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Briefly forgetting something

Posted: 2004-08-25 07:26pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Have you ever had those times where for a few minutes, you forget how to do something extremely basic and routine, only to remember it again a little bit later?

For example, a few days ago, I was putting on my shoes to go outside, and briefly forgot how to tie my shoes despite doing it since I was a toddler. After about a minute of looking at my feet, it came back to me again.

Posted: 2004-08-25 07:27pm
by DocHorror
The one thing I hate is when you go to bed and forget how to go to sleep.

Posted: 2004-08-25 07:27pm
by JME2
I find that with the ammount of data that the human mind processes at an average moment, some thoughts, even the most basic ones, can just be tough to access.

Needless to say, with the ammount of activity going on in my brain, I frequetly have these kinds of moments.

Posted: 2004-08-25 07:39pm
by YT300000
JME2 wrote:I find that with the ammount of data that the human mind processes at an average moment, some thoughts, even the most basic ones, can just be tough to access.

Needless to say, with the ammount of activity going on in my brain, I frequetly have these kinds of moments.
Not to mention that you're the most humble person in the whole world... :P

I sometimes get these, but they're never stuff that has been put to muscle memory (ie. tying my shoes). That comes automatically without thinking. But I sometimes forget very minor stuff like how to properly hold a fork.

Posted: 2004-08-25 07:54pm
by Temjin
Mostly, I just forget words.

For instance, when I'm about to write a sentence, I'll suddenly forget a certain word in it. I'll know what the sentence is supposed to mean, and what the word it's self means, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what the specific word is.

Posted: 2004-08-25 08:21pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Sometimes in speech this will happen. For example, earlier last week, I was talking with a friend--about what I forget--but it went something like this:

HIM: Blah blah blah blah blah.
ME (with the full intent to say something useful): Double ............ <longer pause> ..... words....

I couldn't for the life of me utter what I wanted to say, even though I full well knew what it was, but I was able to get out "words". Always have that in your bag of tricks in case of emergencies.

Posted: 2004-08-25 10:29pm
by aerius
I have a tendency to put something down and immediately forget where it is. For example I'll be preparing dinner and using a knife to chop up some vegetable. Then I'll put the knife down to wash my hands and 10 seconds later I'm going "where the fuck did I put the damn knife?"

Posted: 2004-08-26 12:22am
by Stofsk
I forgot my mum's work number today, even though I practically call her every day. I got the first 4 numbers, then got lost. Then I tried calling her on her mobile when I realised I had forgotten that number as well. Most bizarre.

Posted: 2004-08-26 01:19am
by Dalton
Sometimes I start Firefox and then check my email...then forget what website I was going to go to. And it bothers me until I remember it, like some sort of lost, lonely process banging against the walls of my brain and causing noise until I find the damn thing.

Posted: 2004-08-26 01:29am
by aerius
Dalton wrote:Sometimes I start Firefox and then check my email...then forget what website I was going to go to. And it bothers me until I remember it, like some sort of lost, lonely process banging against the walls of my brain and causing noise until I find the damn thing.
That reminds me. Sometimes I'll just be sitting around or whatever and I'll have this nagging feeling that I'm supposed to be doing something important, but what I can never remember. And then I go "ah fuck it" and go back to doing whatever I was doing before.

Posted: 2004-08-26 01:33am
by Alferd Packer
One time I forgot how to spell "who." And then I argued that "who" didn't look right. That was my biggest brain fart ever.

Posted: 2004-08-26 01:42am
by Gandalf
I mostly just forget words. I look rather silly when I do.

"Hello there <Insert name here>, how are you... uhh... today." All the time gesticulating like Dr. Strangelove. It's quite something.

Posted: 2004-08-26 02:21am
by Sarevok
It happens to me sometimes while doing C++ programming. I would create a new class, and decide to add some member functions, go and edit another function and then forget about the original task.

Posted: 2004-08-26 05:53am
by Ace Pace
I forgot words, I can remember the word in hebrew or in english, but I just can't remember the other, it makes for embaressing situations.

