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Dog dies after moron tapes snout shut

Posted: 2004-07-23 07:46pm
by Joe
You have to register, don't bother
When Glenda Sanchez noticed Bull with duct tape wrapped around his snout, head and neck, the 1-year-old black Labrador retriever had just enough energy to run toward her before collapsing near her feet in the sweltering sun.

Richard Swift, brother of the dog's owner, had wrapped the tape around the dog's muzzle on July 14 to stop him from barking so he could sleep, police said. The dog was euthanized later that day after suffering from heat stroke, the SPCA said.

Mr. Swift, 42, of The Colony, was arrested two days later on a felony charge of animal cruelty and has since been released from the Denton County Jail on $4,000 bail. He could not be reached for comment Thursday.

If convicted, he faces up to two years in jail and a $10,000 fine. Lt. George Wintle of The Colony police said a grand jury will hear the case in a couple of weeks.

"Just when you think you hear it all, this comes along," said Anita Kelso Edson, spokeswoman for the SPCA of Texas, which worked the case. "It's bad, especially in this hot weather."

Rodney and Nanette Swift, who live on Rice Drive, adopted Bull when he was a puppy, and the dog was otherwise well taken care of, Ms. Edson said. The couple was at work that Wednesday when Richard Swift let Bull outside, she said. They could not be reached for comment Thursday.

After Richard Swift let Bull outside, the dog wanted back in and started barking. Mr. Swift, who said he works nights and sleeps during the day, told SPCA humane officer Shelley Bailey he taped the dog's mouth shut to "teach him a lesson," she said.

"He didn't realize the extent of what he had done," said Ms. Bailey, who used Bull's identification tags to find his address. "It doesn't excuse it. There are all kinds of different ways to stop a dog from barking."

Mrs. Sanchez, who owns three dogs, a cat and several birds, said she and her husband were returning from the grocery store about 2 p.m. when they noticed Bull. The couple lives about six houses from the Swifts.

"I dropped my groceries," she said. "I said to myself, 'Who could do something like this to an animal, a beautiful dog like that?' You could tell he was very nervous and scared."

She said they called police and her husband cut the tape from Bull's mouth while she hosed the dog down with water. It was about 95 degrees out. She remembers crying.

"I'm sorry, you do not do that to a dog. It was a very sad sight," Mrs. Sanchez said. "We just found out this morning that he passed away."

Ms. Bailey of the SPCA, which handles animal control work in parts of Denton County, said she arrived to find Bull looking "comatose."

She took him to the North Colony Animal Clinic where a veterinarian gave him pain medication and tried to cool him off. His temperature was 107 degrees – normal is about 101. Bull had several seizures and swelling in the brain. He later died at Collin County Emergency Animal Clinic, where he was euthanized.

"He wanted the dog to stop barking. Most people would have let the dog back in," Ms. Edson said. "The wrong person got a hold of it."

She said dogs cool down by panting because they don't sweat like humans.

"When you shut that off, they overheat," she said.

She cautioned pet owners to make sure their animals have plenty of water and shade in the summer. Don't leave them in a parked car to run errands, she said.

Mr. Swift has several previous arrests since 1993, including convictions for theft, manufacture/delivery of a controlled substance and assault causing bodily injury, county records show.
I hope they teach this assclown a lesson in jail... :kill:

Posted: 2004-07-23 07:58pm
by Howedar
What a dumbass. I don't know if he was intentionally cruel or not, but he's the epitome of a dumbass.

Posted: 2004-07-23 07:58pm
by Knife

I hope bubba doesn't tape his mouth shut when he goes to work on this fucker. :evil:

Posted: 2004-07-23 08:05pm
by Alyrium Denryle
I may not care much about lab animals, like monkeys, but I have a soft-spot for dogs... this fucker deserves to suffer in prison. No animal as sweet and loyal as a dog ever deserves to be treated like that.*pets my dog*

Posted: 2004-07-23 08:56pm
by Batman
No comment :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: 2004-07-23 08:59pm
by Rye
:evil: :cry: :x :( etc.

That guy sucks.

Posted: 2004-07-23 10:01pm
by GoldenFalcon
I thought it was pretty obvious for dogs to sweat from their tongues. After all, why do they stick them out all the time???

Idiot he was...

Posted: 2004-07-23 10:17pm
by 1337n1nj4
Fuckin' horrible.

