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Your Toughest Job?
Posted: 2002-10-30 11:47pm
by Stormbringer
What's the toughest job you've ever had.
Mine was last summer. I worked as an assitant for a Millwright. I was working, 15 hours day, 7 day weeks for most of July and August. It paid well but it was tough. I'd get home and just drop.
Re: Your Toughest Job?
Posted: 2002-10-30 11:48pm
by Darth Wong
Stormbringer wrote:What's the toughest job you've ever had.
Mine was last summer. I worked as an assitant for a Millwright. I was working, 15 hours day, 7 day weeks for most of July and August. It paid well but it was tough. I'd get home and just drop.
I debated Darkstar. Didn't even get paid, and I had to put up with his endless bullshit.
Posted: 2002-10-30 11:49pm
by haas mark
My first job. I still haven't found another one yet.
Re: Your Toughest Job?
Posted: 2002-10-30 11:49pm
by Stormbringer
Darth Wong wrote:Stormbringer wrote:What's the toughest job you've ever had.
Mine was last summer. I worked as an assitant for a Millwright. I was working, 15 hours day, 7 day weeks for most of July and August. It paid well but it was tough. I'd get home and just drop.
I debated Darkstar. Didn't even get paid, and I had to put up with his endless bullshit.
That was just machoism.
Posted: 2002-10-30 11:49pm
by Durandal
Same as the other thread: bagging at Dominick's. I had to put up with unbelievable amounts of shit from people paying with food stamps, for Christ's sake.
Posted: 2002-10-30 11:53pm
by TrailerParkJawa
The toughest job I had was a seasonal job at Toy's R Us. It was during X-mas season and was the most mind numbing job I ever had. My job was to go up and down the aisles and "edge" the merchandise. In other words I picked up all the crap kids and moms dumped on the floor and made it look nice.
I will hump a pallet full of coke boxes from the forklift to the walk in anyday.
Posted: 2002-10-30 11:53pm
by Alferd Packer
Jizzmopper. Definitely Jizzmopper.
Clerks reference ahoy!
Seriously though, the worst job was cashiering at the grocery store in my hometown. Low pay, long hours, and asshole after asshole after asshole to deal with. I'm from an upper-middle class community (of which my family was in the lower of the income brackets), and the mentality of most people was that they can treat anyone who works in town like shit, because they're obviously better than them.
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:06am
by Crown
My current one, I have to strongly resist the urge to bring a gun into work!

Posted: 2002-10-31 12:38am
by Icehawk
Same as the other work thread. Toys R Us during Christmas rush season coupled with Pokemon fever in its full swing. *shudders*.
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:41am
by Alferd Packer
Icehawk wrote:Same as the other work thread. Toys R Us during Christmas rush season coupled with Pokemon fever in its full swing. *shudders*.
Working retail in general sucks big donkey nuts.
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:42am
by Durandal
Working at CompUSA during the Christmas season was tough on us, the salesman.
But our plight was nothing when compared to the poor customer service desk people the day after Christmas.
All the salesmen just kind of stood in the back of the store, pointed, and laughed. :D
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:43am
by haas mark
Looking for a job.
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:49am
by Tsyroc
Crown wrote:My current one, I have to strongly resist the urge to bring a gun into work!

I'd have to say the same. I don't get the gun urge but I keep a mental log of things I could do to royally screw the place over if I ever got fired. Then there's the really good stuff.