Posted: 2004-08-26 08:43am
by Chardok
As a phone rep, I frequently forget things momentarily. I chalk it up to exactly what JME was talking about. Too much data, not enough neurons firing at once. After all, my fucking brain is 26 years old. Had I a computer that old (KayPro, anyone?), I'd barely be able to use it as a typewriter! Anyway, I gotta remember alot of shit, but my most common error is the one all men make.

See, men are, by nature, protectors. we can't help it. we hoard things. We are the dragons of our dungeons, King's of our castles and Lord's of our domains. Unless you take estrogen. Then you actually have the power to control men with evil mind powers. But that is neither here nor there. Okay, well, it's there, but that's not important now. Man comes home from work and looks at his keys (Or in Dalton's case, trainpass) and thinks "*grunt* me must hide keys so are safe. Me must have keys tomorrow when go."

So he does. In his secret, supersafe hiding spot.

So he gets up in the morning and thinks, "Where the hell are my keys?!" Tearing the house apart, he remembers! "My supersecret supersafe hiding spot!!!"
Only wait.
"Where is the SPOT?!" NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

Don't laugh. You know you do it.

Posted: 2004-08-26 09:08am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Alferd Packer wrote:One time I forgot how to spell "who." And then I argued that "who" didn't look right. That was my biggest brain fart ever.
That happens to me every now and then. Mostly on the computer. I'll type out a word, and it just doesn't look right. As a matter of fact, "doesn't" is one of the biggest offenders. I mean look at it, really look at it. That boy ain't right.

Posted: 2004-08-26 10:10am
by Chardok
I think the word Color looks wrong....always have....just looks dumb.

Posted: 2004-08-26 10:47am
by Prozac the Robert
Thats because there should be a u in it. :wink:

I do the word thing a lot. Either forget the word for a thing, or forget how to spell things. It's worse when typing, and even worse when text messaging. Yesterday I couldn't spell 'eight'.

Posted: 2004-08-26 10:51am
by Ravenwing
I once tried to dial my home number and dialed my friends home, i suppose im so used to typing his number rather than my own that habit took over...

Posted: 2004-08-26 11:29am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Chardok wrote:I think the word Color looks wrong....always have....just looks dumb.
Yeah, I bet you'd like it spelled "colour," you Queen-humping, monarch loving, colony abusing pond-acrosser!

Posted: 2004-08-26 11:37am
by General Zod
Sometimes i'll go to type a url into a web browser, then immediately forget the url i was about to type in the browser as soon as i click it. I've also had aerius' problem of setting something down then forgetting what i did with it. on occasion i've actually caught myself about to apply toothpaste to my comb when i was in the bathroom.

Posted: 2004-08-26 01:40pm
by Chardok
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:
Chardok wrote:I think the word Color looks wrong....always have....just looks dumb.
Yeah, I bet you'd like it spelled "colour," you Queen-humping, monarch loving, colony abusing pond-acrosser!
Hmmph. I don't have to take this happy-horseshit, you knee-high yellow bellied Lawn-stomper. It's time for tea and crumpets anyway. after that, I'm going to the theatre to watch that one movie...about all the Armour...with that sword....Excalibur or whatever. I believe it's playing in Munich, too. (That last one was a dig at germans who positively fume when we call that city munich instead of it's peoper name, Munchen....with umlauts...)


In other words, SOD OFF, you FILTHY Yank!!!

Wait a sec....*Checks penis*

HEY! I'm a yank! YOU HIT ME WITH THAT 3\/01 gnomish confusilizer ray! Now you dye!

Posted: 2004-08-26 02:04pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Chardok wrote:HEY! I'm a yank! YOU HIT ME WITH THAT 3\/01 gnomish confusilizer ray! Now you dye!
Either that, or you're just a batshit looney.

Posted: 2004-08-26 02:11pm
by Chardok
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:
Chardok wrote:HEY! I'm a yank! YOU HIT ME WITH THAT 3\/01 gnomish confusilizer ray! Now you dye!
Either that, or you're just a batshit looney.
Pfft. now you're just being ugly. Let's make up. Hugs?

Posted: 2004-08-26 02:14pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Chardok wrote:Pfft. now you're just being ugly. Let's make up. Hugs?
Very well.

*gives Chardok a nice warm hug around the ankles*