I've had labs my whole life...they're big babies. Of course he was going to bark, but damn...that's no way to deal with it.

Posted: 2004-07-23 10:19pm
by Darth Wong
Stupidity is no more of an excuse for taping a dog's snout shut than it is for leaving a baby in a car with the windows rolled up on a summer day. A cretin cannot use his own cretinous nature as an excuse for his horrendous actions.

Posted: 2004-07-23 10:48pm
by Wicked Pilot
In my weaker moments I'd wish you people wouldn't post these sorts of stories. I'd rather be ignorant and not so pissed off at the world.

Posted: 2004-07-23 10:48pm
by Master of Ossus
That guy needs to be tried for animal cruelty, and anything else they can do to him. What a jackass.

Posted: 2004-07-23 10:49pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
I say lock him up in a car out in the sun on a hot day. Son of a Bitch.

Posted: 2004-07-23 10:54pm
by Darth Wong
Leave him bound and gagged in Death Valley under the midday Sun in July. 116 degrees Farenheit in the shade. Later, plead ignorance and say that you didn't realize this would hurt him.

Posted: 2004-07-23 11:02pm
by The Kernel
How the fuck do people do shit like this? My dog is as important to me as I can imagine a child being; it is inconcievable to me how someone could treat a dog like this and still call themselves human.

Posted: 2004-07-23 11:04pm
by Hamel
The son of a bitch knew what he was doing. As a proud owner of 3 dogs, two of which I found adandoned, I say stuff his mouth with glue, leave him right outside Vegas, and see how well he does.

Posted: 2004-07-24 12:00am
by AnimeJet
He probably thought "since teachers tape kids' mouthes shut, i can do it with a dog!" Why couldn't he just let the dog in? Is that too hard? I mean, it' be a hell of a lot easier than finding tape and getting the dog to sit so he could wrap it around the muzzle. Just.. open the door..

Posted: 2004-07-24 01:06am
by Stark
The article says the tape was around the dogs head and neck; that's alot of duct tape. Who the hell would do this to *anything*, let alone someone else's dog?

Teachers tape kids mouths shut? Where do I sue?

Posted: 2004-07-24 01:15am
by darthdavid
Domething to his hands so he can't let himself in or work a gate. Put him in a yard on a hot day and when he yells to be let in have his mouth covered in tape, a fur coat put on him and his entire body covered in an extremely powerful anti-perserant. See how he fucking likes it.

Posted: 2004-07-24 02:29am
by Howedar
Hamel wrote:The son of a bitch knew what he was doing.
I don't think it matters either way, but please present evidence of this assertion.

Posted: 2004-07-24 02:34am
by Darth Wong
Howedar wrote:
Hamel wrote:The son of a bitch knew what he was doing.
I don't think it matters either way, but please present evidence of this assertion.
He may not have known it would kill the dog, but he was deliberately trying to make the dog suffer. Read the article; he said he wanted to "teach it a lesson".

Posted: 2004-07-24 02:43am
by Joe
I personally find it kind of hard to believe he didn't know what he was doing, as well. I don't see how this guy, idiotic as he seems, could be unfamiliar with the idea of how breathing air is a process that is necessary to continue living; it seems to be the only explanation for how he could possibly have done something so stupid.

Posted: 2004-07-24 02:54am
by Darth Wong
It reminds me of the child-beating murderer's excuse that he meant to beat the shit out of his daughter but not actually kill her. The jury didn't buy it then; I would hope they don't buy it now.

Posted: 2004-07-24 03:54am
by Meest
Mr. Swift has several previous arrests since 1993, including convictions for theft, manufacture/delivery of a controlled substance and assault causing bodily injury, county records show.
This just seals it for me, no sympathy, I think he's more of an selfish asshole than stupid. Yeah using his criminal record to judge is a stretch, but c'mon the guy is 42 how can you get that far in life being so stupid.

Posted: 2004-07-24 05:04am
by Spyder
Give him the option of spending the next ten years in prison or attempting to do it to another canine. When he chooses the later take him to a pair of wolves.

Posted: 2004-07-24 05:07am
by Stofsk
Anyone who tapes a dog's snout shut with fucking DUCT TAPE, to 'teach it a lesson' as it were, needs to be ballbreaked.

I get upset sometimes with my dogs for barking. But I would never hurt them or beat them to shut them up. Hell, just going to the back yard and scolding them is almost too much.