Posted: 2002-10-31 01:54am
by weemadando
Summer before last. 12 hour shifts in heavy industrial/factory environment. 100% manual labour. Had a couple of good tasks that were fun and mind-numbingly repetitive but as such you could just enjoy and talk while doing them. Then you had some that were shit. Like when you had a full shift without a single truck coming in with any crop and with the silos dry etc... because it was a day shift they couldn't just let you go home because the bosses would ask questions, and you couldn't just sit around because the bosses would fire you. So you swept the plant clean. Using a nice stiff bristled broom. Over the course of 12 fucking hours. Well closer to 10 and a half once you take into account breaks, but still.
Then you had some of the silly shit like when there was a breakdown, resulting in a LARGE room being filled completely with poppy straw and dust. We had to remove the wall from a building and drive a front end loader in to remove most of it. Then for the rest of the night 4 of us "casuals" were there with shovels and brooms cleaning out the rest of it.
Then you had the VIP visits. The American Ambassador was good, the plant just had to look nice and tidy. The world board of directors for Johnson and Johnson however... We had to spit-polish EVERYTHING in the plant. Mounds of dirt from the construction site at the expansion zone were landscaped into gardens for TWO days while the directors were visiting. It was pathetic.
Overall it was a good job, but just damn hard. Pay was BRILLIANT and seeing as it was only over summer and paid for my uni for the year, not to mention a new comp and a beer fund... I was happy.
Posted: 2002-10-31 02:08am
by Dalton
One of my current jobs, an editor at a local news station.
Normally it's pretty easy-going, but once it gets down to the 5:00 show and the remote truck doesn't start feeding until 4:15 and you're in the top of the A and you gotta crash on the package sandwiched between the two live shots (otherwise known as "cutting a donut")...we're talking near-total loss of sanity there.
You gotta get fast cutting video, or the donuts will eat YOU for breakfast.
Posted: 2002-10-31 02:13am
by weemadando
Oh yeah. And ANYONE in the continental US and even in Canada and the EU (I believe) who had a poppyseed bagel or something else with poppyseed in/on it in 2001 can thank ME for bagging that seed and putting on a fucking pallet to go on a fucking truck to go on a fucking boat to you!
Posted: 2002-10-31 02:16am
by Tsyroc
I had one really suck-ass job while in the Navy. While in bootcamp during Work Week I was the "slop captain". This meant that I worked at the galley (cafeteria). I collected trash cans full of liquid/mostly liquid trash and put all of them in a concrete room. We saved them for some pig farmers who would come in a special truck they would poor the slop into.
There really wasn't that much work for me to do but I ruined a bunch of uniforms before I even left boot and the slop made me smell awful. At lunch time people would ask me to sit somewhere else because I was making them queezy.
Oh, I also got the pleasure of seeing some grade AAA pig farmer ass cleavage. The pig farmers were almost sterotypical it was so weird. It was Florida though.

Posted: 2002-10-31 02:16am
by SirNitram
My toughest job is my current one: Being unemployed.
See, it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact I've come to West Virginia(From Conneticut), thinking, hey, there's plenty of jobs here. And not one of them has accepted me. It's been months.
Granted, I love being here. Great state. Cost of living is low. Get to live with my girlfriend. Get to work on my novel. But great holy damn, there is a limit on how many months you can stretch out six hundred bucks over.
Posted: 2002-10-31 02:25am
by weemadando
I'm currently living on $250 Aus a fortnight. Out of that comes $135 a fortnight rent. Until a few months ago I was on $170 a fortnight. With the same rent. That was tough.
Posted: 2002-10-31 02:27am
by SirNitram
weemadando wrote:I'm currently living on $250 Aus a fortnight. Out of that comes $135 a fortnight rent. Until a few months ago I was on $170 a fortnight. With the same rent. That was tough.
Luckily, my girlfriend picks up the rent...
But it's going on three months, the same six hundred. Never mind the embarassment factor. But maybe I'm just a big baby.
Posted: 2002-10-31 02:34am
by weemadando
Factor in power bills, phone use, groceries and cooking expenses and for a while I was "car-sitting" my mothers car. Money disappears. Tis the life of a student...
Posted: 2002-10-31 02:37am
by The Yosemite Bear
Hand Crew Fire Fighter....
A crazy young person's jobs. Ok, 48 Hours on, 24 off usually working about 16 hours a day, Seven days a week. Notes: Nomex does not BREATH, you sweat like a pig. You Get the runs and EVERYTHING tastes of smoke. Of course like any other form of public service the intagibal rewards make it worth while.
Posted: 2002-10-31 02:39am
by Tsyroc
weemadando wrote:Oh yeah. And ANYONE in the continental US and even in Canada and the EU (I believe) who had a poppyseed bagel or something else with poppyseed in/on it in 2001 can thank ME for bagging that seed and putting on a fucking pallet to go on a fucking truck to go on a fucking boat to you!
Thanks. One of my co-workers bakes poppyseed muffins on a regular basis and brings them into work. They're pretty good. So thanks.

Posted: 2002-10-31 03:16am
by The Yosemite Bear
Since I worked at a coffee shop all this summer. Thank you Ando.
Posted: 2002-10-31 03:20am
by Dargos
Counting left arms and legs in a extremly nasty cluster bomb strike in Iraq back in '91......god how I hated bodybag detail...yecccch!!!