Page 1 of 1 Official Softcore Porn Provider

Posted: 2002-10-30 03:21am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Do you guys think I should be awarded that as my special title for starting and contributing daily to the nekkid pics thread?

Posted: 2002-10-30 03:35am
by His Divine Shadow
You bastard, you don't provide any hardcore?

I cast thee down!

Posted: 2002-10-30 07:29am
by Mr Bean
Nope, I get p0rn even when I don't want any, You don't desever a title for mearly provided naked pictures of girls, Hell if I want that I can just click on some of the pop-ups on :P

Posted: 2002-10-30 02:57pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Mr Bean wrote:Nope, I get p0rn even when I don't want any, You don't desever a title for mearly provided naked pictures of girls, Hell if I want that I can just click on some of the pop-ups on :P
Yeah, but the kind of porn you're talking about comes with all sorts of annoying pop-ups and headaches trying to find good stuff, and half the time it's nothing but grotesquely large boob sites.

Posted: 2002-10-30 03:37pm
by Vendetta
I believe the title you covet was awarded to The Internet some tme ago.

Posted: 2002-10-30 05:48pm
by Tsyroc
How about "The Colonel", like the guy who went to prison in Boogie Nights? :twisted:

Posted: 2002-10-30 06:45pm
by Raptor 597
Tsyroc wrote:How about "The Colonel", like the guy who went to prison in Boogie Nights? :twisted:
No, I'm the Colonel, but really I got his Icon.Anyone wants it? :P

Posted: 2002-10-30 06:46pm
by Kuja
Nope. You've only provided a fraction of the porn.

Posted: 2002-10-30 07:37pm
by salm
nuller, i provided more than you!

Posted: 2002-10-30 08:04pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Yeah, but I started the thread, and neither of you would have done it in my place, no nyah! :)

Besides, aren't your titles good enough for you? Especially you IG, sheesh, mods these days, you give 'em an inch, they take everything that isn't bolted down :wink: