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Posted: 2002-11-03 07:46am
by haas mark
For whatever reason, I was reading through Sluggy Freelance and came across a comic about Thanksgiving (early on, in 1997). Well, anyways, I was wondering what you guys are thankful for. I will post something after about a page or so.
Posted: 2002-11-03 11:18am
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'm thankful for living where I do, I'm better off than many others. Sure, I'm surrounded by snots, and I'm living with my parents and I'm stuck living with them for a couple of years, but some people don't even have parents to live with. They're either , or abusive.
Sure, I wish I could have more, but I should be grateful for what I do have.
Posted: 2002-11-03 12:38pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Im thankful I dont live a couple of hundred years ago when dying in child birth or from the flu was a common. Screw that!
Im glad I dont live a couple of hundred years from now, when I think area like the SF Bay Area will be so crowded it will be fricking miserable.
Posted: 2002-11-03 01:03pm
by Lagmonster
I'm thankful for my lovely wife, incredible health, relative financial security, high level of intellect, and peaceful surroundings. If not for that, what for?
Although it's funny, my peers have kids who benefit from the same things I havve, who act like the world is one giant chemical depressant. Why is that?
Posted: 2002-11-04 09:12am
by haas mark
Posted: 2002-11-04 09:45am
by Darth Wong
I'm thankful that I met Rebecca.
I'm also thankful that I live in a time and a place where finding a cute girl was my biggest concern at the time, rather than, say, finding food.
Posted: 2002-11-04 09:49am
by Kelly Antilles
I'm thankful I have such a loving family, that I'm married to such a wonderful guy, that I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and friends like you guys. That is the most important thing.
Posted: 2002-11-04 10:54am
by Larz
Aww Kelly
... well, I'd have to say I'm thankful for living in the times that I live in now with the friends that I have come to made and am thankful for all that I have as well as the dreams and aspirations that I hope to reach one day.
Posted: 2002-11-04 10:56am
by aerius
I am thankful that I'm not dead, and that I've "cheated" death, because if I died at my age with all the things I have and my whole life ahead of me it would completely suck. I'm thankful I have a caring family, even if we don't get along well at times and annoy the hell out of each other. And to know the people I do, such good friends and people have crossed my path and made me much better of a person than I'd otherwise be. Oh, and my cuddly swimmer girl, who's been keeping me sane for as long as we've known each other, and giving me a reason to never give up in those times when the world seems to collapse around me. So many wonderful people have touched my life, and I'll always be greatful for that.
Posted: 2002-11-04 11:00am
by jegs2
First of all, I'm thankful to God for my wife, Sherri. Then I'm thankful for my health and physical disposition -- so many out there are either handicapped, paralyzed, without hearing, vision, etc. I'm thankful for success in my profession and a chance to excel to higher positions of authority and responsibility. I am also thankful for both friends and aquaintances. Finally, I'm thankful for the possessions I've been given stewardship over for the time being.
Posted: 2002-11-04 11:31am
by Master of Ossus
I'm thankful for having my job, even when everyone else is getting laid off. I'm thankful for for my fiancee, for my health, and all of the friends that have helped me where get where I am today.
Posted: 2002-11-04 03:39pm
by Dalton
I'm thankful to me and to all my friends who helped me gain self-confidence and become my own person instead of the introverted, cowardly geek I spent six years in high school as.
I'm thankful for all my Christian friends like Jon Boyd who showed me all the good stuff in the Bible (it isn't all death and blood and hate, guys - there are some very valid morals in there).
I'm thankful that I have friends like Mike Wong, Wayne Poe, Ian Samuel, Damien Sorresso and other atheists and agnostics who showed me that believing in a supreme being (who's better than you and who is responsible for all the good in your life) is not necessary for living a happy and fulfilled life.
I'm thankful for my friends at ASVS who have forgiven me and helped me through some difficult times, especially on 9/11/2001.
I'm thankful for my friends here for creating a pretty good place to vent
I'm thankful that some small percentage of American citizens are fighting against the corporate-run theocracy that's threatening to take over the nation.
