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What goes on in Hell?
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:18am
by Rathark
Seing that you lot love to talk about torture, and that I have revealed the depravity of my own mind, I was wondering about your visions of Hell - asuming the place exists of course. I know that most of you don't believe in it, and I don't see it as a real place at all. However, if it existed (for argument's sake, assume you are writing a novel that is partly set in Hell), what would it be like? How bad would you have to be to go there? Which names known to us would most deserve to go there? What sort of punishments would they dish out? Which punishments would match what sins? Would the punishments be more psychological that "physical"? (How could they be physical if you no longer have a body?) And - perhaps the most dreaded question of all - what sort of music would they play in the background?
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:19am
by Stormbringer
i've always though of it something like Dante did. Getting slowly worse as you get deeper. Not necessarily the same sins but the punishment fitting the crime kind of thing.
Re: What goes on in Hell?
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:20am
by haas mark
Rathark wrote:Seing that you lot love to talk about torture, and that I have revealed the depravity of my own mind, I was wondering about your visions of Hell - asuming the place exists of course. I know that most of you don't believe in it, and I don't see it as a real place at all. However, if it existed (for argument's sake, assume you are writing a novel that is partly set in Hell), what would it be like? How bad would you have to be to go there? Which names known to us would most deserve to go there? What sort of punishments would they dish out? Which punishments would match what sins? Would the punishments be more psychological that "physical"? (How could they be physical if you no longer have a body?) And - perhaps the most dreaded question of all - what sort of music would they play in the background?
Read Dante's Inferno. That may help you. Either that or Jean-Paul Sartre's No Exit.
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:20am
by Shinova
I don't think hell would dish out physical torture. Instead, they would make it seem as if you're still alive and living out your life....except that your life turns out horribly wrong. Over and over again.
Emotional and mental damage for eternity. That's perhaps more effective as suffering than physical torture.
"The pen is mightier than the sword"
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:21am
by Stormbringer
Shinova wrote:I don't think hell would dish out physical torture. Instead, they would make it seem as if you're still alive and living out your life....except that your life turns out horribly wrong. Over and over again.
Emotional and mental damage for eternity. That's perhaps more effective as suffering than physical torture.
"The pen is mightier than the sword"
I think endles physical torture with no hope whatsoever would grind down even the most strong willed.
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:24am
by Steve
They've been showing Mrs. Doubtfire for over five years. Continuously.
Kudos to whomever notices that reference.
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:24am
by haas mark
Inferno to appease Stormbringer, No Exit to appease Shinove
Re: What goes on in Hell?
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:25am
by Kuja
Rathark wrote:Seing that you lot love to talk about torture, and that I have revealed the depravity of my own mind, I was wondering about your visions of Hell - asuming the place exists of course. I know that most of you don't believe in it, and I don't see it as a real place at all. However, if it existed (for argument's sake, assume you are writing a novel that is partly set in Hell), what would it be like? How bad would you have to be to go there? Which names known to us would most deserve to go there? What sort of punishments would they dish out? Which punishments would match what sins? Would the punishments be more psychological that "physical"? (How could they be physical if you no longer have a body?) And - perhaps the most dreaded question of all - what sort of music would they play in the background?
Read Sartre's 'No Exit' Brrrrrr!
Re: What goes on in Hell?
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:26am
by haas mark
IG-88E wrote:Rathark wrote:Seing that you lot love to talk about torture, and that I have revealed the depravity of my own mind, I was wondering about your visions of Hell - asuming the place exists of course. I know that most of you don't believe in it, and I don't see it as a real place at all. However, if it existed (for argument's sake, assume you are writing a novel that is partly set in Hell), what would it be like? How bad would you have to be to go there? Which names known to us would most deserve to go there? What sort of punishments would they dish out? Which punishments would match what sins? Would the punishments be more psychological that "physical"? (How could they be physical if you no longer have a body?) And - perhaps the most dreaded question of all - what sort of music would they play in the background?
Read Sartre's 'No Exit' Brrrrrr!
That is one of the FREAKIEST examples of Hell I've ever seen (hence why I keep suggesting it)
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:28am
by EmperorMing
i don't think you are gonna burn forever. Just tossed into the sun and burned away until only your life force remains. Then it gets recycled...
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:29am
by IRG CommandoJoe
what sort of music would they play in the background?
Elevator music.
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:29am
by Sea Skimmer
Shinova wrote:I don't think hell would dish out physical torture. Instead, they would make it seem as if you're still alive and living out your life....except that your life turns out horribly wrong. Over and over again.
Emotional and mental damage for eternity. That's perhaps more effective as suffering than physical torture.
"The pen is mightier than the sword"
That's why I stab people with them rather then using a knife.
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:31am
by Robert Treder
If I had to invent a Hell, it wouldn't be a bad place at all. It'd just be the place where the souls that Satan was able to get were trained for their glorious battle against Heaven.
It breaks down like this:
Lucifer leads a rebellion of Angels against God, because he's smart enough to realize that God's an asshole. This rebellion is put down, but Lucifer and his remaining followers maintain a small part of Heaven, and they name this place Hell.
