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What happend yesterday at the Wellstone memorial
Posted: 2002-10-30 06:15pm
by Mr Bean
How many people caught this yesterday night?
It was sicking to me.... Memorial turned into polictial Party... Annd Mondal's Election Manajor of all things asks "To help the Mondal Campain in Wellstone's memory"
I'd like to hear everyone elses thoughts if you saw it...
*Edit If you can catch the "Radio Factor" ATM(Its on now on AM stations) they are discussing if Ass-croft is possbile on his way out and thats nothing but good news
Posted: 2002-10-30 06:24pm
by MKSheppard
Jessie Ventura reportedly is FUCKING PISSED ... &printer=1
And he might appoint a Non demmycrat as an interim senator!
Cliton at the Wellstone memorial...
"What, you did his wife too! yuk yuk yuk" - Slick Willie...
Posted: 2002-10-30 06:26pm
by Kuja
Ventura has every right to be pissed at such a shameless plug.
Posted: 2002-10-30 06:28pm
by Ted
MKSheppard wrote:Jessie Ventura reportedly is FUCKING PISSED
And he might appoint a Non demmycrat as an interim senator!
And a Non pubbycan
Posted: 2002-10-30 06:33pm
by Mr Bean
One Governer I admire is Ventura
Sure it might be hype but then to quote him
*On his Son
yaadaa yaadaa how do you feel about your Son(Idiot Reporter)
Ventura-How about you go Fuck Yourself? My family life is MY family life, just because I am Govener does NOT give you the right to go proding and poking into my private life, THAT right is left out of the US Constiution and this states consitution
1 Independent
Hmm That makes it 49-49-2 eh?
Posted: 2002-10-30 08:51pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I did not watch, but heard about it on the radio. They played a few clips, I must say I would be disturbed if a memorial turned into a big plug for the party. ( im a democrat )
Posted: 2002-10-30 09:12pm
by Raptor 597
Well lets see how far they milk this cow. Any bet takers? This is reall some sadass shit, and go Jessie!
Posted: 2002-10-30 09:15pm
by Kelly Antilles
I cannot believe they'd turn a MEMORIAL into a Democratic wankfest. Just goes to show you. You know they TOLD Cheany not to come? Pricks.
Posted: 2002-10-30 09:20pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
(Salutes to Ventura...saluting...)
Posted: 2002-10-30 09:21pm
by Mr Bean
(Salutes to Ventura...saluting...)
Check the fingers, he's flipping the Democrats off
Posted: 2002-10-30 09:28pm
by Raptor 597
Kelly Antilles wrote:I cannot believe they'd turn a MEMORIAL into a Democratic wankfest. Just goes to show you. You know they TOLD Cheany not to come? Pricks.
If I was Cheany I would of went just too piss them off.
Posted: 2002-10-30 09:35pm
by Enlightenment
With all due respect people, WTF did you expect?
This is politics. It's always distasteful.
Posted: 2002-10-30 09:49pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
This is true...
Posted: 2002-10-30 09:51pm
by Raptor 597
Enlightenment wrote:With all due respect people, WTF did you expect?
This is politics. It's always distasteful.
Thanks, for summing up everything we said and stopping my spam parade.
Posted: 2002-10-30 10:13pm
by Knife
Enlightenment wrote:With all due respect people, WTF did you expect?
This is politics. It's always distasteful.
And here I thought it was a memorial. Tisk Tisk.
Posted: 2002-10-30 10:51pm
by Mr Bean
With all due respect people, WTF did you expect?
This is politics. It's always distasteful.
This however is a NEW Low,
Elections have been run clean before though typcial(Sorry fokes but its true) The Democrats Rely on scare taticts
IE What has been said by the Democratic Party for the last twenty Years
According to them Repulbicans will...
Kill Social Secruity
Cut Social Programs
Cancle Free-Lunch Program
Oppress Blacks and Minoritys
And yet This election what do we see? The possibly First Black Governer of NY ever and what happens? The Democrats refuse to fund him the entire amount they promised him(They said he would get 500k from them he got half until they broke the story they where witholding it from him despite the fact some of it was already spent because he had slumped beyond 10% in the polls)
South Dakota's Governers Office reported they recived 50,000 Requests for absentine Vote Cards that where fradulant(The people where dead or non-existant and a few "Mr Maytag's" to many voting turned out over 50 Kitchen supplies had registered as Democrats and Voted....)