I'm thankful that we have non-standard politicians like Jesse Ventura who like to rock the boatful of Stupid White Men.
I'm thankful for my family, the only people who tend to keep me grounded
I'm thankful for Robert Scott Anderson, because he's shown me that I have to go down pretty goddamn far to match his level of idiocy.
I'm thankful for Chuck Sonnenburg, who is by far my closest Internet friend.
Posted: 2002-11-04 04:46pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
I'm thankful for meeting my husband Dave, and for staying as healthy as I've been. Although those Whoppers from Burger King are kinda putting a little extra weight on me... Lata and Happy Fragging!
Posted: 2002-11-04 05:33pm
by salm
for my new dishwasher. washing dishes per hand sucks so much.
Posted: 2002-11-04 07:54pm
by Enlightenment
I am thankfull that the Sun will eventually turn into a red giant and wipe all life off the face of the earth. No matter what kind of vile, imperial plutocracy American capitalism creates in the next thirty years, we can all take comfort in the knowledge that, eventually, even the codified laws of remorseless greed (economics) will be destroyed at the hands of the equally uncaring laws of physics. One way or another, the human curse will not be forever.
Posted: 2002-11-04 08:31pm
by Raoul Duke, Jr.
I'm thankful for my amazing kids, my beautiful girlfriend, the place I live, and the fact that I can laugh at all of it and do it in such a way that leads to a decent paycheck.
Posted: 2002-11-06 05:12am
by haas mark
I guess its my turn, then.
I'm thankful that I have a loving extended family. I am thankfult hat though abusive my parents were never drunks. I am thankful that I am alive. I am thankful for my talents. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful that I am in college. I am thankful that I have somewhere to go in life. I am thankful for what I have, and that I don't have some of the things that I could have. I am thankful for what I will eventually have. I am thankful that sometimes people actually care. I am thankful that there are no "buts" or "I wishes" attatched to what I am thankful for. I am thankful for you guys. I am thankful for everything that life has to offer, even when the shit hits the fan. I am thankful to be who I am today. I am thankful to be who I am. I am thankful to be.
Posted: 2002-11-09 11:40am
by haas mark
Posted: 2002-11-10 01:28am
by Drewcifer
I'm thankful for my family, and never having to explain; they just understand.
Thankful for my friends, who are always there no matter what.
And thankful that they don't live more than a day's drive away.
Thankful that both never tire of reminding me of what I forget.
Thankful that I live in a time and place where I have the luxury of having personal problems, rather than worrying about food, shelter, oppression.
Thankful for music, and for the ear to enjoy it and the talent to give back to it.
Thankful for groups like this, an oasis.
And mostly thankful that for all my bad choices, I'm still healthy, have all my parts, and have people around me that remember more of the good than the bad.
Posted: 2002-11-10 06:05am
by Nick
I'm thankful that I don't need to worry about food, shelter, money, etc which leaves time free to worry about the morality of a fictional group of humans destroying a fictional group of aliens.
I'm thankful for friends and family who just 'get it', or if they don't quite 'get it', it doesn't matter anyway.
I'm thankful for co-workers who make working for a large organisation tolerable.
I'm thankful to live in a world where information flows more freely than at any time in the past, and where people are working to ensure that it flows even more freely in the future.
Posted: 2002-11-16 06:55am
by haas mark
Posted: 2002-11-16 05:55pm
by Slartibartfast
Hm that "being thankful day" is a totally alien concept to me, sorry.
Posted: 2002-11-16 06:06pm
by haas mark
Slartibartfast wrote:Hm that "being thankful day" is a totally alien concept to me, sorry.
Dun remember making any refernce to that day...
Posted: 2002-11-16 06:10pm
by Kuja
I am thankful for all the times I lived through a possible death.
I'm thankful for my new GF, who is the living incarnation of White Mage.
Posted: 2002-11-16 07:43pm
by Slartibartfast
verilon wrote:Slartibartfast wrote:Hm that "being thankful day" is a totally alien concept to me, sorry.
Dun remember making any refernce to that day...
For whatever reason, I was reading through Sluggy Freelance and came across a comic about Thanksgiving (early on, in 1997).