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Choking experiences
Posted: 2002-10-31 11:34pm
by Rathark
This morning I thought I had a piece of fruit lodged in my throat. It was probably true for a few seconds, but it gave me a scare. I've had similar false alarms in the past. Even worse are the rare flu incedents when I get plegm in my windpipe - I cannot breathe for a few seconds, but at least I know now that they are nowhere near as dangerous as they feel.
Does anyone else here have similar experiences? How do you tell a false alarm from a genuinely dangerous situation? How obvious would it be? If you're alone, how do you treat yourself? Do you back into a doorway at full force?
Posted: 2002-10-31 11:42pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I inhaled a peanut while eating a Buster Bar* from Dairy Queen a few years ago.
Those several minutes are burned into my memory. I can even remember that I was wathcing Date Line, and they were covering that Mt. Evarest rescue with the guy that had really severe frostbite.
*Ice cream with peanuts and fudge dipped in chocolate, on a stick.
Posted: 2002-10-31 11:53pm
by Darth Wong
Does "choking on your own bile while watching Star Trek: Insurrection" count?
Posted: 2002-11-01 12:04am
by Stormbringer
Darth Wong wrote:Does "choking on your own bile while watching Star Trek: Insurrection" count?
Most definetly. I'd count it.
Posted: 2002-11-01 12:45am
by TrailerParkJawa
I almost drowned in 6th grade. I was in the pool and could not swim well, I tried to cross the deep and and sank.
I started to panic and my friend could not help me, I was flailing about too much. A 7th grader grabbed me from the bottom and pulled me to the edge.
He thought we were playing a game of save the drowning man. I was pretty lucky. I was coughing up water for a while.
Posted: 2002-11-01 12:49am
by IRG CommandoJoe
Same thing happened to me except I was younger and my dad's partner's son saved me. Strange, eh?
Posted: 2002-11-01 01:35am
by Sienthal
I had a friend who once had a bit of food stuck in his throat. He couldn't get it out, and to make matters worse, his asthma was up all day, and he was not in the best of breathing conditions to begin with. I can't recall exactly, but he was trying to breath through his nose, which wasn't working too well because of the asthma. So my friend, over the course of about half a dozen puffs, used his inhaler through his nose to relax his throat and cough up the food. It was awesome, he hocked it half across the cafeteria table.
Posted: 2002-11-01 01:45am
by spongyblue
I was chocking on a cheese stick at Dennys once while my parents were having a conversation. They didnt seem to notice my red face and my hand down my throat pulling the melted cheese out of my throat so i could breath again. Its kinda funny when i think back on it.
Posted: 2002-11-01 04:33am
by LordShaithis
I once choked someone unconscious. Wasn't really trying to, but I happened to hit their cartoid just the right way and they were OUT. I didn't know that really worked.
Posted: 2002-11-01 10:41am
by salm
i participated in a snowboard jump contest in la plagne and fell on my back and couldnt breath for a long ass time. i broke my schluesselbein (some bone in the shoulder of which i dont know the english name and am tool lazy to look it up) and was flown down with the helicopter.
that was cool.
i got 0 style points but all height points.
Posted: 2002-11-01 11:27am
by Mr Bean
Chocked on a Hotdog in fourth grade passed out on the lunch room floor, that count?

Posted: 2002-11-01 12:43pm
by Larz
Accidently tried to swallow a Wuthers hard candy that lodged in my throat... that was fun doing the self hiemlick on a rolly chair...
Posted: 2002-11-01 12:47pm
by haas mark
I could SOOO go on with that title with the frame of mind I'm in right now...but I'm not going to.
I used to choke on Doritos and Taco shells a lot because I never chewed up the chip/taco well enough and little triangles of doom would get stuck in my throat. Other than that, I'm sure I choked on a penny or two as a kid.
Posted: 2002-11-01 02:57pm
by A Big Flying Fish
large amounts of melted cheese and trying to swallow it without chewing. very painful when its hot as well