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Help me rethink the British military.
Posted: 2002-11-04 08:18pm
by LordShaithis
So I'm playing SuperPower, and I've decided that it's time for Great Britain to return to her imperial past. Of course, I can't embark on a campaign of world domination without dreaming up some badass new weapons to use, and since you guys seem to love this sort of shit anyway, I need some names for these things, as well as any other ideas you have.
Okay, here are some things I'm thinking of...
* A biochemical ICBM, to be launched from the UK for the purpose of softening up targets for invasion worldwide, without leaving them as glassed craters.
* A short-ranged, sub-launched version of the above missile, assuming there's enough time and money to be saved in doing it this way.
* An aircraft carrier that makes a Nimitz look like a bath toy, makes the rest of the world shit in it's pants, and makes my empire broke if I try to build more than one at a time.
Posted: 2002-11-04 08:35pm
by Raptor 597
I never played Super Power, is it good? Anyway does small arms have an efffect or section. Get a 155 mm tank, with suicide attacks with nerve gas released shells sort of like flares. As for strategy, kill off France,, hold Calsias and consildate incorporating the Army, before moving incorporating the iberian, Germany, Itlay, weep Eatern Eupoe then Turkey.
Re: Help me rethink the British military.
Posted: 2002-11-04 08:36pm
by The Dark
GrandAdmiralPrawn wrote:* An aircraft carrier that makes a Nimitz look like a bath toy, makes the rest of the world shit in it's pants, and makes my empire broke if I try to build more than one at a time.
Falkland-class, just because it sounds kinda cool and it was where British carriers made a difference. The other two, no earthly idea. Last chemical warfare thing I saw was that V-X gas from The Rock.
Re: Help me rethink the British military.
Posted: 2002-11-04 08:39pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
GrandAdmiralPrawn wrote:So I'm playing SuperPower, and I've decided that it's time for Great Britain to return to her imperial past. Of course, I can't embark on a campaign of world domination without dreaming up some badass new weapons to use, and since you guys seem to love this sort of shit anyway, I need some names for these things, as well as any other ideas you have.
Okay, here are some things I'm thinking of...
* A biochemical ICBM, to be launched from the UK for the purpose of softening up targets for invasion worldwide, without leaving them as glassed craters.
* A short-ranged, sub-launched version of the above missile, assuming there's enough time and money to be saved in doing it this way.
Chemical weapons aren't that effective.
* An aircraft carrier that makes a Nimitz look like a bath toy, makes the rest of the world shit in it's pants, and makes my empire broke if I try to build more than one at a time.
Posted: 2002-11-04 08:43pm
by ElBlanco
The problem with an aircraft carrier that size is getting support craft for it. Also, how happy are your people? They are going to be manning your boats.
I say build some new strike craft. Look at the fear the B2 instills in foriegn powers. Make it versital, so you can drop a bomb or a SAS team.
Posted: 2002-11-04 09:24pm
by Sea Skimmer
Hopeless. The use of NBC weapons will just result in a higher body count and a dead UK. The UK simply doesn’t have a big enough economy to take over more then one or two other minor countries. The UK mightb e able to take on Italy, but nothing bigger, and of course everyone else will build up to match.
Your giant carrier would draw to much water for UK ports; take a decade or more to build since all new facilities would have to be built. It would also be far less available then several smaller CV's.
Posted: 2002-11-04 09:29pm
by phongn
There's also the not-so-minor issue of ABM defenses

Posted: 2002-11-04 10:15pm
by Jadeite
Your giant carrier would draw to much water for UK ports; take a decade or more to build since all new facilities would have to be built. It would also be far less available then several smaller CV's.
Iv played the Superpower demo, thats not a problem, the games not complex enough 2 deal with buildings, just units. The best use I found for the game was to see how quick I could start nuclear wars.
Posted: 2002-11-04 10:57pm
by CmdrWilkens
Man where's Rob Wilson when you need him?

Posted: 2002-11-05 01:35am
by TrailerParkJawa
Is this game any fun. I remember it got trashed as an unfinished buggy product. I vaguely remember loadind the demo, but didnt play for some reason.