God's forces make constant raids on Fortress Hell, but Lucifer's forces grow, due to his numerous recruiting raids in Heaven and on Earth. Hell is strong, and it slowly grows. Lucifer's forces are constantly preparing for the time when they will be strong enough to attack God's Kingdom in Heaven, and restore peace and order to the universe.
You see, if Christianity was like that, it'd be cool, at least from a story point of view. As it is, it doesn't even have that going for it. I mean, come on, at least make it interesting if it's not going to be logical. Who wants to hear bullshit stories about water turning into wine, or animal sacrifice, or stupid clay tablets, or sick fucking "tests" to determine piety, or circumcision? Boooring. Let's get some motherfucking action in there.
Then I'd go to church; it'd at least be entertaining. They'd make movies about the war in heaven, it'd be awesome. In fact, that's what church should be. Go in when you feel like it and watch a bitching movie starring Bruce Willis about how your side is going to win.
Damn, these church people are sitting on a gold mine, and they don't even realize it.
In summary, religion should be more like Star Wars.
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:34am
by Darth Wong
How bad can it be? All of those goddamned fundie assholes, murderous medieval Catholics, crusaders, etc. won't be there. I say it's party 24x7 and massive sex orgies.
If you want a fucked-up place to go after death, go to the place God runs (we all know what a nice guy he is from reading the Old Testament, after all).
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:48am
by weemadando
Fundie Heaven: Worshipping a psychotic, unbalanced god, singing kumbaya, aescetism and abstinance the whole time.
Fundie Hell: No worship. Where most people go. I think the fact that they say that in hell you are tortured is really a bit of hypocrisy when you look at what constitutes fundie heaven.
Posted: 2002-10-30 12:56am
by Darth Yoshi
For music, all the boy band songs ever to infest the airwaves are played in succession, then they repeat. Wait, which ones's heaven and which one's hell again?
Posted: 2002-10-30 01:18am
by Yogi
The Onion gives a pretty good description of Hell in this article. ... rised.html
Posted: 2002-10-30 01:43am
by Beowulf
hmm... Read Niven and Pournelle's version of Inferno...
Posted: 2002-10-30 01:45am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
My vision of hell is having to argue with Darkstar until he conceeds defeat (ie. for eternity) while watching a movie version of Raycav's mutilation fic.
Posted: 2002-10-30 01:49am
by EmperorMing
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:My vision of hell is having to argue with Darkstar until he conceeds defeat (ie. for eternity) while watching a movie version of Raycav's mutilation fic.
Good gawd! I'd rather go to Fundie heaven...

Posted: 2002-10-30 02:00am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
EmperorMing wrote:Good gawd! I'd rather go to Fundie heaven...

Hehe, sometimes the best (or worst, in this case) ideas are the simplest.
Re: What goes on in Hell?
Posted: 2002-10-30 03:55am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Rathark wrote:Seing that you lot love to talk about torture, and that I have revealed the depravity of my own mind, I was wondering about your visions of Hell - asuming the place exists of course. I know that most of you don't believe in it, and I don't see it as a real place at all. However, if it existed (for argument's sake, assume you are writing a novel that is partly set in Hell), what would it be like? How bad would you have to be to go there? Which names known to us would most deserve to go there? What sort of punishments would they dish out? Which punishments would match what sins? Would the punishments be more psychological that "physical"? (How could they be physical if you no longer have a body?) And - perhaps the most dreaded question of all - what sort of music would they play in the background?
According to Ozzy Osbourne you're going to have a "fucking good time down there." Considering what many people think of God on this board, that statement may be taken literally by some of them.
Re: What goes on in Hell?
Posted: 2002-10-30 04:55am
by Robert Treder
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Rathark wrote:Seing that you lot love to talk about torture, and that I have revealed the depravity of my own mind, I was wondering about your visions of Hell - asuming the place exists of course. I know that most of you don't believe in it, and I don't see it as a real place at all. However, if it existed (for argument's sake, assume you are writing a novel that is partly set in Hell), what would it be like? How bad would you have to be to go there? Which names known to us would most deserve to go there? What sort of punishments would they dish out? Which punishments would match what sins? Would the punishments be more psychological that "physical"? (How could they be physical if you no longer have a body?) And - perhaps the most dreaded question of all - what sort of music would they play in the background?
According to Ozzy Osbourne you're going to have a "fucking good time down there." Considering what many people think of God on this board, that statement may be taken literally by some of them.
Yeah, it's a damn shame it doesn't exist.
Posted: 2002-10-30 06:22am
by Hendrake
Being tortured for eternity when your nerve endings are somewhere else would be a little pointless, wouldn't it?
Hell (if it existed, and if it were indeed a place of punishment) would be a place of pure, endless, refined boredom.
Posted: 2002-10-30 06:24am
by haas mark
Hendrake wrote:Being tortured for eternity when your nerve endings are somewhere else would be a little pointless, wouldn't it?
Hell (if it existed, and if it were indeed a place of punishment) would be a place of pure, endless, refined boredom.
Actually, no...I personally don't like the idea of being detached from myself. In fact, that's a rather scary thought. If someone sliced your wouldn't feel it as if it were on your arm in this case. You would feel it but not on your arm. Or, someone would play with your nerves, but you could do nothing about it. IE, they could make you feel like your arm was cut without it actually bring cut.