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Posted: 2002-10-31 03:18pm
by Faram
How many here play CS ?
I sorta like the game but I allways get my ass handed to me, so I am considering putting up a CS server for training pupose.
Is anyone here intrested in giving me a spaniking in cs?

Posted: 2002-10-31 03:53pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
BTW tThe reason you always get fragged in CS is because of cheating asswipes who like ruining games.
Counter-Hack's Half-Life and Mods page can tell you what cheats they use (bonus: includes screenshots!) Quake 3 has a sub-program called
Punkbuster to detect and prevent these bastards from ruining your gaming. Lata and Happy Fragging!
Posted: 2002-10-31 03:59pm
by Faram
I don't own Q3...
Ohh btw PunkBuster was a OLD cs/hl cheater detector but now...
Anyway I only play on private servers where i know the people in RL so they are pretty mutch cheat free

Posted: 2002-10-31 04:23pm
by Sea Skimmer
Strangely despite having several thousand dollars worth of computer games and friends with similar collections, I've never played or even seen Counter Strike played.
Posted: 2002-10-31 04:43pm
by thecreech
CS is great we have lan parties at my house all the time for the game alone
Posted: 2002-10-31 04:44pm
by Crazy_Vasey
The only games I've ever played over the net are UT and Q3. Q3 was damn good but UT was bloody terrible, very laggy.
Posted: 2002-10-31 04:45pm
by Shinova
I play CS, but I SUCK at it
Quake 3, on the other hand, I'm pretty good in.
Posted: 2002-10-31 05:09pm
by Alyeska
CS is good on a few servers (most of them closed password servers) and at LAN Parties. When you play open internet CS games, be ware, it will suck royally.
Posted: 2002-10-31 05:16pm
by thecreech
Alyeska wrote:CS is good on a few servers (most of them closed password servers) and at LAN Parties. When you play open internet CS games, be ware, it will suck royally.
Your right open internet CS does suck thats why we LAN most of the time
Posted: 2002-10-31 06:08pm
by neoolong
CS is cool. I like the more realistic weapons.
Quake 3 is cool also, but it can move a bit fast and gets annoying to the eyes.
LAN parties playing CS is nice, especially because there is no lag, and no cheaters.
Posted: 2002-10-31 06:14pm
by kheegster
neoolong wrote:CS is cool. I like the more realistic weapons.
Quake 3 is cool also, but it can move a bit fast and gets annoying to the eyes.
LAN parties playing CS is nice, especially because there is no lag, and no cheaters.
CS? Realistic? To be able to take an MP-3 burst in the torso and still be able to run around? To have a grenade blow up in front of you and still have 60% life left? Take a look at Rogue Spear for realism.
Posted: 2002-10-31 06:24pm
by Mr Bean
I love CS, still get in an hour of play PD (I'm back on it) started 6.1 played religiously till 1.3 then took a break now I'm back(About two weeks ago)
Can't wait for Condition Zero
Every time I see these...

I think DAMN thats the Quake II Engine there...
Posted: 2002-10-31 06:42pm
by Utsanomiko
I got into CS way back when it was still in the beta 3.0 stages (mid '99, iirc). I really like it, and I was farly good at it, but I would only bother playing it at LAN parties. It's a really wel-designed game, but like alot of online games, the problem is people.

Alot of the good servers insist on players using Punk-Buster, and don't tend to get cheaters anyway.
I own Q3, but I can't say I like it all that much. It's too basic in gameplay (can someone
pleeeease tell John Romero his weapon designs have always been dull?) and mediocre (especially the Team Arena expansion crap. I only installed that so I didn't have to use a CD to play regular), especially when compared to Unreal Tournament's loveliness. I sometimes just play it single-player on Facing Worlds for some quick fun.
Posted: 2002-10-31 06:55pm
by Alyeska
kheegan wrote:neoolong wrote:CS is cool. I like the more realistic weapons.
Quake 3 is cool also, but it can move a bit fast and gets annoying to the eyes.
LAN parties playing CS is nice, especially because there is no lag, and no cheaters.
CS? Realistic? To be able to take an MP-3 burst in the torso and still be able to run around? To have a grenade blow up in front of you and still have 60% life left? Take a look at Rogue Spear for realism.
Ahem, MP5

