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Posted: 2002-11-02 06:58pm
by Kelly Antilles
THEY are the reason we fucking lost! Fucking Zebras!
[edit] sorry, was quite angry... watching the NCSU vs. Ga. Tech game. I'm still quite pissed. [/edit]
Posted: 2002-11-02 07:02pm
by Master of Ossus
What's this about? What team lost and what did the referees have to do with it?
I am actually a soccer referee, and in my experience, the majority of the time referees and spectators disagree, the spectators are wrong (I'm a State Referee), however, due to the subjectivity of officiating, there is always a possibility that you are correct.
Posted: 2002-11-02 07:06pm
by Kelly Antilles
Sorry MoO. I was just watching the NCSU vs. Ga Tech game. If the refs hadn't blow 2 late (VERY LATE) whistles, we probably would have won the game. They also made a REALLY bad call at the beginning of the 2nd half which gave Tech the ball back when we had an OBVIOUS interception.
Even the ABC announcers were complaining.
Posted: 2002-11-02 07:10pm
by Master of Ossus
Kelly Antilles wrote:Sorry MoO. I was just watching the NCSU vs. Ga Tech game. If the refs hadn't blow 2 late (VERY LATE) whistles, we probably would have won the game. They also made a REALLY bad call at the beginning of the 2nd half which gave Tech the ball back when we had an OBVIOUS interception.
Even the ABC announcers were complaining.
Oh, okay. I had no idea what was going on. I've found that football officials are some of the least competent ones, because so many of them have to make so many calls, and they have difficulty communicating. For hockey and soccer (the ones I call), communication is a critical aspect of how we run a game. We would NEVER have those big huddles that they always have in football, unless it was a game-control issue (someone punched someone and we need a number, etc.). To be honest, I didn't see the game, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if they were wrong on a number of calls.
The baseball ones irritate me because they have so little to think about and they still miss calls (and they tend to be seriously overweight), and the hockey ones "miss" calls because in hockey we're trained to be proactive instead of reactive in determining what's going to happen, but in soccer there's really no excuse for blowing things, so I have to be careful.

Posted: 2002-11-02 07:13pm
by Kelly Antilles
Master of Ossus wrote:
Oh, okay. I had no idea what was going on. I've found that football officials are some of the least competent ones, because so many of them have to make so many calls, and they have difficulty communicating. For hockey and soccer (the ones I call), communication is a critical aspect of how we run a game. We would NEVER have those big huddles that they always have in football, unless it was a game-control issue (someone punched someone and we need a number, etc.). To be honest, I didn't see the game, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if they were wrong on a number of calls.
The baseball ones irritate me because they have so little to think about and they still miss calls (and they tend to be seriously overweight), and the hockey ones "miss" calls because in hockey we're trained to be proactive instead of reactive in determining what's going to happen, but in soccer there's really no excuse for blowing things, so I have to be careful.

Oh, I agree completely. One of the guys where I work has refereed soccer (kids up to college) for about 15 years. He does HS football, which isn't as bad as college.
I completely agree with the baseball thing. They just stand there looking at the ball. How can they miss something so obvious. Do they blink?
Posted: 2002-11-02 07:24pm
by Tsyroc
Kelly Antilles wrote:THEY are the reason we fucking lost! Fucking Zebras!
[edit] sorry, was quite angry... watching the NCSU vs. Ga. Tech game. I'm still quite pissed. [/edit]
Sorry to hear that. It was nice that the Wolfpack had been doing so well. (Something different from the usual) Hopefully they won't let that kill their season for them though.
On a lighter note, at least
Notre Dame lost.

I'm glad their new coach has been doing well but it was a good time for their bubble to burst.
Posted: 2002-11-02 07:31pm
by CmdrWilkens
Kelly Antilles wrote:THEY are the reason we fucking lost! Fucking Zebras!
[edit] sorry, was quite angry... watching the NCSU vs. Ga. Tech game. I'm still quite pissed. [/edit]
Just be happy you aren't a Tar Heel
M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D Maryland will win.

59-7 baby

In North Carolina

Posted: 2002-11-02 07:33pm
by haas mark
Damn...I'm sorry to hear that. Referees always have to do that to the good guys, don't they? Grr....
Posted: 2002-11-02 07:36pm
by Kelly Antilles
CmdrWilkens wrote:Kelly Antilles wrote:THEY are the reason we fucking lost! Fucking Zebras!
[edit] sorry, was quite angry... watching the NCSU vs. Ga. Tech game. I'm still quite pissed. [/edit]
Just be happy you aren't a Tar Heel
M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D Maryland will win.

59-7 baby

In North Carolina

*shiver* We play the Terps next week. I hope they're too overconfident like Clemson was last week. And Coach is going to ream the guys for playing like they did too.
Posted: 2002-11-02 07:50pm
by CmdrWilkens
Kelly Antilles wrote:CmdrWilkens wrote:Kelly Antilles wrote:THEY are the reason we fucking lost! Fucking Zebras!
[edit] sorry, was quite angry... watching the NCSU vs. Ga. Tech game. I'm still quite pissed. [/edit]
Just be happy you aren't a Tar Heel
M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D Maryland will win.

