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Stupid habits your friends have that annoy you...
Posted: 2002-10-31 10:42am
by Damaramu
Is there anything a friend of yours does that secretly (or not so secretly) annoys you?
For instance:
My roommate accidently poked his gums with something while eating causing it to bleed slightly. He came to me asking about it. I joking mentioned it might be gingivitis. I went into great detail about it, which scared the shit out of him. That was a mistake. He kept bugging me about it...constantly asking questions about gingivitis and wanting me to look it up on the net. I suggested he go get his teeth checked, if he was so paranoid about it.
To make a long story short, the fool is now obsessive/compulsive about his teeth. He brushes and flosses after EVERY tiny thing he eats or drinks. He goes through one of those super sized Listerine mouthwash bottles in a week. He constantly looks at his teeth in a mirror and pokes and prods them to see if any are loose. I've actually observed him doing that at least 5 or 6 times in a span of one hour.
And worst of all, he constantly looks at other peoples teeth and gums and comments to me on them. "Dude. Did you see her teeth?" or "Dude, his gum line is receding."
Sigh. I have created a paranoid monster. Oh well. At least I can make fun of him for it.
Re: Stupid habits your friends have that annoy you...
Posted: 2002-10-31 12:41pm
by haas mark
....too many....
Posted: 2002-10-31 01:12pm
by Kuja
My roommate trying to match volume levels of his rap against my classical.
The same roommate coming in while I'm watching TV and turning his rap music up.
Posted: 2002-10-31 04:27pm
by aerius
One of my ex-buddies would egg people on and start fights whenever he got drunk, which was about every couple weeks. Unfortunately the guy was a complete wuss and always got his ass kicked, and he never learned. It was entertaining to watch the first few times, but I tired quickly of his retarded ways and haven't talked to him in over a year, and I have no intention of doing so.
Another friend has the worst eating habits I've ever seen, the guy goes on binging/fasting cycles claiming laziness as an excuse. He'll not eat food for a couple days or live on candy bars and chips, and then he'll binge to make up for all the food he didn't eat. He says something about not having time to make meals every day, whatever, I don't get it but that's that.
Posted: 2002-10-31 04:34pm
by Larz
my friend Mike has a twitch that he doesn't want to admit that he has... half his face will twitch in a smile and smiling doesn't suit him at all..
Posted: 2002-10-31 04:38pm
by Icehawk
One of my buddies always loves to talk about and describe new stuff he has on his comp (anime, games, music, videos, etc) and I take interest and listen to him out of common courtesy even if some of the stuff hes talking about is pointless.
But whenever I find something interesting to show him or talk about either doesn't seem to believe me (when im describing something) or he just changes the subject the instant I finnish talking instead of continuing the conversation. This doesnt happen all the time but it happens enough to make it quite an annoyance.
Posted: 2002-10-31 04:51pm
by Durandal
My roommate is barely in the room, but around 7 or 8pm every day, he enters and leaves the room upward of 3 million times in one hour, and I don't know what the fuck he's doing.
Posted: 2002-10-31 05:05pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
My room mate from frechman year (who was not a friend) chewed tobacco in our room. He would spit into empty soda bottles, which sat on his desk for DAYS because he waited until he got several before throwing them away.
That I considered his worst actual habbit. He was also a drinker, often coming back so bombed that he could barely get undressed and into his bed. Never saw someone I could tell was actually drunk before that.
Virtually never washed his dishes, sometimes for more than two weeks. I didn't wash them either, because they were his. But I only washed the ones that I actually used.
Must have been one of those kids who couldn't sleep without the TV on, because he would have it on ESPN (ugh) until 3-4 AM, often not even watching it.
Related to the above. I had most of my classes in the morning or afternoon, so I could have evenings free. He slept till noon and had classes in the afternoon or at night.
Sat around in his boxers for a significant portion of the day/night.
Posted: 2002-10-31 05:27pm
by thecreech
All my friends do this. They walk in the house without knocking but that isn't what bugs me. Its the fact that they just come in to eat my food then leave!
Posted: 2002-10-31 05:38pm
by Next of Kin
theheap wrote:All my friends do this. They walk in the house without knocking but that isn't what bugs me. Its the fact that they just come in to eat my food then leave!
Its ass kickin tim!
They don't drink your beer do they?
Posted: 2002-10-31 06:29pm
by Larz
Next of Kin wrote:theheap wrote:All my friends do this. They walk in the house without knocking but that isn't what bugs me. Its the fact that they just come in to eat my food then leave!
Its ass kickin tim!
They don't drink your beer do they?
If they drank your beer then its time to get some new friends... right after you dispose of the old ones in some arroyo somewhere....
Posted: 2002-10-31 07:13pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
My "friends" always annoy me, and try to get me to do dumb things. And they can't take a joke, so they all think I'm gay.
Posted: 2002-10-31 07:20pm
by thecreech
Next of Kin wrote:theheap wrote:All my friends do this. They walk in the house without knocking but that isn't what bugs me. Its the fact that they just come in to eat my food then leave!
Its ass kickin tim!
They don't drink your beer do they?
Actually i don't drink beer but i put a stop to that shit. I put a lock on my frige