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Kitten Problem

Posted: 2004-07-04 12:38pm
by Saberslash
My kitten is biting and chewing EVERYTHING in my room. What should I do? I tried buying her kitten teething toys, she shuns them. Anything that she might chew on that isn't me, or pictures, or other valuble things? Or should I get a kitten muzzle.... Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: 2004-07-04 01:41pm
by Frank Hipper
I think they make a cilli pepper based spray to discourage that sort of thing. Harmless, but unpleasant.

Posted: 2004-07-04 01:50pm
by Boyish-Tigerlilly
You could always confine her to certain areas. Or, you can put kitten guards on all your important furniture.

Posted: 2004-07-04 02:26pm
by Lilith
There's a sour-apple flavored spray sold in pet stores that you can spray on the objects that the kitten is chewing on. It should break the habit. Garlic and pepper powder also works but can be a mess inside the house.
Good luck!

Posted: 2004-07-04 02:29pm
by Wicked Pilot
Give her a good squirt of water from a distance if you catch her biting on something.

Posted: 2004-07-04 02:30pm
by KowaiYukiDono
The nasty-stuff-sprays reccomended are good to discourage... But your kitten is likely teething.

Find a catnip spray, find something you want your kitten to gnaw on, and spritz it with the catnip spray. Considering that the kitten will find the things you don't want chewed on nasty and reprehensibly ick, and the catnip nice and mintily appealing, your kitten will start gnawing on whatever it is you want it to gnaw on.

I reccomend a catnip mouse or a "furmouse", either of which can be found at your average pet store.

(I like furmice. They make fun toys as well as cat deterrents.)

Posted: 2004-07-04 04:21pm
by Saberslash
thanks for all of the suggestions

Posted: 2004-07-05 05:10am
by The Yosemite Bear
you didn't give her her milk and now you will pay with your life mortal....

Posted: 2004-07-05 01:54pm
by 2000AD
The Yosemite Bear wrote:you didn't give her her milk and now you will pay with your life mortal....
Actually, apart from their mother's, milk is bad for cats as it gives them diarrohea (sp).

So the kittens in Suggy should have been shitting all over the place.

Posted: 2004-07-05 02:07pm
by The Yosemite Bear
yes, I know that, always give them water, and moist/kibble mix neutrional ballanced for tiny predators....

erm sooo cute little preadtors, now why I had to keep one locked in my car while the neighbor's dog was loose, and I couldn't get into my mom's house...

upshot, my whole car needs fabreezed and smells like kitten shit/urine....

Posted: 2004-07-05 09:50pm
by beyond hope
The squirt gun trick didn't work for me: my cat just decided it was great fun to play "dodge the supersoaker blast."

Posted: 2004-07-05 10:00pm
by Xenophobe3691
Why don't you masturbate? It seems to fix the problem for fundies, and kept my kitten at bay...

Anyhow, for real now, we just let him bite our fingers a bit and got him some hard food to help him teeth. That, and I used chili pepper spray as well. Wasn't fun wiping my eyes after that, either...