59-7 baby

In North Carolina

*shiver* We play the Terps next week. I hope they're too overconfident like Clemson was last week. And Coach is going to ream the guys for playing like they did too.
I'm going to that game so I'll make sure to get on TV and send a shoutout when we win

Posted: 2002-11-02 08:15pm
by Kelly Antilles
CmdrWilkens wrote:
I'm going to that game so I'll make sure to get on TV and send a shoutout when we win

Posted: 2002-11-02 08:22pm
by Mr Bean
A question just occured to me, If your at those big PGA Golf things and right as they swing you scream MISS
Can they take legle actiona aginst you or just eject you?

Posted: 2002-11-02 08:24pm
by haas mark
Mr Bean wrote:A question just occured to me, If your at those big PGA Golf things and right as they swing you scream MISS
Can they take legle actiona aginst you or just eject you?

Who knows....? Let's just HOPE they can't take legal action against you...
Posted: 2002-11-02 10:42pm
by lgot
Master Referee
I am actually a soccer referee, and in my experience, the majority of the time referees and spectators disagree, the spectators are wrong
So, you are a soccer referee...poor you...the quality things are by now is really hard to defend this particular group...
well, just as a side note, what would you do in the first division game in Madasgacar that ended with a 149-0 score two days ago ?
(All the goals are own goals, the losing team Olympic something wanted to protest against the referee for some reason and they , during all the game, just kicked the ball to their own goal. The adversaries just remained in the other side watching and the referee of the game just pointed the middlefield 149 times...)
Posted: 2002-11-03 04:53pm
by CmdrWilkens
Kelly Antilles wrote:CmdrWilkens wrote:
I'm going to that game so I'll make sure to get on TV and send a shoutout when we win


Posted: 2002-11-03 05:49pm
by Joe
Hey Kelly, I feel for ya, I had a shitty weekend too (I just got back from Jacksonville, in fact)... we had a crappy call or two during the Ga-Fla game Saturday, but that's no excuse for the sorriest offensive performance I've ever seen out of a Georgia team in my two years of following college ball. I'm gonna be depressed all week because of it, I'm sure...
But it's OK, because now I get to do homework all night.
Posted: 2002-11-03 05:51pm
by CmdrWilkens
Durran Korr wrote:Hey Kelly, I feel for ya, I had a shitty weekend too (I just got back from Jacksonville, in fact)... we had a crappy call or two during the Ga-Fla game Saturday, but that's no excuse for the sorriest offensive performance I've ever seen out of a Georgia team in my two years of following college ball. I'm gonna be depressed all week because of it, I'm sure...
But it's OK, because now I get to do homework all night.
C'mon now homework can be fun, and every now and then you can wander about campus and listen to actual players complain about it. In other words doing homewrok is just another way to connect to your team.

Posted: 2002-11-03 06:05pm
by Master of Ossus
lgot wrote:Master Referee
I am actually a soccer referee, and in my experience, the majority of the time referees and spectators disagree, the spectators are wrong
So, you are a soccer referee...poor you...the quality things are by now is really hard to defend this particular group...
well, just as a side note, what would you do in the first division game in Madasgacar that ended with a 149-0 score two days ago ?
(All the goals are own goals, the losing team Olympic something wanted to protest against the referee for some reason and they , during all the game, just kicked the ball to their own goal. The adversaries just remained in the other side watching and the referee of the game just pointed the middlefield 149 times...)
There's really not a lot you can do in a situation like that. I once had a game where someone was upset enough at the other team to score on themselves. It was in the State Championship tournament, and the deal was that if a team won by more than 6 goals, they would start losing points for every additional goal that they scored. When one team got up 6-0 about midway through the first half, they began purposely scoring on themselves to lower the other team's point total. There's nothing in the Laws of the Game that a referee can do to disallow a goal in the case of that, so the best I could do was caution the players involved for Unsporting Behavior (USB). The game ended 12-0, with two red cards (for double yellows), and eight additional cautions for dissent by action, swearing, and LOOOOTS of USB. I turned the card in with my comments to the tournament directors, and after a brief meeting they agreed to award the winning team with the maximum amount of points for the game (as if it had been 6-0), so it worked out, in the end. It was pretty ugly, though. My best friend and I were on the match, together, and he thought I should have just started disallowing the goals.
Posted: 2002-11-04 06:28pm
by salm
Schiri, wir wissen wo dein Auto steht...
Posted: 2002-11-05 05:42am
by weemadando
Some amusing umpiring experiences (from Aussie rules football)
-Crowd is pelting goal umpire with cans etc... Goal umpire gets sick of it, jumps fence, beats the hell out of one guy, jumps the fence back in time to make a decision.
-I was running the boundary, directly infront of the crowd and the benches when I carefully placed one foot straight through the loop in the lace of the other foots shoe. I go flying through the air forwards. WHUMP into the ground. Stand up. Dust myself off. And continue running to wild applause.
-I told the captain of the Georgetown (really really BAAAAD town) Football Club to "Shut the FUCK up!" after numerous warnings. He did. I don't think he was expecting it.
-Nearly being physically attacked by an irate mother for calling her kid up for a behind the play penalty.
-Having an all in brawl, I'm talking both teams and their benches and the better part of the crowd, that I was stuck in the middle of. Eventually I made it to the edge and stood waiting with the other umps for the cops to arrive. Eventually they did. The match went on with only a few more brawls.
Many many more.