Lots of shit is going on right now, Trust me don't go to sleep on election night, The Republicans might win it big but the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to prevent them and some of them are falling into the not quite so ethical or downright illeagle section
I'll close my little rant here by mentiong somthing every SD.NET resident can relate to
Fred "The Lout" Lautenberg as people seem to be calling him more and more the days FINALY after a month of requests engauged in an EIGHT Mintue debate with Forrester ... ional-wire
As some might remeber Lautenberg is the person replace Torricli in New Jersey and I acutal caught this on the air most intresting by the Shaw Hannity Show, I show we have running in the back-ground when I voliunteer my time down at the local War Musium(Where the Sherman's are BTW) and I happen to catch it quite funny, Hannity ran for a few weeks a "WHERE HAS FRANK LAUTENBERG GONE?" Online and On-Air Campain to see if they could get Lauternberg to conset to a debate with Forrestor, Apprently Forrestor himself listens to Shawn abit as when after two weeks they DID get ahold of him Forrester himself called up and along with Shawn to see if they could set up a debate
To quote Forrester
I'm ready to debate any place any time, If you want to hold the Debate in St Petersburg tommrow and noon I will drop everything and be on a plane there in two hours, Any time any place your call Mr Lautenberg
To which Lautenberg did the damdist Darkstar Impression I've ever seen out of a Poly and yammered on for a mintue or two then hung up but promised to give SHAWN an hour of his time to Interview(Taped) but refused the Debate saying he did not have enough time(Even though he had an hour free for that Interview...)
Gets one to think eh?
Ok enough ranting
Posted: 2002-10-30 11:36pm
by EmperorMing
Pathetic display of disrespect.
My 0.02 cents.
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:33am
by Guest
Does anybody think the Republican Party would have done something similar?
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:36am
by Guest
Mr Bean wrote:With all due respect people, WTF did you expect?
This is politics. It's always distasteful.
This however is a NEW Low,
Elections have been run clean before though typcial(Sorry fokes but its true) The Democrats Rely on scare taticts
IE What has been said by the Democratic Party for the last twenty Years
According to them Repulbicans will...
Kill Social Secruity
Cut Social Programs
Cancle Free-Lunch Program
Oppress Blacks and Minoritys
And yet This election what do we see? The possibly First Black Governer of NY ever and what happens? The Democrats refuse to fund him the entire amount they promised him(They said he would get 500k from them he got half until they broke the story they where witholding it from him despite the fact some of it was already spent because he had slumped beyond 10% in the polls)
South Dakota's Governers Office reported they recived 50,000 Requests for absentine Vote Cards that where fradulant(The people where dead or non-existant and a few "Mr Maytag's" to many voting turned out over 50 Kitchen supplies had registered as Democrats and Voted....)
Lots of shit is going on right now, Trust me don't go to sleep on election night, The Republicans might win it big but the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to prevent them and some of them are falling into the not quite so ethical or downright illeagle section
I'll close my little rant here by mentiong somthing every SD.NET resident can relate to
Fred "The Lout" Lautenberg as people seem to be calling him more and more the days FINALY after a month of requests engauged in an EIGHT Mintue debate with Forrester ... ional-wire
As some might remeber Lautenberg is the person replace Torricli in New Jersey and I acutal caught this on the air most intresting by the Shaw Hannity Show, I show we have running in the back-ground when I voliunteer my time down at the local War Musium(Where the Sherman's are BTW) and I happen to catch it quite funny, Hannity ran for a few weeks a "WHERE HAS FRANK LAUTENBERG GONE?" Online and On-Air Campain to see if they could get Lauternberg to conset to a debate with Forrestor, Apprently Forrestor himself listens to Shawn abit as when after two weeks they DID get ahold of him Forrester himself called up and along with Shawn to see if they could set up a debate
To quote Forrester
I'm ready to debate any place any time, If you want to hold the Debate in St Petersburg tommrow and noon I will drop everything and be on a plane there in two hours, Any time any place your call Mr Lautenberg
To which Lautenberg did the damdist Darkstar Impression I've ever seen out of a Poly and yammered on for a mintue or two then hung up but promised to give SHAWN an hour of his time to Interview(Taped) but refused the Debate saying he did not have enough time(Even though he had an hour free for that Interview...)
Gets one to think eh?
Ok enough ranting
Right on Mr. Bean. Your analysis of the tactics the Democrats use seems to be correct.
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:36am
by Enlightenment
The American political process has been utterly and likely irretrivably corrupted by public apathy, a compliant and sleeze-driven media, and far more suitcases full of cash than can be considered appropriate in a western country. There are no depths that either party will refuse to sink towards in order to win a vital seat.
The only way anything is going to change is if the people take democracy seriously enough to pay attention and put an end to the kind of abuses that have become the foundation of the American political system. All together now: "I have a bridge for sale..."
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:36am
by Enlightenment
Commander LeoRo wrote:Does anybody think the Republican Party would have done something similar?
Don't be silly. Of course they would.
Posted: 2002-10-31 08:05am
by Ultra
The democrats are acting EXACTLY like republicans.
Posted: 2002-10-31 08:09am
by Mr Bean
However lemme play Advocete for a second here and ask you all, WHEN have the Rebulicans been in power and done these sorts of things?
Name some I did(Playind Advocte here)