 2002-10-28 09:49pm
by Kelly Antilles
Vertigo1 wrote:
Me posing with em. They're brother and sister, believe it or not. Duke (the white one) looks like the father, and Shadow (his sister) looks like the mother.
They look like they may be lab/german shepherd mix?
Posted: 2002-10-28 09:51pm
by Durandal
Ladies and gentlemen, the most useless creature on the planet.
But I love her to death. :)
I've got another cat, but she's slightly deranged.
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:06pm
by Raxmei
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:08pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I keep a chinchilla. Cute and furry as hell.
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:09pm
by Kuja
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:12pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
(Adds Raxmei to "Things to do after World Domination" list)
You'll have a very good place here...
Posted: 2002-10-28 11:15pm
by Kuja
Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:
(Adds Raxmei to "Things to do after World Domination" list)
You'll have a very good place here...
*raises eyebrow* You're going to do Raxmei after taking over?