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Posted: 2004-07-04 01:47am
by FaxModem1
Happy Independence Day(in Texas anyway). I'm going to go watch some fireworks. What do the rest of ya'll yankees going to do? And if ya'll non American members feel so obliged, what do you think of our little annual celebration :lol:

Posted: 2004-07-04 01:49am
by kojikun
werd. :P

Posted: 2004-07-04 02:02am
by Sarevok
Happy indepence day ! Congratulations for creating a great country.

Posted: 2004-07-04 02:08am
by kojikun
relatively great, sure. :p

Posted: 2004-07-04 03:33am
by Cal Wright
Gonna go blow some fingers off tonight. Happy 4th you yockles!

Posted: 2004-07-04 07:59am
by Crown
Yes indeed!

Happy independance day America. It was on this day a few hundred years ago that you announced to the rest of the world; Don't come within 20ft of us, unless you want a black eye! And you haven't looked back since!


Please turn on your 'good humour' emotion chip and understand the above was sincere (the congratulations) and also comical (the announcement to the world) :P

Posted: 2004-07-04 08:03am
by Jason von Evil
Well, we can't forget America's first allies, for without them, there probably wouldn't have been a United States of America. So, thanks to France (you cheese eating surrender monkeys, you), Spain and the Netherlands. :)

Posted: 2004-07-04 11:41am
by Keevan_Colton
On behalf of the british empire let me say congratulations on your independence...

...and thank you for taking all those puritanical stuck up prudes, suckers! ;)

Posted: 2004-07-04 11:51am
by Ravenwing
enjoy those fireworks! :) on australia day all that happens is everyone gets rolled into a barbeque thing with the family and i run away and find somebody who has the sense to stay inside with the air conditioner :D
least you get to blow stuff up too

Posted: 2004-07-04 12:02pm
by Darksider
Happy fourth to you all.

I'm sure tonight the sky is gonna light up with so many illegal fireworks, it'l look like the end of that HBO T.V. movie Live From Baghdad

Posted: 2004-07-04 12:14pm
by Rye
Should've stayed part of our Empire.

Feel free to celebrate the independence of your country by blowing up a small part of it. :D

Posted: 2004-07-04 12:30pm
by Dalton
Rye wrote:Feel free to celebrate the independence of your country by blowing up a small part of it. :D
That's the American way!

Posted: 2004-07-04 12:33pm
by Saberslash
Dalton wrote:
Rye wrote:Feel free to celebrate the independence of your country by blowing up a small part of it. :D
That's the American way!
Indeed! Have a happy 4th of July Weekend everyone!

Posted: 2004-07-04 06:59pm
by jenat-lai
Hahaha, Happy 4th of July hahaha.

sorry I'v just had a bad 4th of july.

Posted: 2004-07-04 07:10pm
by AnimeJet
I can see the higher fireworks from my living room, mwahahah.. no need to go anywhere.. :lol:

Posted: 2004-07-04 07:23pm
by Joe

Go USA!!! :wink:

Posted: 2004-07-04 07:39pm
by YT300000
On this, I have no choice but to quote Something Awful.
The English were super evil, like shown in the extremely realistic movie "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson. Gibson plays an old fighter who wants nothing of the war but his son is shot for being a spy, so he turns into a ninja and kills like, 10 British dudes while his infant sons shoot rapid fire muzzle loading rifles. The final battle for America was at Helms Deep where the British breached the wall with an orc bearing explosives. All seemed lost, but then an old friend returned to America to help them in their time of need. Steve Perry mounted a cannonball that sailed over the heads of the British hordes, as he held an American flag under his right arm. He steered towards the British command tent, leaping forward and impaling the King of England with the flag, and then blew up all the rest of the guys in the tent too. Victory was ours, and America was free! Soon after the founding fathers drafted the constitution, ensuring the God-given rights of all men to be free, they enslaved a bunch of black people from Africa to make this country the great economic powerhouse it is today. Hooray for America!

Posted: 2004-07-04 07:45pm
by TempestMagister
Today is the day where everyone parties like it is New Year's Eve. Everyone is getting drunk on American beer, eating American food, and then waving American colors, and watching good ol' American rocket-mortars shoot American explosives into the air. :twisted:

Posted: 2004-07-04 07:53pm
by YT300000
Actually, the fireworks and launchers were outsourced to China, the flags are made in Taiwan, and the ingredients for the food and beer are from Mexico.

Chefs proved to be too difficult to outsource. :P

Posted: 2004-07-05 05:57am
by Jon
Enjoy your independance while it lasts, the Empire will have you once again in the near future.

Posted: 2004-07-05 06:13am
by Jordie
TempestMagister wrote:Today is the day where everyone parties like it is New Year's Eve. Everyone is getting drunk on American beer, eating American food, and then waving American colors, and watching good ol' American rocket-mortars shoot American explosives into the air. :twisted:
And the rest of the world laughs at the images of the drunk shirtless guy running around on the news. :P

Posted: 2004-07-05 08:34am
by admiral_danielsben
Jon wrote:Enjoy your independance while it lasts, the Empire will have you once again in the near future.
How? By waxing poetic about your monarchy? WE HATE MONARCHS!

By sending a horde of popular musicians to convince America's young that Britain is the way to go? You tried that in the 1960's. Didn't work.

Military conquest? What a joke. The US spends more on its military than ALL OF WESTERN EUROPE COMBINED. Plus, we've got more nukes than you, more aircraft carriers (with more planes), a larger army, etc. :lol:

Trying to buy the USA from us? I doubt the crown jewels will be enough....

Attempting to send mass immigrants to launch a coup? Sorry, the Mexicans, Filipinos, Indians, Pakistanis, Central Americans, etc. are all beating you to it. And some of those really don't like the British.

Suprise attack on Washington? Tried in 1814. Turned city into weenie roast, but were beaten back. And the US was a lot weaker back then.

Try a Unified Empire strike? Hmm... Canada would make a nice addition to the US. so would Australia...

Hypocritical alliance of convenience with China or Russia? Nuclear endgame - world ends; Britain and America both lose.

As you see, the British aren't taking the US anytime soon.

Posted: 2004-07-05 02:45pm
by Lord Pounder
Ungrateful colonials. You soon see the error of your ways. :P

Posted: 2004-07-05 03:11pm
by RedImperator
The only proper way to enjoy the Fourth of July is drunk and so close to the fireworks that little burning bits of cardboard are falling all around you.

Posted: 2004-07-05 07:46pm
by Jon
admiral_danielsben wrote:
Jon wrote:Enjoy your independance while it lasts, the Empire will have you once again in the near future.
How? By waxing poetic about your monarchy? WE HATE MONARCHS!

<snippy wippy>

As you see, the British aren't taking the US anytime soon.
lmfso! Wow, Thanks for that ;) It was a pun actually... you know, with the main site being about the 'Empire' ;) But I knew a patriotic, flag waving yank would pick up on my being English and saying that :P I hate Monarchs too, but wait let mego and put my stereotype hat on...

..."God Save our gracious Queen!"
The US spends more on its military than ALL OF WESTERN EUROPE COMBINED. Plus, we've got more nukes than you, more aircraft carriers (with more planes), a larger army
What are all of you strappingly fit young american men trying to compensate for? :D
As you see, the British aren't taking the US anytime soon.
Blair might kiss your arse, but I doubt we'd want to 'take' the US anytime soon :D You can keep it! I'm very happy with my own little patch of land right here thanks! Hope you enjoyed your day of hypocrisy.