Posted: 2002-10-31 06:56pm
by RadiO
One of the best CS games I ever played was the first time I'd seen voice-communications set up and working. The team had one guy as the self-appointed Head Terrorist, and it rocked.
"Hang back from the edge, there's a sniper. Anybody got any grenades?"
"Aw, shit."
"See what happens when we split up? This time, we stay together as a unit. Okay, on my count three, two, one - GO."
So we did. And it was genuinely filmic.
It felt weird typing in "main bomb site is clear" and actually having somebody's voice from another continent respond, "OK, I'm inbound. Cover me."
Posted: 2002-10-31 06:56pm
by Alyeska
Mr Bean wrote:I love CS, still get in an hour of play PD (I'm back on it) started 6.1 played religiously till 1.3 then took a break now I'm back(About two weeks ago)
Can't wait for Condition Zero
Every time I see these...

I think DAMN thats the Quake II Engine there...
When is that game supossed to come out anyway?
Posted: 2002-10-31 06:58pm
by RadiO
Alyeska wrote:
When is that game supossed to come out anyway?
In the year 2525.
Speaking of late games... Does anybody seriously remember Team Fortress 2? Where the hell is it?

Posted: 2002-10-31 07:00pm
by Alyeska
RadiO wrote:Alyeska wrote:
When is that game supossed to come out anyway?
In the year 2525.
Speaking of late games... Does anybody seriously remember Team Fortress 2? Where the hell is it?

Probably another 2 years.
Valve ought to say screw it and hand it over to Gearbox (who seem to be able to get things done quickly).
Posted: 2002-10-31 07:24pm
by Utsanomiko
Don't forget Duke Nukem Forever (at least not for a third time. How many engines have they gone through sinse the first pics came out?)
Oh, and very few people would play CS if it were like Rainbow 6 or Rogue Spear. Alot of FPS gamers think it's too real as it is, imagine how well we'd play if there were one hit kills? (Answer: one game with 10vs10 would have 18 cannon fodder players, and one very l33t Veteran with 90% of the kills on each team. Oh, wait, it already ends up like that half the time.)
Posted: 2002-10-31 07:27pm
by Alyeska
Darth Utsanomiko wrote:Don't forget Duke Nukem Forever (at least not for a third time. How many engines have they gone through sinse the first pics came out?)
Oh, and very few people would play CS if it were like Rainbow 6 or Rogue Spear. Alot of FPS gamers think it's too real as it is, imagine how well we'd play if there were one hit kills? (Answer: one game with 10vs10 would have 18 cannon fodder players, and one very l33t Veteran with 90% of the kills on each team. Oh, wait, it already ends up like that half the time.)
Thats how most Rogue Spear or Rainbow Six games were like when I played, that is in coop games. I had the vast majority of the kills while everyone else mopped up.
Posted: 2002-10-31 07:30pm
by Mr Bean
Headshots with most weapons are still instat-kills
CS draws the fine line between Realisim and fun
Posted: 2002-10-31 07:32pm
by Mr Bean
Oh and CZ is slated to be out by Feb
Posted: 2002-10-31 07:44pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Fools! Speak not of this evil, this "Counter-Strike"! Woe upon ye who utters this vile curse! Confess your sins, and I would welcome you to the light of Day of Defeat! Because here, in this holy mod (downloadable at, a single shot will usually kill thy enemy! Sniping is difficult and cannot be whored, and you must work as a team to complete thy objectives! Renounce thy false faith![/img][/url]
Posted: 2002-10-31 07:48pm
by Mr Bean
Day of Defeat? I know it you can find me behind the nearest

However I can't find any decent DOD servers these days...
Any know any US(East Coast Preferbly but I ping Decent to West-Coasters as well) DOD servers that are any good?
Posted: 2002-10-31 07:52pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Heh, I just hit 'Update' and join the one with the best ping